Buffalo Checked sleigh and star with Christmas tree sign


Buffalo Checked sleigh and star with Christmas tree sign A messy story . A few years back, I worked for a themed environment artist. In the job description that day, we were to paint various boxes that were set on a parade float platform, to resemble a lit up village. The technique we were to […]

Pallet wood You Cut Tree Farm Christmas sign


Pallet wood You Cut Tree Farm Christmas sign Slow as molasses is about the best description I can come up with in regards to my Christmas decorating. I got started on my mantel, however with a major monsoon going on outside (that’s my shopping centre for all things green), the branches would have to wait. […]

Make this You Cut Tree Farm Christmas arrow sign!


Make this You Cut Tree Farm Christmas arrow sign! This post has been updated on Nov 1 2020. Today is a big day. A REALLY big day. It’s a little nerve wracking yet exciting… because I finally have something to offer that I’ve been asked about for a long, LONG time. Deeeep breath…; For years, […]