Funky Junk goes Country (Woman Magazine)


One day Country Woman Magazine searched high and lo and found this little junkin’ Canadian in the middle of a tiny town with one 3 way stop. Isn’t the www one amazing ride?! And then they offered me a challenge. This is a photo of a home inside a barn. They challenged me to share […]

Party Junk 204 – DIY pumpkin projects!


 Welcome to Party Junk 204 – DIY Pumpkin Projects Home Decor / Gardening Crafts / Sewing / Recipes / Printables / Blog Tips *Theme of the Week Every Friday, 7pm thru Sunday, 11pm Pacific It’s time to bring out the pumpkins! But no need to grab the real deal when you can whip a DIY […]

A funky wall cabinet gallery… with names.


This funky wall cabinet gallery kind of happened by accident. And such a happy one it is! There was this little space in between the fireplace and my blog office that wasn’t all that productive. The trunk holds firewood, but I’ve required more office storage forever. Only issue is, I didn’t want it to take […]

Walks, and dinner at the river


Remember my quest for staying productive? Part of that was to fire up my daily walks again. Can you put up with yet another post not related to junk?! Thank-you! It’s flipped back to summer weather here again and there’s just so many other things to do that are just as much fun! Well… close. […]

A garden gone wild therapy session


I’ve been a good girl! True to my word from my last post, I’ve been staying offline more, getting caught up with things. And one of the first places I turned to was the garden. Oh goodness. It needed me. And it wasn’t until I got out there that I quickly realized, I needed it […]