SNS #73 brings you ~ kitchen cabinet ideas


  Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #73! Friends, spring break is upon us at Funky Junk headquarters. It’s time for a little R and R with my son to restock and refuel the ‘ol soul. My next post will likely be the next SNS unless I pull off something outstanding I have to blog about! […]

A birthday, a passing and finally, a sale.


#1. Today’s my Mom’s birthday.  For the newcomers, my mom passed away last March so we are still traveling through our year of firsts. This is the last first. She passed away right after her birthday. While our year of firsts is coming to a close, the memories most certainly aren’t. My sweet mom. How […]

Goodbye Secret Garden Cottage. You will be missed!


I have been stalking a blog for a long while now. I’ve mentioned Jo before here and there, but it’s with a heavy heart that I mention her one last time. Because she’s decided to stop blogging. Jo has shared her lovely home with us for a year now. Each and every photograph always drew […]

STRESSED out? Maybe this can help.


It happened on a Saturday morning. My email had been phished (spammer used my email as the forwarder). So I stopped everything and tried to educate myself on this new foreign subject and fix what was broke. But I really didn’t have time. Phone calls started reminding me what I was suppose to be doing. […]

How to decorate… for YOU. See where I’m hosting today…


Ever wonder if you’re decorating ‘right?’ Or even buying the right things for your home?  While there are indeed tricks to vignettes and getting something to look nice, that’s about as far as I take ‘decorating rules’ myself. If I like an object, I work it until it just looks right. For me. I mean, […]