So, as I was putzing around the kitchen cleaning up our little New Year’s pizza take-out and hot chocolate cups from last night, (we had a very quiet and lovely night-in watching several Pirates of the Caribbean) I wondered what I should be posting about on New Year’s Day.
After one final wipe and buff of a once again clean kitchen counter, I grabbed a fresh coffee and browsed online to see what everyone else was up to.
Instant inspiration!
That in itself led me to shooting in all kinds of directions. I started no less than 3 different kinds of posts, not finishing anything… until I stopped myself.
I realized then I needed to establish better blogging habits for a start!
Guys, I fail daily. I get in the zone, go off course, and end up all over the map.
BUT… I do know better, and it was just time to get it all down in a post… so you can see what I do on a good day…
I’ve been blogging now for nearly 10 years, and felt it was time to share a few tips and tricks that have helped me along the way.
Not sure what to post about?
Struggle with time management?
Overthink what opportunities to accept?
And more…
So, below are my 15 successful survival tips every blogger needs… or at the very least? If even ONE of those tips helps, beware… I may be coming for advice from you next…
Scrap wood mirror tutorial
1. Beat to your own drum
I’m often tempted to do what others do. Staying on top of the newest and greatest is good! Trying it once is even better! But I also need to heed what does and doesn’t work for me personally.
Do I really love what I’m creating?
Is the effort made going to give me enough return?
The fix
After reading another’s idea, no matter what it is, I get offline. I reach for my own list of goals, then allow that to influence my decision.
For example, my most successful projects derive out of need. If I need something, I go dig through my stash to see if I can not only make it, but make it super original.
The hottest trend out there may be hot, however if I don’t need it or it’s not me, the project never does as well because my heart wasn’t in it. LOVE LOVE LOVE what you make.
A little self inflicted mantra – “Become the one to be pinned, not just the pinner.”
View ALL my projects HERE
2. Did I really just say that?
Sometimes I’ll post a reply somewhere stating my opinion on something. But once I leave the computer, if I begin questioning myself, I know something is amiss. Ever do that?
So then the overthinking begins…
Did my ‘opinion’ truly make a difference? Was it helpful? Needed? Asked for? Or did I talk just to be heard?
What WAS my reason for saying what I did?
Did it make me feel good afterwards? Or is my stomach churning?
Isn’t stomach churning the worst? Yeah… it is.
The fix
If you disagree with something out there, give it a little time before responding. And ALWAYS give it 24 hours if something raised your blood pressure! 🙂 The outcome is almost always better after thinking something through.
Here’s a little trick I do… if I wish to reply to someone, I will in a private document first. Then I wait 24 hours. The next day I revisit it, and nearly always edit before publishing. If at all.
A very wise friend once told me he heard someone rant on Facebook, and he’d never do biz with someone ‘like that’. That stuck with me.
My Clipboard Check List
3. Be more intentional with productivity
“I’m just going online to check something in my email.
Oh… but maybe I’ll just check my Facebook feed while I’m here.
Haha, what’s that video all about? *Click*.
This reply is interesting, I think I’ll add something…”
And on it goes.
I’ll have one reason to hop on the computer, but then wander off to other unplanned territories. Fun for the short term, it can be a huge time eater.
The fix
Do your business, then leave.
Get online, do what ya gotta do, then click off. Go back on a few times throughout the day if need be, but then LEAVE. An iPhone alarm or kitchen timer is a most wonderful nag.
Working off a list works wonders for staying on task too. HERE is a checklist I print out for a clipboard. It really works!
4. Keep up with email
I often open emails, read something I need to respond to, place a star by it, then keep scrolling.
Then that star email gets buried under other star emails, and soon it’s become too overwhelming and time consuming to address them all. So I leave it for another day.
Then I create a page 2. Then 3. 4 5 6… and on it goes. Not productive one bit really.
The fix
You know the saying about paperwork, right? Touch it only once. Pay the bill on the spot, then file the paperwork in its final resting spot. For if you open a letter and plunk it in a pile, you’re forced to deal with it again.
Email is like that too. Open, answer, delete or file, then move on.
Even a wishy washy answer (if it’s something you have to mull over) is better than none. At least you’ve started up a conversation and you’ll get a reply to continue at the very least.
And delete a few extra emails a day to keep the inbox from being buried alive. I’m currently trying to keep mine down to 1500. What’s your current count at?
5. Do more writing from the heart
I love posting about junk projects. Quick and easy, to the point, done!
But… I use to post something inspiring about once a week. The writer in me just seeks out sharing things that have no bearing on junk at times. Therapeutic, perhaps?
Thing is, these posts don’t get shared by others nearly as much, but they rank the most comments. What that says to me is that heartfelt posts are hitting other hearts, so there appears to be a need for them.
The fix
One single thought can become a post. Instead of blurting out prompts on social media, apply them to a blog post instead. THEN blurt it out your new post on social media! 🙂
Speaking from the heart connects your readers to the real you. It’s nice to hear about your latest project, however it’s also really nice to hear about what makes that creator tick.
A little trick I do: if I think of a topic, I’ll fire up a blog draft right away. Most times the draft stays unfinished, however I’ve been known to add a few pictures and complete it.
The most satisfying of all is when I get a, “This is just what I needed to hear today. Thank you!”
That makes it all worth it!
Inspiring reads:
My last truck – when I left my day job to go after my dream job
How to build your dream job while you work your day job
Therapy 101 posts – tips I’ve learned from courses and a therapist
6. Segment your day
I sit down for a good writing session due to a brain storm. But suddenly, outside grows dark, I forgot about lunch, and my boy just got home from school, and I’m still in my pjs. How did that happen?!
‘The zone’ took over once again. Good for the blog, but bad for other areas in my life.
The fix
I now do something called segmenting my day. If I run amuck, I’ll snap out of it, mindfully check the time, then resort to where I need to be at that current time. Miss a step? Oh well, hopefully tomorrow will be better! Gotta keep moving on.
AM – 12 / computer
12 – 4 / DIY tutorials as it’s the best time to take photos.
4 – 6 / Dinner.
6 – 8 / Bike ride.
8 – 10 / Blog post building, leisure, then bed.
7. Define what kinds of posts your readers enjoy the most
I often just post what I want. Then wonder why it didn’t go over quite as well as I had hoped. Ah well, next time, right?
Blogging isn’t always about hits of course, but if there’s a pattern of interest, that can be a very telling thing.
What got the most comments?
What continues to get pinned heavily?
Then pick it apart…
Did you teach something?
Was it easy for everyone to do?
Was it unique?
The fix
Take note over your biggest hits and note any similarities. Focus on adding more of those kinds of posts to your list.
My bigger hits tend to be when I focus on reclaimed wood projects. So if I’m ever stuck on what to post, by default I haul out the wood and get to work.
Some of my project hits:
Pallet wood chair in a couple of hours
Faux barn wood headboard
Pantry shelf tutorial
8. Say yes to opportunities that are a good fit
When a new opportunity comes my way, I’ll mull over its potential. At times I may take it on, but then wonder why I did after the fact if I’m not enjoying the process.
I mean, a pay check is great, however if I keep taking just anything on, this may flip into yet another hohum day job…
So, what’s the answer if you wish for this to remain your DREAM job?
The fix
Think about what you enjoy blogging about. If this opportunity blends in with your personal goals or brand and offers you an experience you’d do for absolutely free, that’s the stuff you want to accept.
NEVER do it just for the money. You’ll always regret it.
I was sent a new modern vanity to work with as well as compensation. I really wanted a new vanity anyway, and was enticed by the challenge to marry it to my style.
The Salvaged Farmhouse Bathroom became one of my biggest room hits! Plus I learned a TON.
Example #2:
I was creating loads of vintage looking signs for my home when my readers desired to make the same.
After several years, I launched my own line of Funky Junk’s Old Sign Stencils.
Not only did this solve a problem, I was already making those types of projects anyway!
9. Challenge yourself with a unique twist
Most of what I blog about are easy, junk projects anyone can do.
Fun, but it can make it a little boring if I know the end result before it’s done. At times, that alone makes me want to not finish. Can you relate?
The fix
I have a little challenge I host against myself… if my project didn’t surprise me, I’ll change it up just enough so it does at the eleventh hour. The change can be small, but it needs to be unexpected. That helps keep adrenaline high, and pushes me to create one-of-a-kind content.
– – – –
Some projects with surprise twists:
Antique fan grill paperwork holders
10. Blog with a teaching voice… with heart
I’ll often dive into a project, post what I did, and that’s it.
But then I mull over what I just wrote.
Did I just take my reader through a show and tell or actually teach them something of lasting value?
The fix
I now go back into each post and ensure it has a teaching slant. Learning a new technique are among the most valuable posts you can offer. Everyone loves to learn.
However, I’ve found there’s a delicate balance. I attempt to share a little back story of why I am making a project, then go into the full tutorial in point form, then bring it around and ‘chatter’ once again at the end to further personalize it.
I find this does 2 things… it provides the reader a tutorial with heart, plus the tutorial is easy to spot in the middle of all the ramble for those that wish to get to the point.
11. Learn new things. Constantly!
We’ve all done it. We pump out an easy project that barely needs a tutorial. Easy is nice!
But is easy always the way to go? Perhaps it’s time to learn something new…
I personally post about things I already know how to do, but when it comes to something I’ve never done, I stall. I may even avoid going there. But ultimately, it drives me crazy if I want something I don’t know how to make, and there’s only one way to fix that…
The fix
Define what you’d like to create. Then google how, or call on a friend. Do what it takes! But do it.
These posts indeed take more time, but if you space them out in between non-tutorial types, and allow several days to build, you’ll find them do-able.
And the lesson learned will push you yourself into a new level!
For example:
When I took on that bathroom vanity project, I knew I wouldn’t love the rest of the room. Yet I had never done things like plank a popcorn ceiling before or make farmhouse window moulding. Yet THAT is what I really wanted.
So I went for it. Not only did it become one of my biggest projects, well… see for yourself where this ended up HERE.
There will no doubt be more time investment in new things. But think of the things you’ll be able to do moving forward!
Kitchen crate shelving – that took several weeks!
12. Spread it out
I remember the day well. I was doing a project that I wanted completed all in one day so I could post it that night. As a blogger, you know what that all demands, right?
- come up with the idea
- gather your supplies
- make it, praying it turns out (because it doesn’t always!)
- photograph it during daylight hours
- edit the photos
- write the post
- publish it at prime time
- then social media it
Read that over 5 times. That’s a lot to accomplish in a day, along with all else that needs you. And what I typically end up doing is saturating an entire day with this one thing. Dinner is late, my boy gets ignored once coming home from school, and on it goes. All for a blog post…
The fix
Break things up in chunks.
Gather your supplies one day, then create on another. Take pics on yet another. And save the editing and writing for night time. My most successful posts have taken many days to implement because I’ve given them the time needed ‘to bake!’
You can even try batch production. Want to make a DIY sign? Perhaps coat several blanks at once instead of just one.
But this doesn’t help if you need blog content now, does it? #13 will save your blog…
The making of the beverage station
13. Take pictures daily
You’re in the middle of a project. But it isn’t complete, so guess what… no blog post tonight! And what if that project takes days?
The fix
Then it dawned on me. If I took at least one new picture a day, I’d always have something to write about.
Most often, that one picture leads into so much more = welcome new instant blog post… or more.
Another trick is to create more blog posts from a single project. During Christmas, I was working on the beverage station from a cart. Once I started prepping some of the metal for the post, I took pictures of the steps and spun that into how to treat rusty old metal. It was very well received!
14. Preview your post. In preview mode. It’s different.
You’ve written a crazy long post like this, and now it’s finally time to hit post! Or is it?
Um… no, it isn’t. Boo. And here’s why.
The fix
Try reading your entire post again. Did you change even one word? Or add a sentence? Good! That’s part of the process.
Now start at the beginning and read it through again. Better yet, visit the draft at a different time of day. Did you edit anything?
As long as you continue to edit, you aren’t done. But there’s one more step to do.
View your post in preview mode. It seems to show differently with mistakes easier caught. Don’t ask me how but it works.
15. Try and keep your blog posts at 1000 words maximum on the average.
Did you just laugh? Me too! This post is now at 2945 words. Good grief! But….
The fix
Sometimes you just need the odd super long one to tell the entire story. I’ve actually read that long ones can be good for sharing and traffic. But I wouldn’t do this every day.
And if you find your helpful posts getting too long, you can also do a part 2.
But for a normal post, I attempt to keep it at around 1000 words or under so it doesn’t require so much effort to get through. Just remember to team up lots of words with lots of photos to balance it out.
And use paragraphs! LOTS and lots of paragraph breaks.
You’re welcome.
See? It’s better if you do.
– – – – –
Obviously, I could go on and on with these kinds of tips. But these have proven to be the most helpful for me. Here’s hoping you can find something buried in here that’ll help you overcome what you’re attempting to fix.
Which of these do you struggle with the most?
Do you have any tips to add? I’d love to hear!
great tips and reminders donna. happy new year!
GREAT TIPS! Thank you. Nice for starting this new year.
Have a great one ~ FlowerLady
Happy New Year, Donna!I just read all 2800+ words and learned a lot! I have got to get back to using my day planner as well! And I have to continue too learn about everything, writing,editing,photography and photo editing,how to better use WordPress,the best time to post (when do you do that?) and using social media. There is so much more to blogging than just doing a project and writing about it.Thanks for your tips and your projects and your encouragement! Wishing you the very best in the New Year!
Jayne, thanks for coming back day after day! Blogging does involve alot, but please never let that intimidate you to the point where you freeze because you don’t want to do it wrong.
Jump in, just do it! You’ll eventually figure out your rhythm. Everyone’s is different. These things work for me is all, so it doesn’t hurt to share. 🙂
Happy New Year!
Thanks, Donna!! I needed this as I sit down for the first time after the holidays. I’ve been squeezing out content all December, trying to fit blogging into a very hectic month. Now that January is here, I’m ready to dive back in! The number one thing on my list is to PLAN!!!!
Good for you Heather! Planning is good, if you remember to stick with it! I go off course all the time! But at least if you have stuff written down, you can glance at your list and scramble at the 11th hour so you don’t forget important stuff! haha
As a newcomer to blogging, I can’t express how valuable it is to me when someone like yourself truly shares their ideas and methods on how to make your blog your own.
My thanks – kindly Jane
Hi Jane, thanks so much! I’m so glad this crazy long post had some value! haha If there’s anything in particular you’d like to hear about, I’m all ears. I think a survey may be in order so I know which way to shoot. I’ve missed offering blog tips, it’s been awhile!
Beautifully written and I really appreciate all the helpful advice. Do you teach courses in blogging?
Hi Janet, I don’t currently, but I certainly could! Feel free to email me your ideas… once I know what would be most helpful to you, maybe I could come up with a way! I’ve always meant to write ebooks on every topic under the sun. Maybe this is the year to get at least one done?
Sticking to a schedule seems to be the most difficult lately and trying to do to much in one day. Having a hard time getting back into a routine after the holiday, winter brings lack of motivation I guess. A schedule with a timer would do wonders for me. Enjoyed this post you have pointed out some great ideas. Social Media seems to be a real stickler for me as well. The balance of it all is hard because when I break it down to what I enjoy the most it’s the time on the blog – connecting with the readers where the content is brings me the most joy. Thanks for this post you’ve given me a lot to think about that will help me move forward. -Carole
Carole, so glad you can grab some tips from this post. I don’t do exactly what I need to do each day either, but I think once you have the structure at least mentally set, you know what to strive towards. Here’s hoping you find the perfect balance that works for you!
Great blog post with a lot of tips that I will be trying to work in. I’m just coming back into blogging and quite frankly…it scares the dickens out of me! But…that’s a good thing, right? It means I’m challenging myself. And with your tips, I just might break through the scary parts. 😉
Jenn! So glad you’re willing to give it another shot! Yes, it can be intimidating to put words to keyboard for the world to see. But for every story we share, it’s my belief that story is delivered to those who may need it. I treat ‘the online presence’ like a gift that’s given both ways… I get to share, others get to enjoy… it’s a gift that keeps on giving to all involved. May your own journey be exactly what you’re needing!
Donna, thanks for the productive tips. Any tips on making me go through with the schedules I set for myself (lol)!?! I like the Be Strict with yourself advice. I spend so much time coming up with schedules and then I only get about two of those things accomplished. Be strict with myself..Yes.
Oh man Heather… I may not be the best one for this question! 🙂 I fail daily.
I think the key is to just write it down. Once you get lost in your sea of whatever it is, glance at your notes so you can at least get the crucial done.
I think remaining flexible with a schedule is the answer for me. If I become too structured, something may not get finished right if I start late. It may be better to miss something than get nothing done…
If you have an iPhone, learn to work that alarm to your benefit. It’s truly helpful when online! Set your structure, then set the alarm. Good luck! I need it too. 🙂
I am in the process of whittling down the amount of blogs I am following. I need to make my time more valuable. I don’t want to get lost all day, so I have to trim the blog list. It’s always nice to just see something pretty with little substance, so I will keep a few of those. I will look critically and decide if I like the blogger’s style, like decor, writing or content. If a blogger just irritates me for some reason, there is no longer a reason to look at the blog. Many decorating blogs seem to have a lot of stuff but little quality content. Things like look what I bought yesterday and today is not what is interesting. I think those people just paw at their stuff all day and lack personal substance. I deleted one of those blogs today. It became a distraction and an annoyance. It happens. And, there are more that I will delete as they present themselves. I want to learn about the blogger’s life as she goes about showing me what she’s up to. I want a personal connection, but a little goes a long way. At this time of year, we are talking about organizing our lives and getting rid of stuff that we don’t need. I am getting rid of blogs (along with some of my stuff!). You’re a keeper, Donna! I enjoy your writing. I like reading your how-tos, even if I won’t be doing the project. You are an engaging teacher, and I look forward to class time. Best wishes in the new year!
Fonda, I’m honoured to remain a part of your reading list! Thank-you! 🙂
I really don’t know what the secret recipe is to the perfect blog read, but for me, it makes sense to offer something to learn from. I love to learn myself. There’s so much growth to it!
Happy New Year and thanks for following along!
Great tips! I struggle with getting blogging things done. It’s my goal this year to organize my blog ideas, pictures etc. so that I don’t have the craziness in my brain from having too much to do.
Great post Donna…all 2820 words of it! I’m definitely guilty of wandering off into unplanned territory on a daily basis; it’s such a time guzzler! Thanks so much for sharing your insight.
Haha! Congrats on getting through the post!
Yeah, being online is similar to watching a firepit burn or the ocean waves. There’s always something to pull you in and keep you there. It takes a LOT of strength to pull away from such enticement! Good luck to both of us! haha
Thanks! I will have to go back and reread your post a few times to let those “tips” that apply soak in. First thought at #6. Check out Fly Lady’s advice on how to start the day. I don’t lace my shoes up but I am working hard to do the rest before coming down to “do breakfast” and send kids off to school. Thanks for some honest reflection behind the need to schedule more, and other “do’s” that are often shared. (I am not a DYI lady.) It is helpful and encouraging as I am rethinking my approach to blogging as I haven’t managed to get anywhere with it so far though I really want to refine and have a good one that is helpful and edifying to others. Happy New Year! Linda
Happy New Year Donna! I hope 2015 is the best year EVER. I don’t usually comment a lot on the different blog sites. However it occurred to me that you girls really need feedback to be successful in communicating your specialties to your followers. Makes sense, huh? So, here I am to tell you that I have been following for probably over a year now and I have read and reread every single post. I find you informative, intelligent, down to earth, creative and an all around good gal. I follow you on Pinterest and pin entirely too many ideas! You hit on so many real life issues and I appreciated hearing your personal story.I know I am rattling on, so; in short – keep up the good work and I am such a fan!
Linda! Oh my… yes, bloggers LOVE comments, but comments like this? That’s like offering me a table full of all my fav treats and maybe even a trip to Hawaii! haha Thanks so much for the kind words and desiring to follow along! I think a survey is another wonderful way to start a new year, ensuring we are offering our readers what they love most. Thanks for the idea, I’m on it! I’d love to hear what everyone thinks!
Fantastic post Donna! I needed some reminders. We can definitely forgive your (not really) long post because of all the nuggets in there.
I call my computer the “event horizon” area. If I’m not careful, I get sucked in for good. Plus, the longer I stay on my computer (especially in the mornings) the less enthusiasm I have for the garage.
Brian, you nailed it. Someone else told me they have the same issue. If online too long in the AM, they’re toast. 🙂
Once my boy is back to school, my old ‘off the computer by 11 AM’ structure will once again be in place. Having that secret deadline is really helpful!
Can’t wait to see what you’ll be cranking out in the New Year!
I’ve been taking care of my grandmother for a while now and she passed yesterday. Great woman, great long life. Soon, I’ll be unleashing some GadgetSponge energy on the world for 2015!
I can definitely relate to so many of your points. I started my blog in May. I am so glad I did because it gave me the summer to learn when I had more time. Now that I am working a full-time day job, balancing the time it takes to blog is truly a challenge. I am still loving it though. I agree with Fonda as well. I need to whittle down my blog list too. Time is valuable. When I started, different things caught my attention. Now I value something altogether different than when I began. I have always found inspiration, truth and candor in your words and site. Thank you for taking the time to teach us… A good teacher can change a life, you know…and often never even know it…
Best Wishes,
What sweet words to greet a new day, Brooke! Thanks so very much! I’m honoured you’d choose to keep me on your reading list, just like Fonda! 🙂
Yes, day job and blog job can get a little over the top, but it’s also a gateway to do what you truly love on your own terms. My own uphill hike was well worth it!
Too funny! I just got online to check the Instagram FF page on FB and I saw your post in my feed. Guess what? Here I am! And, after reading your post I had to think very hard about why I got online initially. {Ugh.} I will say that I am glad that I read this post and I am sure the tips will help me to succeed as a blogger in 2015!
Oh Donna, there are SO many great nuggets of wisdom in here.
I, too, fall into the Internet Vortex all. of. the. time. I want to support my bloggy friends through visits and comments, but then I get lost in related links, FB feed blabber, Buzzfeed articles, and everything else…
I need to do as you say – set a timer, and then get productive AWAY from the computer.
I feel like I’m still learning every day, and this post was full of great brain food. I’m going to pin it and re-read it again. Thanks so much, friend!
These are blogging tips you don’t read everywhere. Thanks so much for sharing them. I learned a lot, many things that I can apply to other areas of life as well.
Yes I certainly did find useful information here. Thanks for sharing with us!
dear donna i LOVE LOVE this post and LOVE LOVE you!!!
i resonate so much with every of the 15 points here! i find that my biggest challenge is that i can get discouraged if a post didn’t do well and i have put TONS of time and work into it, oh, such sadness… lol! would love to hear your experience on that!
my most cherished tool for productivity is to use an app to block myself from my site, social & emails for a few hours so i can focus! =)
thank you again for sharing from your heart and for such wisdom!! you rock!!!
Ohhhh Ananda! I will pout for days if I do a project I’ve loved but it barely gets a peep. LOL Isn’t that funny how we can allow our moods to swing with how well a post does?
I honestly allow it time to ‘bake’. Sometimes it hasn’t reached its full potential yet. But I do take note that maybe those kinds of posts aren’t the best ones to create.
Hits are truly hit and misses. It’s hard to tell what will do really well.
And I’d love more info on this blocker! I need that! haha
thank you so much for sharing this donna!!! =) so true, i love “non-attachment”, but it’s out the window when it comes to my silly blog posts haha!
the blocker i use is LeechBlock, best friend, lots of great settings, you can even ruthlessly set it so you can’t access the settings during a block! xx
A great list. Thanks for taking the time to share it! Happy new year!
very nice read…thank you for sharing your tips!
You must have known that I really needed what you have posted. Your tips are amazing and I will put some of them into place now. You are right that the more time you spend on a post equals better results. I’m going to quit doing my posts at dinner and breakfast for sure. LOL Thanx a mill. Jo
This is so awesome. It’s like a little mini seminar FREE! You rock. Starting my second year of blogging and the email is out of control so time to get a handle on that. And because of my day job, I HAVE to have a planner to try and keep up and start scheduling. It’s a work in progress. Thanks for your tips!
Awesome hints and tips Donna! I really need to print these out and read them often!
These are great tips, Donna! This time of year, I think we’re all extra reflective and thinking about what we want to do differently. This post helped me think about what I want to do on my blog.
Love this post Donna! It taught me one big lesson…keep on keep’n on because I’ve been doing a lot of these tips. Hence the second lesson…throw self-doubt out the bloody window. And third…add links to other posts that relate to the current one. This was the perfect post to read at the start of a fresh new blogging year – thanks!
Donna, thanks not only for this helpful post, but for your tips and inspirational posts through out the year. Your tips definitely help other bloggers, but they’re usually also great inspiration for anyone striving to do what they dream to do. I am always being inspired by your awesome junky style, your skill with tools or your take on life, to name a few. My two biggest struggles have been staying focused (rather than sucked into the vortex) and finding my voice as a blogger and your posts have given me a lot of encouragement. Thanks so much and here’s to 2015!!
Oh my goodness, girl, I struggle with all. of. it. 🙂 Mostly with the fact that my free time is after 4pm when the light just isn’t good for photography. And that I try to finish a whole project start to post in one day. And and and…
thanks for the advice! My biggest goal for the new year is to be more intentional with my blog and treat it like the business that I want it to be. My word for 2015 is INTENTION. Here goes!
Such great things here!!!!!! Thank you for so many helpful tips!!!!
Great post Donna. Thanks for sharing your idea and processes. I definitely get caught up in chasing shiny objects and wasting too much time… sighhhhhhh. Good to know that others have similar issues.
Thanks so much for this article. I’ve only been at this blogging thing for a while, and feel overwhelmed because there is so much to learn! Like you, I have computer ADHD; I’ll hop onto Pinterest for “just a minute” after breakfast, and before I know it, the day is gone.
Would love for somebody to write a tutorial on Tools & techniques that seasoned bloggers take for granted. Like linking blogs. Would love to participate in your clean-up campaign, but don’t know how, (& can’t take the time to figure it out!)
Love your blog & your “straight from the heart ” style. It’s so refreshing!
Donna – Even though I don’t have my own blog, I am toying with the idea of starting one after I retire in June. I love reading your blog a couple times a week. Your posts are very inspiring; they get my creative juices and thoughts going – which is what they are supposed to do, right? So you ARE doing it right!!! Happy New Year my cyberspace friend!
Love this and still relevant! Beat to my own drum…that’s exactly why I want to start blogging. I’ve got a niche and feel like I have a lot to give. Thank you for the productivity tips! Secret confession… I often set my iPhone alarm so I do not burn the Mac n cheese for my offspring. Those alarms truly are life savers! ? Would love your tips on how you write down your ideas and organize your photos.
Oh boy… that could result in another 3000 word post! haha I’ll give it some thought Lynn! Thanks! p.s. since you read the post, I’ve revamped it. A LOT. It needed an update after 2 years.