Why I relinquish stuff and break decorating rules


Does anyone else get ‘attached’ to the things they either find, DIY or buy? I know I sure do. And I know for a fact, I actually place super high values on my stuff over time that no one else feels quite the same way about! Case in point: I hold onto my things thinking […]

Tips on designing an old sign themed paint studio


When I first challenged myself with a cleaning challenge called Heap of Change, all I really expected to do was declutter. But I’m SO GLAD I pushed myself to the extreme in this area. Because this particular before and after is one of the most dramatic ones I’ve done to date! Where we left off…. […]

3. Why learning on the job matters


For those that have been wondering where my junk posts are of late, ohhh my. Let me put it this way. I’ve been in high learning curve mode with this bathroom reno and it’s taking every ounce out of me. But I’m about to show you why learning on the job matters and why it’s […]

2. How to create a new room you NEED


How to create a room you need is as easy as changing out a room you don’t use to it’s full capacity. Here’s how I did it. Twice.  #1. Here is our dining room when we first moved in. We never used it, never liked it. We ate in the kitchen or in front of […]

1. The secret to a more productive space


Over Christmas, I did a really gutsy move. And I’m now convinced this is the secret to a more productive space. I ditched my coffee table. GASP.   We all need coffee tables, right? I mean, what about when company comes? You need a place to set your coffee. Or so I thought.  I guess […]