My glamping in the mountains weekend


We have officially hit fall in our region. But rather than decorate the house to the hilt for the season, there was something else on my agenda I desired more. And that was head for the hills before our rain started. When it rains in BC, it doesn’t mess around. We can be buried for WEEKS with […]

A surprising goldmine at a cabin on the river


It was right before I left for Toronto. My son was due to go to camp the next weekend so I knew I had to act fast. I searched for a bed and breakfast in the nearby area so I could enjoy a little r&r myself.  Fully expecting to perhaps stay where I stayed last time, […]

The message from the amazing sights of Hope


Remember my little two night getaway to Hope while my son was in camp? Today I’m going to take you for a walk, taking in the awesome sights! And wait till you see where it led me… { click pics to enlarge } Hope is a neat little town. The streets feel unbelievably spacious, like […]

Reclaimed garden features at a Hope garden centre


This magical find of reclaimed garden features at a Hope garden centre called Mountain Border Floral in Hope, BC Canada was a complete and wonderful fluke! When my son was at camp, I had a full day to tour the little town of Hope at my complete and utter leisure. Do you have any idea how thrilling […]

A funky tool box side table with hidden junk storage


This funky little side table has a secret. Actually, two! #1. It’s a toolbox on wheels.  #2. Wait till you see what it can store… You saw it here first…  official remote storage! YAHTZEE! (bustin! this is what we say in Your Funky Junk to something pretty spectacular) When I went on my little weekend trip […]