A trip full of happy twists – Hawaiian travel update


Where did the time go?! I realize I haven’t blogged much this past little while. Between a laptop computer that isn’t cutting it speed wise, (upgrade ahead!) and lazy wifi, and… well, the overwhelming amount of pictures to weed through, I’ll just admit it was easier to go on another adventure or take in the […]

DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 339


  DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 339 Every Friday, 7 PM through Sunday 11 PM Pacific Hello, hello! Would you forgive me for not posting a weekend link party last weekend, if we make it doubly good this weekend?  What can I say. Lazy Vacay Syndrome set in, and I put up a post on our travels […]

The must visit lush, tropical Iao Valley


Where did the week go? Oh… of course! We’re now on week 4 of our Hawaiian journey, and yet again, things have changed. When we first arrived, I was all about writing, and posting, and documenting. The words and images and feelings just wouldn’t stop! But something magical happens when you hit around week 3. […]

DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 338


  DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 338 Every Friday, 7 PM through Sunday 11 PM Pacific   Hello weekend junk lovers! Can you even believe I’ve managed to post these parties while on vacay? Truth be told, I have lots of time to do it. I just didn’t think I’d be able to be ‘that aware’ of […]

Majestic Makena’s Big Beach and the lava fields


Whenever the trade winds start to really howl, you can hear the lifeguards warning from their bullhorns to stay out of the water. The shore breaks can turn dangerous at the drop of a hat. I swear, one warning was for me the other day. I was standing on the edge of the lava rock at our […]