Totebag + pillow =


A no-sew new pillow! Don’t overlook the beauty of what an adorable totebag of your personal taste can do for you. Totebags are versatile! You can hang them up with a plant or flowers spilling over an edge. I could have morphed the fabric on this one into an adorable little bulletin board. (I still […]

The beauty in simple numbers


I LOVE typography on things. But simple numbers really speak to me. Isn’t this door awesome? I think I found it at My Sweet Savannah. The numbers are so simple yet soooo elegant on black. I think I’m going to paint my door black this summer… Thanks My Sweet Savannah! Loving these pots! I […]

More mantle decorating


My mantle has a new outfit on. What shall we call this… hmm.. The Ivory~Chicken Theme. Rustic Rooster. Mini light Mayhem. Looking Inside The Chicken Coop Through The Window. The Funky Chicken Something or Other. Mom’s Eyebrow Raiser. (you’ll get it in a minute) What made me group these things in such a way you […]

Functional wall art for the kitchen


I love my distressed clock! And I love the spot it sits in. However as you can see, it’s just not looking very pretty right now. Problem: cord showing The clock was to stay, however that is where the phone wire is located in my kitchen. And it’s brown. Two demerits! So I had to […]

New kitchen office – in the works


This is a before picture in an effort to show you how I concept a new idea. I had an armoire in this part of the kitchen, however as my computer needs increase (my son does homework on a computer now you know), I required a real kitchen office of sorts. And as the floor […]