The JUNK WARRIORS take on The World’s Longest Yard Sale


Watch our adventures as we take on the World’s Longest Yard Sale! Handy (Brittany via Pretty Handy Girl) and I are teaming up to do a little junkin’, brawl style. We wanna land America’s best junk, no holds barred. Cuz we’re goin’ on a road trip. A BIIIIG road trip!   Video of World’s Longest […]

Sunflowers, dog hair, and thank-you!


Wow. The emails and comments are still coming in due to the loss of my sweet Jenna. I’m completely overwhelmed by the love and support you’ve shown us and simply can’t even come up with the right words to show my appreciation. Just… thank-you!! (continued) We are doing ok. It’s strange, and sometimes not ok, […]

SNS 144 – upcycled wreaths!


SNS 144 – upcycled wreaths!   Welcome to Saturday Nite Special, the multi themed DIY link party!    * Home Decor / Gardening  * Crafts, / Sewing / Recipes / Printables / Blog tips * Theme of the week Every Fri 7pm  to Sunday 11 pm Pacific. I adore upcycled wreaths and am always trying […]

Missing Jenna

missing my dog Jenna

This is a story of Jenna, our beloved family dog, and pays a tribute with a story and video on how much I will miss my dog. If you’ve been following Funky Junk Interiors for any length of time, you’ll recognize my canine model in many of my photos. This is our dear sweet Jenna. […]

Cute mailboxes and garden features… from a blogger papergirl


Cute mailboxes and pretty garden features are part of… mail delivery. I believe it’s a lovely gift given back to you for your efforts.  See, I delivered papers today for the first time! Most kiddos join the force early on. But 50 year old me? Never too late, right? 😉 Truth be told, my boy […]