Everyone, this is my mom, Agatha. (pronounced A Ga Tha, not Aye Gatha)
I grew up on a 40 acre dairy farm.
I don’t remember having fancy things, however I remember living in an old farmhouse, plenty of space to run, a never ending supply of food on the table and above all else, love. Lots and lots of love.
The old homestead has long been sold and changed over the years. The grounds use to be loaded with flowering trees and gardens that never quit. The house itself use to wear a peach colour. We teased my mom about our ‘pink house’ but she called it ‘peach’ and loved it. 🙂
My bedroom was on the upper left side, overlooking that tall tree. I had a great view of the cows and horses in the pasture and mountains that surrounded us.
Dear friends, take lots and LOTS of photos of your home before you move. Then save them for your kids. How I wish I had an album right about now to scan and share. Maybe we do! I’ll have to investigate.
Our dairy farm was deemed after the name of our road. I was fortunate to capture the old farm sign from the yard that I now proudly display safely inside my own home. This is the single most valuable piece I have of my parents to date and is priceless. The sign will never leave the family. Ever.
HERE is where it sits today in my home.
And this farmhouse is exactly where that sign use to reside. Our side yard was in actually a field, however we mowed it like a lawn. But we paid no attention to fussy things like lawn treatment such as weed and feed. The lawn was gorgeous when in full dandelion bloom!
I suppose that’s why I love dandelions today. And old farm houses, simple non fussy meals on the table, cows, horses, front porches, and leisurely bike rides on country roads.
Most of all, I love a special lady that always had warm hugs and tender words. She hurt easily and didn’t like to argue (like someone else I know). She just preferred to enjoy life, her family around her, and taught me how to appreciate very simple things.
One of my mom’s favorite things to do when she use to visit at my own previous farmhouse was to sit on our porch. After mom moved from the farm, I was fortunate to live in a place that was so similar to our farmland, she felt right at home and would visit all weekend helping me with a then baby son.
One of their favorite things to do on my own farm was to walk the land and investigate and collect loose bark off the trees. Or build things with rocks and sticks. Or I’d bring her a fresh hot coffee while she sat on the edge of the sand box. Very very special days.
When I moved to my current home, mom had a hard time driving, so we went to her place instead. What a blessing and wonderful plan to move closer to her! But as her health start to decline, I pulled my son out of swimming lessons for a year and spent that time with her at her own condo pool instead.
I’m so glad we did. I remember very clearing the last time we swam there. I kept looking at her, loving her more than ever. I thought, “Will this be the last time we enjoy you here?” And then she left us.
It was a really sad time for she was my very best friend. But at the same time the tears came, I just felt intense joy. She missed my dad every single day they were apart. No more! They had the ultimate life on earth and it just got better for them. That knowledge in itself is what keeps me going and thinking of them both with a smile in my heart. And excited to see them again.
gorgeous artwork by blog friend Christine of Jaz Creations
original post is HERE
Happy Mother’s Day to all the incredible moms that are here now, and those who we are remembering.
What’s a favorite memory you have of your mom?
Absolutely beautiful Donna. What beautiful memories you have to hold forever in your heart. I know that your Mom is looking down on you with so much joy and pride for the beautiful life you live. Thinking about you and your Mom with happy thoughts. Thanks for sharing such a personal piece of your life. Happy Mother’s Day to you both.
What a wonderful video and such a touching tribute to your beautiful mom. I’m sure they’re both looking down on you, proud of every creation you’ve made and the wonderful mom you are. It took me 10 minutes to compose myself after seeing the video, it’s so moving and must be such wonderful memories. Happy Mother’s Day Donna!
Thanks to you both! Michael, you always know just what to say. Jeri, every time I have this yearning for my mom, I go back and watch the video. It’s difficult and wonderful all at the same time. Thanks for showing me how you were touched by it. 🙂
a beautiful tribute to you mom thanks for sharing such terrific memories.
happy mother’s day to you donna!
Donna- What a heartwarming post…one that me tear up several times. You were so blessed to have a Mom like that. I can tell how much you love her and I also know that it made you the wonderful Mom you are today- xo Diana
I’m so proud of you. Even the littlest things you were able to keep are most important. I applaud you for spending the time with her that you were able to. I’m sure that she was grateful for your company as well as your sons. I hope you had a Happy Mother’s Day as well. Hugs.
Happy Mothers day to you, Donna. Not much of a crier but you got me going. You are so lucky to have had such a wonderful woman to call your Mom. Peace to you….Sue
Donna of course you made me cry. Feeling quite lost today myself today . During the week of planning Ken’s Mom’s funeral, I had to go see my own Mom and Dad up on Little Mountain. It seems so appropriate that they are both buried there, as that is the scene I saw outside so many of my classes everyday, during school in Little Mountain School. Seeing all that farm land made me feel sad, because I remember many trips to Vancouver or Langley and all the luscious farms and how so many of them are no longer farms. Your video was such a wonderful tribute to both your Mom and Dad. I was wondering if they had a lot to do with the ministries in the Chilliwack Alliance Church at all, they looked so familiar to me, I wondered if maybe your Mom was one of the Sunday School teachers?
Yes Cindy, that’s where they went to church and both mom and dad taught Sunday School for many years. You’ve probably run into her numerous times. 🙂
Donna what a wonderful tribute to your mom. I can see she was very special to you. She would be so proud of you I am sure. I lost my mom 18 yr. ago and it is like yesterday. I still hold onto my mom and dad’s house because I just can’t sell it, so many memories. I know where you are coming from. They are still in our hearts and will be forever. Now I have to dry my eyes to go to bed.
I loved the glimpse into your Mom’s life through the stories you shared. She seemed so precious. I just shared part of my Mom’s story too. I know what it’s like to lose your best friend! And I’ll have you in my thoughts and prayers tonight!
Loved hearing about your wonderful mother!! Hope you had a great Mothers Day!!
What a beautiful video and post, thanks for sharing a part of your heart. My Mom’s been gone for almost 30 years, and I miss her everyday. One of my favorite memories of my time with my mom, is doing crafts with her, she would love all things being shown around blogville! She loved to go “junking” too! Thanks for making me cry again! but really they are sweet tears… Happy Mothers Day!
What a beautiful loving tribute to your Mom. What wonderful memories!
Wow, that was so beautiful and touching! Thank you for sharing a personal part of your life with us. I am moved. I long for that closeness with my own mother, but at least I had it with my grandmother.
Keep it in your memories. You have a wonderful experience.
What a beautiful tribute to your Mother….still sniffling here! Hope you had a blessed day and what wonderful memories you have.
Yep – I am crying. Tears for you and some for me. I lost my mother in 2006 and haven’t missed a day since then when I didn’t think of her, miss her and shed a tear. Mother’s Day is always so bittersweet. Bitter because my mamma is gone and sweet because my children honor me, celebrate me and love on me. Thanks for sharing!
I can’t say anything better than Michael, so ditto for me. My memory of my mother is helping her to sew, or her helping me to sew. I also liked that she made cookies a lot, especially my father’s favorite Cowboy cookies. Ann
Tears… I did not expect that, but watching your video was very powerful. It is funny how we get stressed by things that are not important and it takes something like this that is shared to remind us. As I was watching this, one of my twins tugged on my leg and said “Mommy Dance?”, and we did…in the kitchen as his brother twirled next to us. I had spent the time earlier today preoccupied about my business that I am building “for them” and hoping. As we struggle to create more, it is so nice to be interrupted by your reminder that we already have everything that matters. Thank you.
Such a beautiful post and touching video! You are lucky to have such lovely memories. Happy Mother’s Day.
What a beautiful tribute to your mom and the photo of you,your son and mom is beautiful..
Oh wow, you were right, this video made me cry.Your beautiful memories brought back so many sweet memories of my parents. Both gone for 15 years now, but remembered each and every day since. thank you for sharing.
Your post was very touching to say the least! And it definitely brought on the tears!
My mom and I are lucky enough to still be making memories together. I’m hoping that does not change anytime soon. I don’t know how I will face that. We did not own the farm where my mother worked but I too, grew up on a dairy farm. My newly single mother got a job milking cows to support us and of all the jobs she ever had – that was her favorite. Good lessons learned there – for both of us.
Happy Mother’s Day.
What a touching post…thanks for sharing your memories. The old farmhouse is precious and you were very fortunate to have grown up in such a magical place.
Donna, you are such a beautiful person – inside and out–loving both simplicity and holding onto memories knowing the inspiration it gives to our lives–life at its best.