Award winning stairs on One Project Closer

Well now, another incredible surprised was found in my inbox this weekend.

My friends Kolein and Polly have been encouraging me to enter my projects here and there and everywhere. So I took them up on their advice. 

Remember the before and after project I told you about at One Project Closer HERE? I decided to give the contest a whirl and quickly submitted my old crate stairs before the closing registration date.

And I’ve been patiently curious to the outcome.

And then, the email came.

My crazy crate stairway (FJI original post HERE)  won the weekly winner contest of a 

$50 Home Depot gift card

AND a 

$100 donation in my name toward Habitat for Humanity!


To read more about the contest and this awesome program, click HERE.

To view the Project Closer contest win, click HERE.

But in a nutshell, One Project Closer started a before and after event in an effort to highlight the efforts of Habitat for Humanity.

One Project Closer says, “We’ve already featured one stair redo but this Before and After takes things in a totally different direction. Now her stairs practically ooze spunky personality, all on a very small budget.”


And oh yes, they have indeed featured another weekly winning stair project this summer. Know which one?

Our friend Rhoda’s stairs!

Girlfriend, all I can say is, we must have ‘kickin’ stairs to be winning contests with them. 🙂 Aren’t they pretty?

But the fun isn’t over quite yet. The grand prize draw where voters get to choose their favorite out of all the weekly winners is just around the corner. And item up for grabs is a $150 gift card the next round!  Boy would that buy a hot tool or goods to create something else cool…

I’ll indeed let you know when the finale is up and running! I admit I’m VERY curious to see all the projects up for the big vote!

 So, who here still has carpet on their stairs wishing they had the nerve to do something creative with the existing wood like Rhoda and I have? What would you like to do with them?

Pssst… if we can do it, so can you. 🙂

The Scentsy giveaway is on until Thursday evening, midnight. 

Click the balloons to get there!

Other current favs!

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44 thoughts on “Award winning stairs on One Project Closer

  1. Congrats to you both! Just an aside- Rhoda’s pic in google reader is an optical illusion. I thought I was zooming in on them as I was trying to scroll down. Talk about drunk morning lol

  2. Wow, I don’t know when you posted your reveal, but I totally missed seeing it. I LOVE your stairs!! You deserve a huge award (or 100) for those RAD stairs (no other word would properly describe them). Beautiful job. Now I’m off to search for your reveal post.

  3. Ok, I just lost my whole comment for some reason. Let'[s start over………………..

    That’s great! You know how I feel about those stairs – drop dead fabulous. They deserve to win a prize. Many of them.

    The main reason I encourage you to enter contests to get your projects out there is, #1, because I believe in you, and #2, because there are still many, many people who don’t know about blogs or understand what they are or where to find them. For the people who are in that position, they will never see your projects or get to know you. Having them discover your projects in an alternative place could open up a whole new world to them.

    And let me just say, I came on your site at 4:30 am central time, and there were already 14 other people here. Now that’s loyalty my friend! What in the world are we all doing up at these funky hours?? 🙂

  4. Yay!!! We always sell ourselves short, eh? Of course your stairs would win!

    I want sooooo bad to rip up the berber all over my ding dang house, and especially the stairs….but I need to convince hubs. 🙂 I’d paint ’em similar to Rhoda’s I believe since we don’t plan to stay here, and I will need to stay fairly neutral.

  5. Of course you won as those are kick-ass stairs Donna! I think it is my fav project of yours ever and you have had many many awesome projects. I tore the carpet off my stairs in May and they are still naked. I am still contemplating…. or procrastinating! Congrats!

  6. Congratulations! How exciting!!! I’d love to have some stairs like your’s…. but I don’t got me no stairs ’round here. well.. I take that back.. I’ve got three in the garage! I could do something fun but who’d ever see em?

  7. The house we lived in before our big move had stairs that I hated. Was always wanting to do something with them. Wish I had seen your stair redo way back then. Love them. Glad you won.

  8. Woo Hoo! Congratulations (to you and Rhoda.)
    This staircase was one of the first I had seen when I started blog hopping. I am still trying to convince the man that we should do something similar to our upper staircase. It is so in character with our house. Of course we would use fruit and produce motifs. (Or horse and pig feed? Goat chow?)
    Best wishs for the next step in the contest.

  9. Your stairs are my favorites of any and all I’ve ever seen. They should be in a big time magazine. I can’t believe they haven’t been already. Somebody is sleeping on the job!

  10. woo hoo!
    congrats donnna…u know i LOVE your crate stairs…they are FABulous!
    what a great surprise and now more moola for your next project or tool purchase…yippee!
    judi 😉

  11. I adore your stairs! They were what led me to your blog. I’ve got them in my sketch book for when we build our log cabin. Hubby loved them too! You have so much talent, you deserve to be recognized more for it! Enter away and let us know so we can go vote for you!!!

  12. Congratulations to you! I can’t think of anyone who deserves this more than you. You are truly one of the most creative women I have ever “met”. You deserve this award 100%!

  13. Great job! Now isn’t this fun? You are giving back to others with your prize. Let us know if we need to vote for you. I follow a blog about a couple that is totally renovating a really old house in DC. They have a lot of really old boards they took from their carriage house. They wanted to make a dining room table top from them, but I told them to check out your blog and your desk. Ann

  14. Yes, oh and YES!!!! You rock EVERYTHING, Donna!!!! You not only jump out of the box, but kick it to the curb – unless it’s rusty and then it’s a find!!! Hee hee!!!

    Congrats!!! However, winning a contest is really just the tip of the decorative iceberg!!

    Rhoda’s stairs are gorgeous, too!

    I really need to get some. Perhaps I can be creative with the two we have here in our ranch!


  15. That is indeed awesome news…but I’m not surprised because your stairs are amazing!

    If I had stairs I would rip the carpet off in a heartbeat…my dream would be to buy an old house with yuck carpets and I would rip them up and find hardwood flooring throughout the house *bliss*

  16. Congratulations! I am so happy that you submitted your entry. I look forward to the final vote.

    I also love all of your posts. Thank you for sharing your talent and your love and kindness. Take care!

    Always, Teresa T.

  17. Me!! I have plans for mine. But I have a million other projects that seem more important (like painting trim around my kitchen windows) so I keep putting it off. I am horrible at getting things like that done!

    And now, I’m thinking I should paint the trim during naptime, but I have 14 loads of laundry that should be done first. If I keep this up, I’ll never get to anything fun because of all the “work” I have to do!

    And instead of the laundry, I’m going to finish my blog browsing instead. 🙂

  18. WhooHoo! You go girl! So glad you won. Those stairs are so cool! I need to do something with my stairs, but I’ve got like eleventy batrillion projects in front of it. One room at a time…and breath…and breath.

  19. I liked your stair project so much that I featured it on my blog today. I hope you don’t mind. I’ve made sure to link back to you. Thanks for the inspiration.
    April @

  20. Well-deserved! I think the works are really great. I’ve been searching for some ideas on houses and interiors for my latest project. That carpet-installed stairs reminds me of the one I asked the carpet cleaners (Greensboro, NC) to clean up ‘coz it got really stinky when my kid accidentally spilled his choco drink. The carpet cleaning (Greensboro) services were good, though. They even applied deodorizer on it. We’re gonna install it to the stairs again tomorrow.

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