Tips on designing an old sign themed paint studio


When I first challenged myself with a cleaning challenge called Heap of Change, all I really expected to do was declutter. But I’m SO GLAD I pushed myself to the extreme in this area. Because this particular before and after is one of the most dramatic ones I’ve done to date! Where we left off…. […]

Files full of memories


I’ve said it before, and you’ll probably hear me whine 100 times more… purging is hard work. VERY hard. And it just got harder, because I’ve officially ventured into “The Zone” I’ve been avoiding for a long, long time. See those big ‘ol metal file boxes? I’ve never been a fan of them. I mean, they […]

PJ 262 – upcycled link party


  Welcome to Party Junk 261 – an upcycled link party Every Friday, 7 PM through Sunday 11 PM Pacific Happy Friday once again! So, as most of you know, I’m in the midst of this big purging spree thing. I shocked a few with my painting studio, going from ‘garbage can special’ to ‘heavenly white’, but […]

When BE is enough


There was a knock on the door today I didn’t expect. First, the delivery driver apologized for waking me up.  Hmm… he didn’t wake me up. I guess I should have taken more time to get cleaned up for the day? 🙂 Anyway, upon opening the package, I knew exactly what it was! YES! I wrote […]