18 – Rejoice! You are who you are.


While waiting for our regular Friday night pizza delivery, I decided to spend a little time in the workshop and work on a new project. It was a drizzly night, but that didn’t matter. With lights blazing, I opened the back and main garage door so I could take in the fresh air and hear the […]

10 – inspired by dried hydrangeas in a new toolbox


I woke up to a very nice surprise today. Remember yesterday’s post on being gifted by others? What timing! Just this AM, friend Kelly dropped this toolbox off by my front door. She found it at a garage sale, and being that it reminded her of me, it was brought my way. I had to run into town […]

6 & 7 – Know your limitations, and know how to chill


Did anyone notice I skipped out on posting yesterday?  I was rolling out a huge, wordy one. But when I clicked publish, I lost half of it. A corrupt cut and paste. Not good. And at 1:30 AM, I wasn’t about to pound keys for another hour to fill it back up. Limitation #1 – no more […]