DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 480


Welcome to DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 480 Every Friday, 7 PM through Wednesday 11 PM Pacific Happy party weekend, all! How is your spring-summer going? We got hit with beautiful breezy sunny weather which just makes me feel inspired! However this week was for the most part spent designing stencils for summer which kept me offline […]

7 ways to motivate yourself into action

Measuring for pilot holes, part of building a DIY reclaimed wood rustic crate with Apple Farm and Flower from Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils

Dear me…  So… you booked a vacation, and now you can’t settle down and do anything else but mindfully pack! Can you relate? For most that book a future vacation, my guess is it brings them something to look forward to. For me, it has a different effect. My mind plays tricks on me and […]

DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 479


Welcome to DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 479 Every Friday, 7 PM through Wednesday 11 PM Pacific Happy weekend, friends! This past week we’ve had real summer weather, so I spent lots of time  on the bike trail and in the garden moreso. (I am not very good at staying indoors when the sun shines I’m afraid…) […]

Stenciled Buffalo Check front doormat

Buffalo Checked front door mat

Stenciled Buffalo Check front doormat A cute front door mat has been something I’ve desired for a LONG TIME! I generally pick up those great big industrial black mats from big box stores. They do the trick, but I’ve longed for a little mat stylin’. So last time I visited Ikea, I grabbed a few […]

DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 478


Welcome to DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 478 Every Friday, 7 PM through Wednesday 11 PM Pacific Hi all! Boy, does it feel so good to get back on the keyboard, while going over all your incredible DIY inspiration! Thanks for the eye candy! Why the feeling? This past week I went back to ‘school’. I am […]