DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 355


  DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 355 Every Friday, 7 PM through Sunday 11 PM Pacific Happy winterish feeling weekend!  With all these amazing festive projects popping up, I feel like I’m running late with my own decorating!  But I did manage to saw up a little reclaimed wood to create THESE stockings. Fun! And I also […]

Favourite cameras, and where they do best, with must have gear!


This post contains Amazon affiliate links, to help you find the gear that I love. I make a small commission if you order through my links, however it doesn’t cost you a penny more. Thanks if you do! I’ve been asked a few times now, what cameras I’m currently using. If you’ve followed along for awhile […]

What caught my vintage rustic eye at Ikea


I’ve been spending a little time in ‘town’. We call town our nearest biggest city that isn’t anywhere near us. I guess Vancouver just has that power. But then again, so does Ikea. Who doesn’t get giddy at the thought of a trip there? I think it’s the promise of finding those perfect accessories to chime with […]

DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 354


DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 354 Every Friday, 7 PM through Sunday 11 PM Pacific Happy weekend, all! Oh my goodness, and what a week it was. Yesterday, I had my old sofa picked up, sold on a bidding site. That entailed me to: 1. Take a photo shoot of said sofa. But I had to […]