How to make it when you’re newly single


Today’s post is a little.. different. It’s very personal. And rather gutsy.  I wrote it a few months ago, but it never felt like the right time to publish it. I honestly didn’t know if I ever would. I’m not even sure why I wrote it! But I was motivated to publish it today for a […]

WWYD – Let’s chat about popcorn ceilings


I often wait to blog about something after figuring out the solution. But, I get stuck in ruts from time to time. And indecision totally halts progress. So… who better to ask when I have a question?  You! I have you! So… I’m totally over the procrastination. I’d love your input on certain things that can […]

3 – A much WHITER blog office


Welcome to From Crap to Clean before Christmas, a Monday challenge to encourage you to clean up your spaces before the tree goes up! All instalments to date are HERE.   So.. I didn’t plan this very bright and white project. At all. My intent for this Monday’s Crap to Clean project was to tackle all the […]

PJ 297 – an upcycled link party


Welcome to Party Junk 297 – an upcycled link party Every Friday, 7 PM through Sunday 11 PM Pacific Welcome back to a junk filled weekend, from bloggers all over! This past week was a real mixed bag. I showed you my brave ugly to better linen closet, my fancy pants oversized cutting board project,  and even took […]

Desire authentic souvenirs? The Maui Swap Meet it is!


One day while cooling off at our pool while in Maui, I had the chance to chat it up with a few visitors, learning about their adventures and must sees. I love how people on vacation talk. They have TIME to talk. There’s a big difference. We got to chatting about (the lack of junk) shopping, […]