Our adoption story at Bella Rustica


It’s an exciting and busy season right now. With Bella Rustica (story here) only a short 2 weeks away, my FOLK Magazine Christmas writeup due this Saturday, and helping put together a family slideshow for Cindy’s Celebration of Life coming soon, my DIY plate is a little on the shy side. So I felt this […]

How Think Pink helped Cindy’s fight


I could never have planned last week in a million years. We had planned to go camping. Work was cleared off the calendar, and I worked at deadlines so the time could be freed up. But there were always delays and reasons not to get out the door. And now I know why. Little did […]

A picnic with the branch handled tray… and my mom.


Remember the branch handled tray I created for Mother’s Day? As promised, I used it for that very day, with someone special in mind. I made it for both of us after all. (photo heavy post on tray and the outdoors) … continued … I took my mom on a little picnic. And I knew […]

A moment back in time… on Mother’s Day


    Everyone, this is my mom, Agatha. (pronounced A Ga Tha, not Aye Gatha) I grew up on a 40 acre dairy farm.  I don’t remember having fancy things, however I remember living in an old farmhouse, plenty of space to run, a never ending supply of food on the table and above all […]

Junky fall mantel with… barbed wire?!?


While most of you would no doubt drool over priceless antiques, a chunk of barbed wire had me salivating during a recent junkin’ trip. Surprised?!? 🙂 Especially with fancy schmancy camera angles and against the right backdrop.. totally drool worthy material here. Add a little rope, moss, leaves off the lawn and a scrumptious Jeanne […]