When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk

When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk / A story of a magazine editor's new influence on a junker. via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

Some of you may remember me talking about my day job of running my sign company. I’ve had it for around 22 years now.


 Within the sign industry, the biggest, most famous magazine that exists is SignCraft Magazine. It’s all about old and new craftsmanship on creating signs of all kinds. Tips, tricks, and the most beautiful signs ever made.

I was never encouraged to send my work to SignCraft. I just slapped on vinyl and didn’t really do anything show worthy, so I never even tried.

But then I started making signs for interior decorating, and all that changed.

Funky Junk in SignCraft! / When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk / A story of a magazine editor's new influence on a junker. via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

Funky Junk in SignCraft! / When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk / A story of a magazine editor's new influence on a junker. via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

After I was encouraged (PUSHED) to fire in an article to SignCraft on what I was doing with signs the Funky Junk way, I actually landed IN SignCraft in a big way. A full two page spread!

Isn’t that the most ironic thing ever? You do a job for 22 years that you found ‘ok’. But you rev up something else for 3 years and land in one of the top magazines in the world in an OFF TOPIC kinda way? What a fantastic loophole that was.

Truly, this was SUCH a big deal for me. You can read about my very LONG original SignCraft story HERE. You’ll love it.

Tom McIltrot and Dan Sawatzky / When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk / A story of a magazine editor's new influence on a junker. via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

So anyway, my buddy Dan was hosting a sculpting workshop at his place a few weeks ago and I had planned to visit one evening and take a few pictures for him. And meet a very special guest. And that would be Mr. SignCraft himself, Tom McIltrot.

I was kinda geeking out about it. I mean, I landed in his magazine only once, so I really wasn’t some major anything. But he was to me, know what I mean?

But then one evening the phone rang. It was Tom. He was calling from Dan’s and wanted to know when he could see my house.


So you can image what I did next. I cleaned my house. You may think that sounds easy but I’ll have you know I had my work cut out for me. 🙂

And then I skipped over next door and met Tom.

Tom McIltrot / When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk / A story of a magazine editor's new influence on a junker. via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

But poor Tom didn’t get too far. This crazy junker runs into the bay, and giddy as can be, smacks an old copy of SignCraft in his hands and begs for a signature on her article. 


Tom McIltrot / When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk / A story of a magazine editor's new influence on a junker. via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

Now just in CASE you missed this moment, lemme take another angle…

Tom McIltrot / When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk / A story of a magazine editor's new influence on a junker. via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

AND another!

Tom McIltrot / When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk / A story of a magazine editor's new influence on a junker. via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

Everyone? This is my buddy, Tom! 🙂

Tom McIltrot / When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk / A story of a magazine editor's new influence on a junker. via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

After signing the magazine, he nudged me and sincerely said, “This was a REALLY GREAT article!”

Yes it was Tom, you helped make it shine! Thank-you!

Tom McIltrot / When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk / A story of a magazine editor's new influence on a junker. via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

Tom is more than just a magazine editor. Tom is a dream maker. He allows countless sign makers to be published for the first time, or many times over. And know, if you land in SignCraft, you have accomplished something amazing.

Tom McIltrot / When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk / A story of a magazine editor's new influence on a junker. via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

Tom is also a VERY good sport. He let me set him up with all kinds of spontaneous photo ops and rolled with it.

And hold onto your rust… this next picture’s a doozy! Ready?! Brace yourself!

Tom McIltrot / When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk / A story of a magazine editor's new influence on a junker. via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

 That’s Tom you know where! He sat beside my junk lamp before I even put it on the blog. 

Disclaimer… I told Tom to hold the magazine upside down so we could tell he was leisurely reading SignCraft in the comforts of my home, on a pure whim of course!

I told you he was a good sport.

So… how many are fortunate to sit for an evening and chat all things magazines? Not many. But I lucked out big. Not only did we discuss magazines, we got into layouts, and all kinds of talk. And Tom did one more thing for me that no one else seemed to be able to.

He encouraged me to write. I mean, for more than the blog. He got wind I had several ebooks on the go but couldn’t seem to find the confidence to bring them to completion. So he sat down with me and took the time to hear me out.

Know what he did next? He hand sketched layouts to help me get set up. This is where I stalled. To write AND design is a big deal. I was stuck on the design. And Tom saw me through it.

That night, I got home around 11pm and wrote till 3am, playing with Tom’s suggestions. And I’ve been tinkering on it ever since. I’m getting there! For all those that have been waiting patiently for me to wrap up my old sign ebook, I. Am. Getting. There!

When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk / A story of a magazine editor's new influence on a junker. via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

I needed Tom that weekend more than he even realized. And please feel free to geek out right along with me one more time, because I wasn’t gonna let him out of my sight without one last shot WITH him. Have you recovered from me yet, Tom? 🙂

What are the chances? Your past life comes knocking, encouraging you to move forward toward your new chosen path? I can barely comprehend the irony in this one. Some people are meant to enter your life in some capacity. I feel very blessed Tom touched mine.

When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk, it was a very good day indeed.

Thank-you friend! I hope to do your suggestions proud…. soon! 🙂

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Categories: About me, Blogging, Inspiration, Personal, Press

40 thoughts on “When SignCraft Magazine visited Funky Junk

  1. That’s good stuff happening! Last week I told you that your pic of your industrial floor lamp looked ready to appear on a magazine cover. Now you have a pic of Mr. SignCraft with your amazing lamp…good things happen for a reason. I send encouragement to you on completion of your e-book. You have the audience, you’ll have the sales!!

  2. Donna, I am SOOO excited with/for you and congratulations! What a fun day and super on SO many levels! 🙂 Giddy… and you deserve all the delights and kudos!!

  3. Omg Donna does it get any better than that? No! So happy happy happy for you! Great pics, think your feet will hit the ground next year sometime! 🙂
    Wonderful, wonderful! I know what it is like to meet your idol in your sphere of work, have done it and it is amazing! Talk about blessings and a pic of Tom in front of that amazing steam punk lamp you made? Yahooo! This will put you in the place in the world all you all of us have been waiting to see, you how have arrived and congrats on a wonderful journey, now the awesomeness of yourself will blossm to it’s fullest! Go Ms Canada,you rock!

  4. Having been in the sign business myself for 30 years, I found this fascinating! Congratulations! I’ve been trying to motivate myself to use my sign background more creatively, but I guess I’m getting a little tired of it all. Since my husband, who started our business, is now on disability, your story may inspire me to move in another direction.

    Love your junk!!

  5. What a great experience and loved reading your excitement. As a once free-lance mag writer, no one should underestimate the time and knowledge which is required to produce a mag project. Or your details for sharing skills with the public on the written page. I am so pleased for you and hope this brings an even broader horizon for skills and creativity.

    I actually went to some of the advertisers on Sign Mag, interesting how many new products are available now for creating such wide range of artist based projects. And at first when your page showed up, my eyes hit the Broadmoor signage link. Thought you were in my neighborhood until another quick realization it was an ad. Darn, I really thought I’d hit a win and you lived next door to me.

  6. WHAT A FUN ARTICLE! He looks like such a nice and fun man. So happy for you. To be recognized by the top is so rewarding.

  7. Awesome. I loved reading the story and all of those glorious photos. I bet you were so giddy that you were just beside yourself. Am so glad that he was able to give you some direction in your upcoming ebooks. Can’t wait. Have a great week.

  8. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! This is such an amazing story of your journey. Sometimes it’s hard to move in a new direction after so long. Good for you and your success. Your style and personality shine in your comments. I’m so happy for you. I’ll look forward to your blogs and your completed books. Geek all you want! You’ve earned it.

  9. Oh wow!! Thanks so much for sharing this. Now you know what it would be like if one of us, who follow you, would meet you!! You inspire me daily.

    That was a giant fun article!! Awesome!!

    Keep em coming.

  10. This is a great paying it forward story. Genuinely good man to not only encourage you but to actually help you work through the design block. What goes around comes around. Congratulations Donna.

  11. Donna I am always so happy to hear when good things happen to you. I read your blog because of your warm and witty writing style. You entertain and make me think, you inspire and sometimes I have even shed a tear. My personal design style isn’t the same as yours but I always get a kick out of your ingenuity and cool takes on what others would consider discards. Anyway you really are a good writer, and while I don’t know you, I feel as though I do through your blog. Keep on keeping on!! You definitely have something very worthwhile to share.

  12. what a wonderful thing to happen to you. you are a great sign-maker. we got to see things that were in the magazine! how cool is that! thank you so much for always sharing something with us, and this one was a doosy! congratulations!

  13. Donn always warms my heart when good things happen for you. As a follower of your blog I have come to really appreciate your warm and witty writing style and always enjoy your posts. My style is different from yours but I love your take on things (and life!). You entertain, inspire and even make me cry sometimes. You definitely have something special worth sharing. Keep on keeping on!

  14. SIGN ON and STAY CALM girlfriend… You are so worthy and talented. You deserve every ounce of geeked out excitement this brings for you. Congratulations…

  15. CONGRATS! What a fantastic accomplishment and opportunity all at once. You’re so talented, and I am looking forward to your book (no pressure!).

    Enjoy your day,

    Wow! I’m thrilled for you. And I agree, you should keep writing. I found you while googling camping or trailers and it brought up a post from your camping days. I felt so nostalgic for home cuz I’m from BC. But I keep coming back for your writing. I love the series when you went to the Okanagan-I remember thinking as I read; this girl has a gift for writing. They say when the student is ready, the teacher appears.
    Love your blog and again congratulations on being published!
    Stay up on that cloud as long as you can. We’re all rooting for you!

  17. Hello my Donna! I am so thrilled for you, oh to have your dream come so close to be there, right before your eyes. What a great story for all to never give up. Your well on your way my sister, Dad and Mom are smiling, no cheering you on!

  18. Awesome! I am so happy for you! Way to go! You are also great with words! I had tears in my eyes by the time I finished reading! God bless!

  19. so happy for you!! on the day you wrote about walking i went walking up in the hills with my daughter, grandson and her best friend i told them how talented you are. you can write, take gorgeous photos and create amazing artwork. wonder what next year has in store for you….

  20. CONGRATULATIONS!!! So happy for your. And for the record, this is exactly how YOU made ME feel the first time you sent me a PM about something I posted on your page. It’s amazing how people you’ve never met can touch you in such a postive way and give you encouragement to make a difference in your life. Just a simple gesture can mean a lot. This is fantastic and I’m so happy for you. The look on your face in that last picture says it all 🙂

  21. You have to realize NOW how much you are inspiring me and, I’m sure, countless others. Hope springs eternal. Charlie Brown keeps trying to kick that football and never gives up. That’s us. Your blog is one of my favorite parts of my week. God Bless and you have my gratitude.

  22. Where have I been? I don’t know how I missed this before, but this is so crazy awesome! It’s so wonderful to hear about the good things happening in your life, Donna. That last photo is too darn cute! Thanks so much for sharing the good stuff!
    I’m going to go see what else I might have missed…

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