What my longer Hawaiian vacation did for me


I’m currently sitting on my pallet sofa on the patio, wearing a tan with a cozy blanket close by, since our current BC Canada weather is overcast, yet still gratefully warm. There’s no flowers in bloom within my view…. something I’m not accustomed to seeing lately. Note to self: get some flowers. It’s a struggle […]

Taking in the stunning Wailea Beach Path (with video)


If you happen to be in Maui, don’t miss out on the amazing and free Wailea Beach Path, which takes you for a long meandering walk along the ocean and through the edge of some fabulous resorts! Take in our tour! Hi! Not quite Aloha any longer since I am officially back home in Oh […]

Permission to thrive


When I first arrived in Maui, the two big aloe vera plants beside my outdoor lanai had seen better days. I’ve frequented this condo many times over the years and honestly, their current state shocked me.  They were both orange and dry. I honestly thought they were on their way out.  So I decided to […]

On being back in Maui

Kamaole Beach 2 in Kihei, Hawaii

Week one here on the island is already a wrap. Can you even believe that?! Right now, I’m kinda running to all my familiar hotspots and just getting a lay of the land once again.  I attempted a journal blog post. It was fun and rather therapeutic, however I’m not sure where something that detailed […]

I’m going home. Again.


As many of you already know, back when I was going through a little life crisis, I default checked Maui flights where nothing was available. So I checked into an AMAZING nearby quaint lake cottage instead for a quick fix. It was beyond perfect and JUST what I craved for. After returning, I attempted to […]