When one simple thing gets published


It never gets old, friends. I was over the moon DELIGHTED when Somerset Home desired to publish my funky little potting shed sign on the shed. Life sure has a funny way of working itself out. A little behind the scenes mentality… This project started out as a means of introducing some garden themed stencils to […]

DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 367


DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 367 Every Friday, 7 PM through Sunday 11 PM Pacific Welcome, junkers! Is spring fever striving to enter your lives yet? With the sun finally making an appearance on the west coast, I was inspired to accomplish two firsts of the year… outdoors! This past week on Funky Junk The season’s first […]

Oversized spring garden tulip crate flowerbed. Literally!


Oversized spring garden tulip crate flowerbed. This post contains a book review as well as affiliate links in which I earn a small percentage from qualifying purchases through these links, at no extra cost to you. Thank-you for helping to support my blog! GIVEAWAY HAS NOW ENDED. Congrats to #21 Jan! You have been emailed. […]

Beating the Feb blues with a winter bike ride


Today I really felt the February blues. I’m generally not an unhappy person, but drizzly days can leave you feeling less than inspired. I flicked on the TV, and started munching a few chips, when I realized… yikes. That’s true hibernation right there. Glancing outside, I noted it was attempting to rain. Sigh… I’ve really been […]

DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 366


DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 366 Every Friday, 7 PM through Sunday 11 PM Pacific Happy weekend, friends! Where did the week go?  No idea! But I did manage to get some ‘boring’ cleaning done again. But this round, I’ve adopted a new stance on it so it ISN’T SO boring… I call it One New […]