Easy DIY puzzle board with a game board on the back!

jigsaw puzzle table made from a bulletin board

Don’t put that undone puzzle away! Here’s how to make your own easy DIY puzzle board with a game board on the back! Hours of fun to be hand right here starting with a simple bulletin board. This post contains some Amazon affiliate links in which I earn a small percentage from qualifying purchases through […]

Reclaimed wood Valentine’s Day banner

Wood Valentine's Day banner

The Reveal Reclaimed wood Valentine’s Day banner True to tradition around these parts, I love making things for Valentine’s Day, but in my rustic style. Hmmm… what to make… I’d already made a Tic Tac Toe game tray, reclaimed wood heart, salvaged junk hearts and a rope sign, so what’s something different yet still cool?! […]

Play a Tic Tac Toe game on this DIY serving tray!


Learn how to make a classic Tic Tac Toe game into a tray and coasters for Valentine’s Day or everyday, with a handy stencil! With Valentine’s Day approaching, I mused… what could I make in my rustic style? I’ve managed to make a few rustic Valentine’s Day projects, such as THESE small rustic Valentine’s Day […]