My incredible, lovely, "I forgot" day.


  Today started off as any other day does. You get up and think you have big plans. Yes, absolutely, but let’s just start off with a coffee before we get going, yes? But not for too long now, I have so much to do! I’m gonna go for that brisk daily walk that will […]

JUNK vs. Stockings… guess which won


I have a confession. We don’t use STOCKINGS for Christmas. (gasp!!) In fact, I’ve never used a stocking for its intended purpose before. Like, ever. I tried, but between my mom and I, I think we’ve come up with something even better. Wanna see? I’m guest posting at FOLK Magazine’s blog today with my little […]

When you miss someone at Christmas


This post was about missing my Mom at Christmas, but it applies to any occasion. You have the power to choose joy. Read on… – – – – – I drove into town the other day, thinking nothing really of it. Until I happened to go by my mom’s condo complex. I slowed down and […]