Shop Funky Junk Interiors

Welcome to Funky Junk’s Shop page! Here’s a few different ways to shop for all the wonderful things we fully endorse and showcase in our project tutorials. Thank-you for your support!

This page contains some affiliate products in which I earn a small percentage from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.

Shop Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils HERE

Funky Junk’s Old Sign Stencils


Shop Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils HERE

Shop Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils HERE

Funky Junk’s Old Sign Stencils is our own line of vintage-inspired stencils to enhance your DIY projects with professional results!

Sign up HERE to be sent a periodic newsletter sharing new stencil designs and new project ideas to make!

Funky Junk Interiors on Society6


Get rustic and vintage images on home decor and more through Funky Junk's Society Six store!

Shop Funky Junk at Society 6 HERE

Funky Junk Interiors on Society Six showcases our own photography and design files to create super unique  looks on everyday accessories, from furniture, clothing, household items and much more!


Funky Junk’s Curated Amazon Stores


Shop Funky Junk Interiors favorite DIY and home decor picks on Amazon through our USA and Canadian stores!

Amazon USA store HERE

Amazon Canadian store HERE

Two Amazon stores curated with all of my favorite rustic and industrial things.

Fusion Mineral Paint


Purchase Fusion at 10% off HERE

Get 10% off Fusion MIneral Paint HERE

Fusion Mineral Paint is a high quality DIY and furniture paint with high durability. I use it on all my DIY projects, and since I am a Fusion Influencer, I have the ability to offer you a 10% off discount on all Fusion supplies (minus Staalmeester paint brushes).

Use these affiliate 10% discount code links for:



Or use discount code at checkout: funkyjunkinteriorsfmp



5 thoughts on “Shop Funky Junk Interiors

  1. enough is enough the Ads were too much. I want to buy some stencils but the ads kept coming, and coming coming

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