A fall bike ride through BC’s own Kauai


Sat AM… I totally forgot to post the weekend link party! My apologies. Let’s give this weekend a miss and continue next week. Happy DIYing! If you’ve ever been fortunate enough to visit Hawaii’s Kauai, you’ll know where I’m coming from in this post. When I first arrived in Kauai, all I could do was […]

How I sold my travel trailer privately.


How I sold my travel trailer privately. We’ve been camping in our travel trailer for many years. In fact, my son grew up on Harrison Beach while we basically lived part time in a travel trailer while we parked full season at Harrison Hot Springs. You can read more about Harrison Hot Springs from their […]

DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 395


Welcome to DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 395 Every Friday, 7 PM through Wednesday 11 PM Pacific Happy junk party weekend, friends! This past week I really got my blog on. Blame it on the cooler weather perhaps? However I admit I’m struggling with the loss of my beloved hot summer nights. So I brought out my Therapy […]

Welcome Fall quirky reclaimed wood pumpkin sign


This summer when I painted my front door Bayberry green, I was soooo looking forward to playing with fall and Christmas decor against it! It’s such a lovely natural moss green tone that just seems to go with anything. Nature never fails as inspiration, does it? So blame this project on my 2nd Starbucks pumpkin […]

The modern vanity that amazingly became so much more


Do you make lots of mistakes? Get ready to laugh AND feel good about it! Because the blogging world’s greatest storyteller just wrote a feel good story book that celebrates the blunders in life! I’m referring to KariAnne from Thistlewood Farms and her new book, So Close To Amazing.   Click to Shop on Amazon (affiliate link) HERE Visit the original […]