3. 12 reasons to fly first class


“Click HERE to upgrade to First Class.” I stared at the laptop screen, wondering if I should treat myself to a seat upgrade for one of my flights home from the Snap conference. I decided to be adventurous, prepping myself with, “Go on, you’re worth it!” Then I decided no. But my eyes wandered hopelessly […]

PJ 236 – an upcycled link party


  Welcome to Party Junk 236 – Upcycled link party Every Friday, 7PM through Sunday 11 PM Pacific Hello and a happy weekend to you, junk friends! I’m deep in the middle of Utah at the Snap conference, so hope you’ll excuse the fact that I didn’t create a 2nd theme this round.  Regardless, here […]

2. Treat bags for one sweet cat sitter


I knew this would happen. The hard part of leaving on a trip is leaving my cats.   They are fine. I know they will be great! I knew travel would be on the horizon so that’s why I have two instead of one.  Still… But all is ok. I have a great house sitter […]

1. Snap! It’s time to leave for Utah!


If you’re a subscriber to my weekly newsletter, you’ll have been tipped off on my next little adventure in the works. This week, I have the extreme honour of taking in and speaking at Snap, a blogger’s conference taking place all the way in Salt Lake City, Utah! I’m so excited! It’s a top rated […]

PJ 235 – Salvaged junk hits!


 Welcome to Party Junk 235 – Salvaged Junk Hits! Every Friday, 7PM through Sunday 11 PM Pacific This week we had one amazing Junkers United Event, involving 11 bloggers showing you all new projects. I can’t even begin to tell you how amazed I am with this team! Visit all 11 projects plus my own […]