6 & 7 – Know your limitations, and know how to chill

Know your limitations, and know how to chill - via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

Did anyone notice I skipped out on posting yesterday? 

I was rolling out a huge, wordy one. But when I clicked publish, I lost half of it. A corrupt cut and paste. Not good.

And at 1:30 AM, I wasn’t about to pound keys for another hour to fill it back up.

Limitation #1 – no more all nighters!

Because that’s just dumb. I struggle in the AM getting my boy off to school, then I go back and nap and sleep too long.

So while it was too late already, I made the right call. 

branch garland, reclaimed wood coasters and toolbox kit / part of Know your limitations, and know how to chill - via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
branch handled toolbox kits
 / reclaimed wood coffee coasters / grapevine twig garland

So I’m changing my theme for today. But with a double message because I missed a day. That’s fair right, Nester?! (the founder of 31 Days)

Limitation #2: I am not a shipper.

I have no idea when I even offered this gift to reader Jessica. She won it in a draw. I broke it while packing it up way back and meant to fix it, but it never happened.

Shipping is not a difficult thing! The post office is just down the road, minutes away. But for some reason, I’m allergic to boxing something up, collecting the address, taping it shut, and making the trek down the road. Shipping is just not my thing, period.

For this reason, I will likely never have an Etsy store or store I run myself. Now a store run by another? Sure! More on that soon in fact… did you see a glimmer of a hint there maybe?

But as it stands, I don’t ship. But I will this round. For Jessica. This time. 🙂

grapevine twig garland / part of Know your limitations, and know how to chill - via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

And because Jessica didn’t get her toolbox kit on time, I’m going to send her a couple other things I made. Because she doesn’t hate me for my lack of sending ability or forgetfulness due to… age?

She showed me a huge amount of grace, and I appreciated that.

tuxedo cats / part of Know your limitations, and know how to chill - via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

Of course I have many other limitations too that I won’t bore you with. But the point is, I realize in some areas, I just fall flat. And it’s all good. I excel in other areas so I’m better to serve my time there.

Like taking pictures of boxed up overdue gifts. And cats. 🙂

Packing to ship / part of Know your limitations, and know how to chill - via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

Story –

For my son’s first birthday, I had this MASSIVE party for him on my then farm. Hay ride, horse rides, fire pit, craft tables, you name it, we did it. 

And then there was the cake. I made a 3D barn, but… it resembled the leaning tower of Pizza. It was pretty crappy to be very honest.

I was stressing so bad over its non perfection stance along with this perfect party, that my mom suggested I take an aspirin! LOL

Packing to ship / part of Know your limitations, and know how to chill - via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

After that year, I never made a birthday cake again. I bought them. But I gave more in other areas that well made up for it, like decorating. Ohhh, the decorating! The room transformed into a magical Disneyland that grew everyones eyes wide open!

The kitchen just wasn’t / isn’t my thing.

You are who you are. So why fight it and try and be who you aren’t?

tuxedo cat / part of Know your limitations, and know how to chill - via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
Now, did you notice an underlying theme in this photoshoot?

Kind of a stressful topic, but it’s my bet you felt… a peace.

A peace knowing it’s ok to not do it all perhaps?


But know what really helps me chill out and be ok with all my imperfections?

sleeping tuxedo cats / part of Know your limitations, and know how to chill - via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

These guys. With no aspirin nor limitations in sight.

Except for my current sending capabilities…

Excuse me kitties, but I promise I’ll make you more stuff I don’t need to ship.  🙂

Dream Box Building Challenge #6

List the things you love, like and dislike doing. Truly, just put it out there. Then when it’s decision making time, you’ll know whether you’re heading in the right direction with something.

Dream Box Building Challenge #7

Plan your escape routes. ie: chill pill things that de stress you.
And never respond when heated up. Take 24 hours to chill. Your comeback will be much different. 

31 days Dream Box Building on FunkyJunkInteriors.net

Visit what dream box building is all about HERE

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What’s your biggest limitation?
And how do you de stress about it? 😀

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Categories: 31 Days Dream Box Building, Blog, Blogging, Blogging Tips, Business, Career building, Inspiration, Personal, Pets
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21 thoughts on “6 & 7 – Know your limitations, and know how to chill

  1. That, my friend, is some of the best advice I ever got! 🙂 I know this is missing your point, but I’m not so good at shipping either. 🙂 It’s something I work on cuz I have a business that requires it. And last week I mailed a birthday card that was a whole week late. Oh well.

    I think this post was the most fabulous “two in one” EVER. Mmhua!

    • You are totally ON point!

      My dayjob was on the artsy side some days, but most not. And it was repetitious.

      My creative brain isn’t wired to do one thing over and over again, it’s like if I’m not chipping away at something new all the time, I cave.

      I think in most cases we start disliking where we’re at because of the duties they entail that aren’t for us. Yet we do it… and do it again. And again.

      DIY and blogging is one of the most difficult, but most rewarding ‘jobs’ ever, and it’s probably mostly because I never know what’s around the corner. That positively fuels me!

      p.s. Can you get someone else to do the shipping part? LOL

  2. Donna, my version: “don’t sweat the petty stuff and don’t pet the sweaty stuff”. I cannot abide being late…. in person. Now I have been HORRIBLE at remembering birthdays and even hate doing holidays. Just not my thing. Forget my birthday? Fine, I’m good with that. Forget yours? Um… I’ll try not to.
    I can lose time “making”. I am comfortable saying I am a “maker”. Not an artist, quilter, builder, creator.. I am a “maker”. If I make it to the post office.. lol.. so much the better.
    Cats = Xanax/Ativan/Valium/Klonopin. 🙂 I don’t take pills well. Petting my boy “JT” is meditation.
    Peace, love and making fun!

    • Ha!! I stopped birthdays years ago, and just in time! I forget my own! At least my son won’t let me forget his… I get reminded at least a year in advance (and many times throughout) EXACTLY what he wants. I also don’t have to worry about getting the perfect thing either! 🙂

      “High five!” to the kitty meds. I swear they have magical soothing powers…

    • Thanks Anne! I promise to pump out some DIYs through this too… but it’s been nice getting my story voice back again. Glad / hope it’s been somewhat inspiring for those that need it! The behind the scenes emails are telling me yes anyway…

  3. Love the Kitties…I had two, none now and it does change how you deal with those “Non-capable” things in this world. With age comes wisdom, we are told. But, I still find I am trying to do those “non-capable” things on some days. The list would be good; post it to remind me not to waste my time trying it again.!
    Love your blog and your capabilities..lots of which I do not have; but its OK. I have some you do not, that is what makes the world go round.

  4. Great post Donna and so VERY true; we’ll never be able to to it all. Jessica is a lucky lady to be getting your tool box kit even if it is a wee bit late. I only sell and ship the small stuff in my Etsy shop, it’s just easier on me that way. Your sweet kitties have the right idea, they sure look relaxed!

  5. Well, there I go again…identifying with you once more. lol

    I am soooo not a shipper either. I do not like it, SAM I AM. Thanks for giving me permission to say “local pick up only”. Man, do I feel better. 🙂

  6. I’m not a shipper either and that is why I decided to switch over to print-on-demand and sell my books through Amazon. I can write and create and they can ship and handle.

    This post makes me want to get some kitties again. All of ours are in kitty heaven. I adore that photo of the kitty with the white paws hanging over the board. It’s so cool and reminds me of our Oreo that used to be part of our family.

    • Oh girl, I can so relate! Your plan is fantastic! Leaves you more time to travel aloha style too I say! I often joke about the things I take on and say, “Well, if I can do that while I travel, I accept!”

      And yeah, look away if you are attempting to live cat free. A stray landed me these two, after I said no more! LOL

  7. Amen Sistah! It took me 50 years to figure out the I am’s who’s I am’s and that it’s okay. Accepting one’s limitations is so empowering! No more wasted energy focusing on the should’s and freeing up tons of energy to walk through the never ending open doors. Gotta love it! I’m with you on the feline chill pill – some play time and cuddles with mine help recharge my batteries every time. Great post!

  8. I can hear Elsa now “Let it go” 🙂
    I feel so much more comfortable, as I get older…yikes, in who I am AND who I am NOT. The older I get the easier it is.

  9. Oh Donna! I came to your site knowing you are doing the 31 days, as I am, and hoping you had skipped at least one because I have :/ and I needed to feel that it was ok. I found just what I was looking for. THANK YOU!

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