Files full of memories


I’ve said it before, and you’ll probably hear me whine 100 times more… purging is hard work. VERY hard. And it just got harder, because I’ve officially ventured into “The Zone” I’ve been avoiding for a long, long time. See those big ‘ol metal file boxes? I’ve never been a fan of them. I mean, they […]

My last truck


Today was a rather big day. It started like any other… I just went to work, and then came home again.But what made today different was, I gave notice. I just signed and striped my last truck. Out of fire trucks alone, this was #500. For one client.I’ve been in the sign biz for 22ish years and […]

When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk


Some of you may remember me talking about my day job of running my sign company. I’ve had it for around 22 years now.  Within the sign industry, the biggest, most famous magazine that exists is SignCraft Magazine. It’s all about old and new craftsmanship on creating signs of all kinds. Tips, tricks, and the […]

Creating with a self taught mentality


Ever wonder where some DIYers pick up their seemingly natural skills? Don’t think I haven’t thought of that myself!  Is there a self help magazine I don’t know of? But something I’ve come to understand is the way one thinks. Most that accomplish tend to work with a self taught mentality. Something I’ve done forever in my […]

A little day job show and tell and an upcoming event


   When you think of firetrucks, the image of big red shiny vehicles generally comes to mind. Well, I’ve had the pleasure of working on a black and white truck over the past little while and it turned out real purdy. 🙂 My day job is running my own graphics company. Lately most of my […]