A bike ride in the snow… and 4 brave things.


Yesterday was NEARLY thee day… but not quite. I had been patiently waiting for the remaining ice on the road to leave the premises so I could finally hop on my bike and hit the trails. However road shoulders were still inhabited by those annoying little ice glaciers. So I set off on foot instead, […]

Rustic winter decorating with black, white and wood


To winter decorate or not to winter decorate… That was a real question for a while. Traditionally, once Christmas is a wrap, I like to take everything down and pull the decorating back to bare bones to enjoy the empty sparce look for a spell. However, once I started undecorating the Christmas tree, I stopped. […]

DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 409 – everyday and organizing!


Welcome to DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 409 Every Friday, 7 PM through Wednesday 11 PM Pacific Hello everyone! And a happy new organizing-to-come year to you! So, a little surprise today. Remember way back when this party hosted 2 linkups? One regular and one themed? Let’s try that again! So you’ll see one link up with […]

A finished story through a photo studio reshuffle


Right before Christmas I went on a rampage to make my son a gift. Who builds 1 week before Christmas?! Apparently I do. While you were wrapping and baking and shopping, I was tripping over power tools late into the evening in this very room, building, painting, then finally staging said gift. Coming soon. After […]

Happy New Year ice storm musings


Happy New Year, dear friends! And what a new year it has been in our neck of the woods. We were hit with a major ice storm right after Christmas, and it’s been cold enough to hold onto those temps and most of the ice. It’s starting to get old now though with crusty, dirty […]