Where the upcycled dollhouse went


Visit the entire dollhouse series HERE . click click click click… “Ok! The dollhouse move’s all set! Got all the tools packed?” “Yes! Let’s do it!” “I’m so excited! I can’t believe it’s moving day!” “I know! I wonder if we’ll be closer to a Starbucks… total bonus…” “I’m so glad neighbour Janette came by […]

Furniture how tos for the upcycled dollhouse


This post was a little bittersweet to make. My beloved upcycled dollhouse is now a wrap, and will go off to a place that works with children soon. But as promised, here’s a post that’s ALL about how the furniture was made from wood scraps and thrift store finds. I’m glad I had a reason […]

Upcycled bookshelf dollhouse with furniture reveal


Upcycled bookshelf dollhouse with furniture reveal This is a story about how two barbie dolls became lucky owners of their enchanting new dollhouse made out of a bookshelf, filled with easy-to-make upcycled furniture using scrap wood and objects found in a thrift store. Have a child you’d like to do a project with? This may […]

Vintage show and upcycled dollhouse shopping


Visit the entire dollhouse series HERE Today ended up being kind of a maintenance kind of day. My son needed to have some work done on his braces, so I pulled him out of school for a quick hour.  What makes our little treks into town special is always stopping at Tim Horton’s. I get […]

Barbie and her upcycled doll furniture ways


Visit the entire dollhouse series HERE Did you know that (my) Barbie is a junker? Oh, she’s hip all right. She’s into reclaimed wood, repurposing, old sign stencilling, and even collecting home decor from the great outdoors. So, remember the upcycled doll house I’m making from a book shelf? I had picked up a bunch of thrift store […]