15 successful survival tips every blogger needs


So, as I was putzing around the kitchen cleaning up our little New Year’s pizza take-out and hot chocolate cups from last night, (we had a very quiet and lovely night-in watching several Pirates of the Caribbean) I wondered what I should be posting about on New Year’s Day. After one final wipe and buff of a once […]

6 & 7 – Know your limitations, and know how to chill


Did anyone notice I skipped out on posting yesterday?  I was rolling out a huge, wordy one. But when I clicked publish, I lost half of it. A corrupt cut and paste. Not good. And at 1:30 AM, I wasn’t about to pound keys for another hour to fill it back up. Limitation #1 – no more […]

5 – fresh blog branding along with even fresher coffee


Sleeping cats. A teenage son that appeared to need a long afternoon nap. And the house to myself.  What’s a blogger to do? Another coffee from my little red stool coffee station would be lovely, thank-you! But I brought my coffee to the computer screen, and gave my weekly newsletter a fresh, new little makeover.     […]

3 – The secret to staying 100% authentically you


When preparing my speech for Blogpodium in Toronto, I was asked to include how I stay authentic. Hmm… I had to think about that one. I mean, the love of junk has a good strong hold on me, and if I go too off course with certain stuff, I don’t feel the love. Is there more […]

How to build a dream job while you work a day job


“I want to quit blogging!” I remember the day vividly. I was on my way to work but stopped in at my friend’s place to whine. I was in an online decorating contest and wanted to quit. It was so hard… I had to come up with a new project once a week and the […]