Welcome to Funky Junk’s Party Junk, a multi themed DIY link party!
Home Decor / Gardening
Crafts / Sewing / Recipes / Printables / Blog Tips
*Theme of the Week
Every Friday, 7pm thru Sunday, 11pm Pacific
This weekend is EXTRA special! We’re linking up our beloved pets today in honour of Teddy. who passed on this week.
Teddy had the coolest quirks!
She sat on the back of my office chair each night. I loved feeling her fur against my head.
She use to wait on my pillow until I lifted the covers, so she could cuddle up against me, buried deep beneath the blankets. No idea how she breathed but she loved it! Me too!
She would only drink water outside. True story. I even tried ice cubes indoors but no go. Her favourite place to drink was in an antique milking machine which filled with rainwater. Her little moss covered stump gave her the extra padded lift she loved.
But oh my did she TALK. If cats had only a set amount of meows, she ran out the first year I had her. Part of it was an overactive thyroid, but she’s always been vocal anyway.
She had this little distinctive meow that was silent. If she was very happy and just wanted to say hello back when you pet or talked to her, she’d let out a little silent meow that sounded more like “eh!” SO CUTE! i use to talk more to her just so I could hear it. 🙂
She earned her nickname monkey by not only her dark little face, she use to race around like a teenager well in her later years. She was a kook!
Teddy’s favorite pillow was this rather ugly fuzzy thing I found at the thrift store. I picked it up because it felt like cat fur. Both my cats fought over it to sleep on. That ugly fuzzy pillow means more to me now than you’ll ever know.
Teddy was actually an indoor cat. It was only when I moved to this place she had a desire to peek outside. Being extremely timid, she’d dash in the house the moment she’d hear a noise. But when I went for a wander out back, she always raced to keep up with me. She loved her little meadow walk.
She never left my side. I’ll simply miss her until the end of time.
This linkup is not only to honour her, but it’s to honour your own pets as well. How many think to do an intentional photo shoot of their pets? Probably not often. I’m encouraging you today to do just that. Take the time for some super nice shots so you have them forever.
Teddy’s last shoot was the day before she passed. You can see her HERE in the video I made for her at her favourite creek out back. You guessed it… she went there to drink!
Thank-you for being here today in honour of my girl.
And now it’s your turn. I cannot wait to see your own sweet pets and hear about how much they mean to you!
Share your own pet pictures in this weekend’s 3rd themed linkup!
Related links:
Party Junk themes on Pinterest
How to link up to a link party
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Right click a button above, save to desktop, upload into your blog post like a photo, and link it to this party’s url from your address bar.
~ Party Junk blah blah linkup rules ~
1. DIY home projects only pretty please. Items for sale must be in tutorial form on your blog.
2. Linkups must be your own work, not another’s.
3. Only projects new to Party Junk please. The themed linkup is an exception.
4. By linking up here, you’re cool with me featuring you on my blog, Pinterest, Twitter, FJI Facebook and I Love That Junk with no additional permission required.
Watch for amazing highlights on:
Party Junk Highlights on Pinterest
So sorry to hear about your beloved Teddy. It’s always hard to lose a pet as they become one of the family.
Thanks for hosting!
Enjoy your weekend.
Donna….I am sorry about your sweet Teddy. I have lost a couple of dogs that I hope to see again when we meet in heaven. They are family – after all. Thanks for hosting.
Donna I am so sorry to hear about Teddy’s illness and passing. It is so hard. One day I came home to see both of my cats on the bed with the light streaming in beautifully and I grabbed my camera and started shooting. I’m so glad I did, because it was maybe a week later when Dot got sick, had surgery, and refused to eat again, no matter how much I coaxed her. I heard her breathe her last breath on the floor next to my bed. Her liter-mate died 4 months later, kidney failure, but really a broken heart. Two years later we adopted two more liter mates. But, it took that long. I remember the emptiness so well. My heart hurts with yours, today. May the God of all comfort hold you close. [hugs]
Teddy is one gorgeous girl!! Love the story about her little meow! Thanks for the Pet Party. Little Albie is makin’ his blog debut tonight thanks to your party. 🙂
I’m so, so sorry about Teddy. So very sad. You two had a special bond and I know she was well-loved and well cared for … and she missed you too!
And as I type this, my husband and I are in the midst of a conversation about rescuing a beagle who is at Animal Control. A beagle who was given up by its owners at 6 years old. Huh? How do you do that? I have a 5 1/2 year old beagle here that we also rescued (and linked up) and could never, ever fathom giving him up! No matter how much he drives us insane …
Again, so sorry about Teddy. I’m thinking of you and Teddy tonight …
Oh, what precious memories you’ll always have of your sweet Teddy. My Ernie used to sit on the chair with me and play with my supplies when I was making jewelry. Not once did I ever get annoyed with him because I knew I’d miss his crazy ways one day. Our pets will always be with us.
Teddy was a beautiful kitty and she was so blessed to have you as her human! My kitty is turning 16 this year and she’s been crying out at night lately. It’s been worrying me. They provide so much and ask so little in return. This was an awesome way to honor Teddy!
Christy, Teddy got progressively vocal at night lately. It was most definitely health related in her case. I suggest to get it checked out ASAP. The vet told me if cats do ANYTHING off their regular routine, don’t hesitate! I hope it works out ok for you… but I also understand that fear so very well.
I was so sorry to hear about Teddy. So glad you got to get some extra photo time with her toward the end. We just lost our kitty, Otis, in December and I wish I would have taken more photos of him.
Donna, so sorry about the passing of your sweet kitty.
Hi Donna,
Thank you so much for hosting, so sorry to hear about you losing your precious kitty Teddy, it is always hard to lose a pet when they are such a close member of our family.
Oh, Donna, I’m so sorry for your loss! I loved reading about Teddy 🙂 They are definitely family members and difficult to deal with a loss.
So sorry for your loss this week Donna. You gave such a beautiful tribute to a beloved pet. What a great idea for this weeks link party to honor all our pets!
Have a lovely weekend.
Susan@ Rustic ReDiscovered
Wow. I had NO idea what was going on with Teddy when I took a break from my usual DIY projects and did a post on my two wonderful cats a couple of days ago. I was so surprised when I saw your theme tonight! And also SO SAD for you loss. What a beautiful cat you had. I loved reading about Teddy and seeing the photos. It’s obvious how much he meant to you. My photos are mostly crazy shots… but that captures their personality best! Thanks for hosting the party. We were away tonight and I kept telling my hubby to drive faster so I could get home and be one of the first to your party! Am I pathetic or what… haha
Hahaha!! Too funny!
So glad you took the time to do the pet shoot. You will NEVER regret it!
Hi Donna, such a loving sharing of Teddy, you are so right about taking pictures of ones pet now and not waiting.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Our pet friends are so dear – I know my own have saved my sanity more than once. Thanks for hosting and be nice to yourself!
Hi Donna, Thanks again for hosting another great party!!
Thanks for hosting Donna!
Sorry about the loss of your kitty Donna….
What a very sweet theme! I love reading about the funny things your cute Teddy did. Pets can make all the difference in our lives. Thank you for such a good reminder to take pictures of my family dog, “Keiki”. She is truly our 4th child, but I always shoo her out of my picture when I am trying to shoot my work! Taking some shots of her this weekend!
I was so sorry to hear about Teddy. She definitely sounds like a wonderful companion. I shared my story of our cat, Blue, {which I have actually shared before} and envision them running around in heaven together. I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s pet stories – thanks so much for doing this.
Jenn 🙂
Thank you so much for hosting Donna! Your new site looks lovely! Have a grat weekend! Angie xo
Donna, what an honour to participate this week… I hope sharing our stories will help with the pain of the past week. Thank you for hosting such a wonderful Pet Parade; I am looking forward to visiting many participants and their beautiful fur babies! Take care.
Thinking of you at this difficult time of adjustment. Teddy was truly blessed to have found you. x
Teddy was a beautiful cat, you can see the happiness in her face in those photos above, so sorry she’s not with you anymore. We have an 11 week old Labrador Retriever puppy, our journey is just starting. I hope Boswell brings our family as much joy as Teddy did for you.
Thanks for hosting another fun party, I am glad to be joining in again… have a great weekend!
so very sorry, donna. hugs to you and your family:) thanks somuch for the great party, and enjoy your weekend!
I am so sorry about Teddy’s loss. Our pets add so much to our lives. I know you will miss your sweet kitty’s company very much. Thanks for sharing about Teddy. Beautiful.
I am so very sorry for your loss. I linked up and updated post that i wrote when we lost our sweet Savanna…
I hope that maybe this poem, The Rainbow Bridge may help:
So sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful pet-This is a wonderful way to honor Teddy’s memory.
LOVE the pet link-up! Again, I am so sorry for the hurt you are feeling. Life to the full, Melissa
Thank you for hosting Donna. I linked up an old post with my big ole dog in it, but since then I’ve had to put him to sleep. Just looking at his sweet face, makes me miss him so much. I’m sorry for your loss too. It’s crazy how attached we get to our faithful pals… Little Bit
Oh Donna, I am so very sorry for your loss. What a gift to have those special memories and photos!! My son is allergic to cats and dogs…so no pets here. My parents have a big sweet Labradoodle that we have “adopted”…love him! Thanks for hosting again this week. Blessings, Laurel
Oh Donna….so sorry to hear about your Teddy 🙁 We’ve not lost a pet yet, but when it’s time for my Bogart to leave us, I know it will be an emotional time.
I haven’t linked up for forever and a day, so I was happy to have 2 posts this time (home decor and crafts). Thanks for hosting such a great shin-dig!
Teddy was beautiful 🙂 I’m so sorry for your loss. I know how difficult this time can be and I think honoring Teddy is wonderful!
Teddy sounds like she was a rockstar pet / family member! I love those silent meows ~ I have one who does that, too. I linked up one in memory of my adventurous little pal playing Hedge Apple Soccer. We miss him, too. Such purr-sonality! They certainly add a lot of joy and love to our lives, don’t they? Sending you an e-hug.
<3 Christina @ I Gotta Create!
She was a beautiful cat! I love her long beautiful coat. Sounds so sweet!
Your link party this week is a sweet tribute to your dear little friend. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Teddy was beautiful, Donna. What a wonderful way to honour her.
I am so sorry to hear about Teddy <3 .They are more than a pet but a family companion.My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Thank you so much for hosting.And letting me share our family companion too!
Thanks for hosting the party! I am so sorry for the loss of your precious kitty! I lost my cat last year. She was 25. They are like one of the family! Big hug to you!
I’m so sorry to here about Teddy…I have enjoyed seeing her in your posts!!! My heart truly goes out to you…but what a fun way to remember her with a link party! I have tried to add your new button to my side bar but can’t seem to make it work. I have always copied and pasted the links url when I add buttons…I just don’t get how to do it.
So sad to hear of Teddy’s passing, I know you and your son will miss her very much. A pet leaves their paw prints on our heart and in our memories. She is waiting for you and one day you will see each other again. Love & hugs.
So sorry about the loss of Teddy. Losing a cherished friend like that is very hard. You have some beautiful photos of her~
My heart is in my throat after scrolling down the page and seeing my sweet Lucy featured in your opening photos. I miss her so much…
So sorry about Teddy. Losing a pet is so gut wrenching. My heart aches for you.
Thank you so much for hosting. I’m so sorry for your loss. I recently lost one of my dogs. I really miss her. Hope your week ahead is better.
Peggy~PJH Designs
Thank you so much for hosting Donna, and sharing your beautiful pictures of your Teddy too 🙂
xo, Tanya
So sorry to hear about your sweet Teddy. It really is so hard to lose a pet…they are a part of us, a part of our families. She was stunning! I loved looking through all the pets here..I have 2 Ragdolls, a Golden/mix(rescue) and a Pom…but I’ve not done any posts on them yet to share!
I just found your blog and I love it. I will be following all your post because I have a 125 year old farm and my favorite thing to do is repurpose old things. Love, love, love rust. I’m sorry to hear about Teddy. I have two dogs, a cat and chickens and love my pets as well. Thanks for sharing and for your link party. susan
so sorry for your sadness Donna 🙁 hope you have a better week ahead ♥
thank you for hosting for us!
Such sweet, sweet pets. Thanks for hosting such a sweet, sentimental party.
Great party this week! Loving all the pets 🙂
I am so sorry about Teddy. I am a kitty person too and I dread the day mine passes on. She crawls under the covers too and I wonder how she can breath. She travels with me across country and tolerates it well, what will I do when she is gone!!! I know how attached we are to our little pals, you have wonderful memories and pictures.
I’m sorry to hear about Teddy, your lovely cat who has helped grace your blog so many times. I have one who looks very much the same and he isn’t doing so well himself. They become such a big part of our lives and so hard to lose. Hugs xo