The mothership of opportunity has flown in!

I said YES. If you’ve followed my passion series recently, you know that we’ve been talking about finding that true passionate thing that your heart yearns to do. (I can’t believe I said YES!) The quaint little village I live in has something that’s called a Christmas Craft Crawl. All the crafty home spun artisian […]

Defining your Passion – week 3

On Change (Click HERE to capture entire series) My old cel phone totally croaked and I was without for about 2 weeks. It was time to go shopping. At first, I had planned to simply stay with the same ‘ol and find a new battery. However the battery was as expensive as a new phone, […]

Defining your passion – week 1

You are invited… Defining Your Passion Every Monday AM ~ a new assignment towards finding your own individual passionate side ~ Please feel free to observe or participate! Week 1 ~ Defining your interests Why? Why do you want to do this? We all simply wake up, go through the roles of our daily […]