How I ‘built’ some junk-styled labels


Once upon a time, waaay back in 2013, you may remember when my blog underwent a revamp. The blog design you see today was made up from elements I took pictures of. One thing at a time.  The little tag tied with twine and the clipboard were from two of my photos. Then they were […]

My first pottery class

My first pottery class - Rainforest Pottery in Chilliwack, BC-002

I’ve always been curious about the process of hand crafted pottery. When I visit  The Back Porch located in Harrison Hot Springs, BC, it’s always so fun to gaze at their rows and rows of beautiful hand crafted pottery creations. And I love the fact that when I purchase some antiques or freshly roasted coffee, I may […]

DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 442


Welcome to DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 442 Every Friday, 7 PM through Wednesday 11 PM Pacific   Happy fall, folks! It started to rain here so now it REALLY feels like a BIG season change overnight. And just in time… because I have officially launched 8 new stencils, 7 of which are Fall themed! Look-it me […]

Houndstooth TV tray


Houndstooth TV tray I had a plain boring TV tray on hand and adding a stencil pattern on the top was calling my name… Well, hello there TV tray I’ve had in my stash since… actually, not that long! I decided to go on a little thrift store shopping spree awhile back, challenging myself to […]