How to survive Disneyland during Christmas with park pictures galore


Nearly every day, my boy still brings up Disneyland. If it’s not about Disneyland, it’s about Disneyworld, which he has never yet visited.  And in my eyes, that means our Disneyland over Christmas trip was a massive success! Funny how all you think about is how tired you are when there, but once home looking at your pictures, you wish the […]

Merry Cars Christmas at Disneyland


Dear Friends, Before I go even one step further, I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for chiming in on yesterday’s blog survey. I didn’t really know what to expect. But you were kind, considerate, and honest with integrity. I’m anxious to share some feedback and offer up some answers very soon. Just know? I […]

Relearning to celebrate life


Happy New Year’s Eve and New Year! We came home from our Disney vacay on Tuesday night. While my son promptly exploded the luggage around us, I flicked on the Christmas tree lights, then sat in front of the computer to do a little catch up. My, the world has been busy getting ready to celebrate […]

A bird’s eye view of magnificent Niagara Falls


Back in the day, my parents took my brother and I to the Ontario region. Mom and Dad were extreme sightseers, and didn’t know the meaning of relaxing when on ‘vacation’. One day in particular, I refused to leave the hotel room one. more. day. NO amount of encouraging worked, no matter how big of a deal the […]

CN Tower, Wicked, Graffiti Alley in Toronto. Wow.


I’ve always wanted to visit New York. So when I most recently spent some time in Toronto, it was incredibly tempting to hop on a plane after Blogpodium and fly on over there. Know what? New York IS on my bucket list, bar none. But Toronto offered me all the NYC perks without the added […]