A bird’s eye view of magnificent Niagara Falls


Back in the day, my parents took my brother and I to the Ontario region. Mom and Dad were extreme sightseers, and didn’t know the meaning of relaxing when on ‘vacation’. One day in particular, I refused to leave the hotel room one. more. day. NO amount of encouraging worked, no matter how big of a deal the […]

CN Tower, Wicked, Graffiti Alley in Toronto. Wow.


I’ve always wanted to visit New York. So when I most recently spent some time in Toronto, it was incredibly tempting to hop on a plane after Blogpodium and fly on over there. Know what? New York IS on my bucket list, bar none. But Toronto offered me all the NYC perks without the added […]

Country mouse meets big city lights of Toronto – 2


It took me awhile to come up with the words for this series. So much transpired, it was completely overwhelming. I think you know me well enough by now to realize I can’t possibly write about an experience like this in just one short post. I want to take you with me… so here we […]

Keynote speaker, BlogPodium, Toronto, Me? Yes! – 1


This day started just like any other day. My freshly brewed hot coffee joined me for my morning browse online.   Spam / delete.   Spam  / delete.   Oh… now there’s a nice comment!   Spam / delete. Hmmm… this one doesn’t look like spam… Click…”   “Hi Donna, I don’t think our paths have […]