A blogger’s life while camping


  A blogger’s life while camping is a most interesting one! Welcome to my view each morning. The day starts here. I brew my coffee at the campsite, then go in search of a hot wifi area. I chose a campsite out of wifi range because it was prettier. But not to worry, my little […]

Easy camper door replacement fix that cost $1.67!

travel trailer door

Find out how I did a camper door replacement fix for $1.67 instead of getting a new one! Easy fix that just takes a little bit of your time. A travel trailer door replacement was not exactly on my agenda. Not really sure when the rv entry door deterioration transpired, but one evening I went […]

Visiting a junk-themed campsite at Harrison Hot Springs!

rusty bike at a campground during camping in a trailer

A junk themed campsite. Me – “So, it’s gonna be nice for a week and I don’t have to work. What do you want to do?” Son  – “Go camping at Harrison.” Me – “Yeah, me too, but we should really stay home…” But I started itching for a beach. Our last camping trip had […]