Tips on designing an old sign themed paint studio


When I first challenged myself with a cleaning challenge called Heap of Change, all I really expected to do was declutter. But I’m SO GLAD I pushed myself to the extreme in this area. Because this particular before and after is one of the most dramatic ones I’ve done to date! Where we left off…. […]

A fall home tour with hydrangeas and junk


While fall may be the shutting down of many things, it’s also the start of something pretty spectacular. For me, fall is a season to gather what’s been growing all along, catching it while it rests. Then making it into something that could never have been, while growing madly mid summer.   I’m thankful… for hydrangeas when they are past […]

Funky new boarded wall for the laundry room


Funky new boarded wall for the laundry room Back in the day, whenever someone would be sitting in front of the TV, we’d all be in danger of ‘the laundry basket’. Mom would swoop into the room, plunk a big ‘ol basket full of freshly line dried laundry in front of us, and we knew the drill. But we whined […]

Rustic log candle fall centrepiece … and a cat.


Rustic log candle fall centrepiece Today’s post is brought to you by Thanksgiving in Canada, and a cat photo bomber. My son wanted a nice dinner for our Thanksgiving, so I got all fancy-like, and picked up a ham, whipped up some homemade scalloped potatoes , applesauce, ambrosia, and a few other fun things. But […]

The over abundant hydrangea filled mantel, 2014 edition


It’s most definitely hydrangea harvesting season! Let the over abundant decorating games begin. 🙂  Most folks have pruned their hydrangeas by now. I leave them intact until I use them. Frost is just around the corner, and that’s when they turn brown. So it’s now or never. But… they need one more thing. With the […]