A little R&R at a bed and breakfast


In my last post, I talked about taking my son to camp for the weekend, and rather than do all this driving for hours, I decided to look into staying at a bed and breakfast instead. I mean, to enjoy a new town by yourself, eating where you want and shopping wherever you please? What […]

Party Junk 205 – Upcycled Old Door Projects


 Welcome to Party Junk 204 – Upcycled Old Door Projects Home Decor / Gardening Crafts / Sewing / Recipes / Printables / Blog Tips *Theme of the Week Every Friday, 7pm thru Sunday, 11pm Pacific Upcycled old doors can add charming character to most anything instantly. And in most cases, using an old door doesn’t […]

Junk, catcapades and packing


I have lots of little things to share today so I’ll lump them up all into one! Junk I visited a local new and used store just down the road last weekend and brought this Heavenly junk home. Aren’t those bait containers the coolest?! I really REALLY think they have to become some kind of […]

A dreamy garage sale at a dream home


There’s this lovely historical dream home in my own home town that makes you slow down when driving past, just so you can admire it one more time.  You know the kind I mean. I have looooong coveted this place. It sits on  2 acres of wonderful, glorious privacy, with the most amazing grounds. It’s […]

A funky old trunk and bean sack ottoman


 I’m feeling a little proud of me. We finally ditched the granny styled ottoman we’ve had for several years, and created a funky old trunk and bean sack ottoman that is much more… funky! And this creation couldn’t have been simpler. It’s rustic in all the right places. And fits right in with the hydrangea […]