10 – Junk for Joy reclaimed wood letters


I’ve always been smitten over those wooden NOEL or JOY letters I’ve seen others make.   So while this idea is not really my own, here’s my own junk take. Junk for joy reclaimed wood letters. With a wreath. 🙂 How to make this reclaimed wood JOY What you’ll need: pallet wood junk cordless drill screws and washers […]

8 – bells on a vintage hanger window display


I’m one of those people that can’t overdue enough sunlight in their lives. It could be because of living on the ‘wet coast’. With that in mind, this bells on a vintage hanger window display lets that sun shine in! In my salvaged farmhouse bathroom.  The concept is very simple. Hang a vintage hanger up, and clip […]

7 – 2 hot cocoa stations, and a homemade recipe

hot cocoa station in a crate

When growing up on the farm, a special treat my mom use to make was her homemade hot chocolate. Or… hot cocoa.  Back in the day after an evening of snow play, we’d clamour indoors, and head for the warm pot brewing in the kitchen. Greeting us would be my mom’s homemade hot cocoa steaming […]

6 – Illuminated Christmas shutters toolbox


I’m a little addicted to reclaimed wood toolboxes. But if you’re a regular here, you already know that. So why should Christmas be any different? 🙂 But with a twist of course. This one illuminates, thanks to shutters!      Remember my story on landing all these shutters from my neighbour? Slowly, I’m finding ways […]