How I set up for an old signs market.


How I set up for an old signs market. This post has been updated July 2020 to become a helpful guide on how to set up for a market. Our little town has a local market right in the park. While I love to visit the market, I have yet to sell at it.  So […]

Landing a rustic armoire made out of crates


Landing a rustic armoire made out of crates About 10 minutes before we head out to the airport for our trip to NYC, a neighbour knocked on the front door. “I have a rustic cupboard that may interest you. We’re getting rid of it, but felt this may be your thing…” Goodness… do you have any […]

How to repaint a front door… industrial blue style.


How to repaint a front door… industrial blue style . I have wanted to repaint my front door forever. Here’s why… The door before . Welcome to my very scratched up burgundy door. It was this colour when I moved in. Over time, I attempted to add a glaze to it to give it some […]

PJ 330 – DIY salvaged junk


  PJ 330 – DIY salvaged junk projects Every Friday, 7 PM through Sunday 11 PM Pacific Happy weekend, friends! I am home from our NYC trip, and goodness…do I have stories to share and pics to show you! I nearly typed out my first post last night, but got overwhelmed when I uploaded all […]

Home from NYC, and ready to story tell, journal style


This morning turned out so different from the past 10 days. I woke up to my two cats snuggling near me, with birds chirping through the slightly ajar bedroom window. No sirens. No clattering of metal, nor conversations, and not one truck back up alarm to be heard. But also, no Starbucks Pike, gorgeous city view, nor […]