My glamping in the mountains weekend


We have officially hit fall in our region. But rather than decorate the house to the hilt for the season, there was something else on my agenda I desired more. And that was head for the hills before our rain started. When it rains in BC, it doesn’t mess around. We can be buried for WEEKS with […]

A surprising goldmine at a cabin on the river


It was right before I left for Toronto. My son was due to go to camp the next weekend so I knew I had to act fast. I searched for a bed and breakfast in the nearby area so I could enjoy a little r&r myself.  Fully expecting to perhaps stay where I stayed last time, […]

A little R&R at a bed and breakfast


In my last post, I talked about taking my son to camp for the weekend, and rather than do all this driving for hours, I decided to look into staying at a bed and breakfast instead. I mean, to enjoy a new town by yourself, eating where you want and shopping wherever you please? What […]

Content. Finally! (with vacation video of camping at Hope)


I was cleaning up the travel trailer today after our last little camping adventure. And it left me feeling confused. Every summer we camp. It wasn’t that long ago that we could afford a lifestyle of leaving our trailer year around at our favorite camping resort and enjoy a getaway every single weekend. In fact, […]

Hope Valley Campground… that helped save our dog.

Hope valley campground

Hope Valley Campground… that helped save our dog. I’ve often been asked why we don’t make more wilderness types of choices with our chosen campsites. And my stock answer is always, “What if we need help?” I’m a sole parent that is relatively new to towing a travel trailer. ‘Nuff said! However, this round I […]