Work with us * Affiliate info

About me – read more HERE 

Hi there! I’m Donna Williams, of Funky Junk Interiors and designer of Funky Junk’s Old Sign Stencils!

I create DIY home and garden projects using branded products, and would love the opportunity to help you generate sales and interest with yours!

Sorry, I currently do not host guest posts.

So how is working with me going to help you?

diy screen door build

Visit my DIY projects HERE


Our Audience


Funky Junk Interiors has been online for 15 years, and currently has built a total of 682,000 invested extremely loyal followers on all our accounts.


Newsletter Subscribers – 20k

HomeTalk – 119k +

Facebook – 250k +

Pinterest – 240k +

Twitter – 8k +

Instagram – 45k +


Our readers include DIYers, builders, crafters, readers, travellers, adventurers, product buyers and gardeners who are genuinely interested in learning more about:

  • DIY projects – from easy to complex
  • What’s new in tools and how to use them
  • Building tips and tricks
  • Home and garden decorating and projects
  • Up-cycled projects
  • New products and innovations on the market
  • Travel adventures
  • Bike riding tips and tricks, gear and where to visit

While I live in Canada, 80% of our readers reside in the USA.

Visit my workshop projects and tools HERE



We are on every social media frequently.

  • Blog posting – approx 2-3x a week.
  • Weekend up-cycled project parties every Friday Thru Wednesday
  • Frequently posts to Hometalk – the world’s largest DIY platform with 119k followers.
  • Facebook interaction.
  • Instagram posts.
  • Daily Story user through Instagram and Facebook.
  • Frequent pinner on Pinterest.
  • Uploading to YouTube.
  • Videos within project blog posts.
  • Updates on Twitter.

Visit Funky Junk’s Old Sign Stencils projects HERE


How we share what we do


There’s so much we can do to be unique and creative!

  • Project blog post tutorials focusing on evergreen content that stands the test of time.
  • Product reviews with giveaways.
  • Corporate sponsorships.
  • Speaking engagements.
  • Videos.
  • Story sharing on social media.

Have a unique idea? Let’s chat!



We have worked with many brands such as Ebay, Fusion Mineral Paint and Martha Stewart, written for magazines such as FOLK, featured in magazines such as Flea Market Decor, Somerset Home, Country Woman, Cabin Life, Signcraft, Cottages & Bungalows, Flea Market Style and Romantic Homes, have hosted product and book reviews, won contests, been featured on TV and more.

Visit our full press page HERE for all the details.

Road to Hana Maui Hawaii - black sand beach-013



Our readers are intrigued with sole women travel tips and beautiful new sights to see.

Each post shares tips along with gorgeous captures.

As of 2020, I’ve travelled Hawaii extensively but have yet to visit the main island.

Never having yet set foot off North America other than Hawaii, it’s also high time to go international! Anywhere! 

Visit my extensive travel section to date HERE

bike on the Vedder River rotary trail during summer-001

Bike Riding


Having a good, quality bike along with great bike gear is a must when you travel miles upon miles of trails daily. My readers love to come along for the ride and to learn valuable bike tips and gorgeous captures through stories and blog posts.

Visit about my bike adventures HERE

View current stories on Instagram HERE


Upcoming projects


Are you interested in partnering with us during this quarter or planning into your next? Here are some projects we have coming up for 2020 and onwards!

Have an idea on how we can work with your product or service? We’d love to hear what you have in mind!


Seasonal decorating

Outdoor landscaping

Outdoor living spaces – patios, firepit, patio roof, outdoor furniture

Re-painting the outside of the house

Wood posts along the front porch

Concrete sidewalk and driveway repair / beautification

Lawn improvements

Tree pruning

Laundry room renovation

Window and door moulding work

Installing antique doors into interior doorways

Kitchen renovation – cupboards / countertops / lighting / shelving / re-do popcorn ceilings

Ceiling improvements to cover popcorn / possibly planking

New flooring to replace carpet

Upgrading to lightweight battery run tools

Cleaning home, garden, vehicles.

New equipment upgrades and upkeep with lawn mower, nail gun, air compressor, pressure washer.

Sole travelling locally in British Columbia, Canada, across Canada, and internationally.


Visit all our past project posts HERE

Visit our travel section HERE

Contact Funky Junk Interiors Donna

Contact us


If you think Funky Junk Interiors would be a good fit for your product or service, we would love to discuss details and pricing with you.



or through our contact form HERE


Sorry, we do not currently accept guest posts.


Disclosure Earning Statement


This policy is valid from 25 May 2013 on.

Amazon Affiliate Earner

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases when I share affiliate links of my favorite products, with no extra cost to you. Thank-you to those that help support Funky Junk when purchasing through my Amazon links!

Visit my Amazon stores at:

USA / Canada


This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. All photos and content are created by me unless otherwise stated. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content.

The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers’ own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

Other Companies

I am not responsible for the actions of my advertisers, sponsors, blog commenters or those I work with. If you purchase a product through a link from my blog, you must take action with that company to resolve any issues, not this blog.

Social Media

My material may be used by peer blogs, if it is linked to the original post on my blog and I am given credit via full blog name. (Funky Junk Interiors / just ‘source’ is not adequate)

You may also pin my images on Pinterest or shared through FaceBook, Twitter and other forms of social media if they are linked to the original blog post on my blog and I am given credit via full blog name (Funky Junk Interiors). My editorial content may be linked back to my blog only and may not be published, copied, or reprinted without my consent. If you desire more than two photos per feature, please contact me for consent at


If you feature my work, watermarks must be left intact. Unwatermarked content may be made available upon request.

By reading this blog, you agree to not directly copy projects, however add your own twist to make them your own. If you create one of my projects, you agree to fully disclose in your blog post that you were inspired by Funky Junk Interiors and to link back to the inspiration blog post. You agree to not sell the creations/designs I have developed without consent.


At Your Own Risk

You are reading and following my advice at your own risk. Please always use safety precautions when performing a DIY project and using building materials or products and always read and follow manufacturer’s directions for the products and tools you use.

If you choose to use questionable materials, such as pallet wood, you do so at your own risk.

To get your own policy, go to

GDPR – How we collect and use your data – Read HERE