18 – Rejoice! You are who you are.

#18 - Rejoice! You are who you are. via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

While waiting for our regular Friday night pizza delivery, I decided to spend a little time in the workshop and work on a new project.

It was a drizzly night, but that didn’t matter. With lights blazing, I opened the back and main garage door so I could take in the fresh air and hear the sound of the rain.

Then I heard movement. Looking up from my work towards the road, the lampost illuminated highlights of two shadowy figures walking by.  But they were also accompanied with a little ‘click click click click’ right beside them.

cat paws / art of #18 - Rejoice! You are who you are. via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
Not only did it warm my heart, I wore a very knowing smile on my face.

They had planned to not replace their dog that passed on. They were going to travel instead and be free of any commitment in their retirement years. 

And now they have a new pup!

I so get that. I did the same thing when Teddy passed. Thing is, every day felt like an empty room. The sun really never shone as brightly, and laughter for the most part felt forced. 

tuxedo cats / part of #18 - Rejoice! You are who you are. via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
And then a stray cat walked into our lives. A short while later, we came home with our current two.

You are who you are. No matter how hard you fight what you internally need, it won’t work. You can deny yourself all kinds of things pretending you are someone else or like different things, but deep down, ‘you’ will surface. Again and again.

Donna Williams in junk booth / part of #18 - Rejoice! You are who you are. via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
Over the last year, that incessant need to stop work I no longer loved never went away. Near the end, it screamed at me until my entire body ached. It was as if my body, mind and soul shouted, “ENOUGH! Enough already! Just go! And make it work. You are who you are!”

You know in your heart what that ‘thing’ is that makes time stand still. THAT is who you are. And it’ll never, ever go away.

So rejoice in who you are and what you love. You were born the way you were for a reason. And it’s my hope you are enjoying that blessing every single day!

fluffy black and white cat on sign / part of #18 - Rejoice! You are who you are. via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
And with any luck, maybe you can enjoy two. 🙂

Dream Box Building Challenge #18

Are you holding yourself back? 

Let go! Just let go… you’re worth it!

31 days Dream Box Building on FunkyJunkInteriors.net

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27 thoughts on “18 – Rejoice! You are who you are.

  1. Ay-MEN! This is why I don’t change my blog in order to get more readers or more facebook followers–because I won’t be someone I’m not. I am the crazy Downton Abbey lady whose husband does industrial…it may be a disconnect, but it’s who we are.(I guess if you put us together, we’re steampunk?)

  2. Again a super, home-hitting post. Sometimes I feel alone that I’m struggling through my day job, until I find the opportunity to continue my dream pursuit a full time thing. But, we do what we have to and drive the kids from games to practice to dances and we grab our free time for our projects when we can. You are immensely talented and give me a lift every week. My family life, church and your blog…just what the doctor ordered. Thanks again.

  3. Yep. I am finally really listening to what I am here for and why. And it feels so right, not someone else’s ideas. Mine.

  4. I have to disagree because people change. If a person isn’t spiritual and then become spiritual later in life, which is their true nature? It’s not pretending, but reality, people can and do change. Most people don’t really know who they are due to the external influences, like from TV and Hollywood, which is full of illusions. People are constantly being programmed. I’m sure many will disagree with me, and that’s alright, for they are entitled to their opinions.

    Peace and blessings

    • najja… i think maybe you missed donna’s point she is talking change… you are who you are no matter what you have been doing..if you were not spiritual then became that is who you are…she is embracing the courage to change to become who you are

      peace and blessings to you xx

    • Thanks for your insight Najja!

      It’s my belief there are changing seasons to life, for sure! But within each season, are we listening to where we need to be at that given time?

      Many allow themselves to be caught up in jobs they no longer love, or doing things they’re no longer interested in.

      My point is to tap into that… and listen.

      This post reflects life’s changes…


  5. I soooo agree with your words of wisdom today. I am now a retired social worker. But many years ago I was working in child protective services (which I had loved originally), but was burned out and contemplating making a move. I kept putting it off, thinking things would get better. Each time something would happen to make me think it was time to go. I called it, “God thumping me on the back of the head!” Finally, a job came along with a hospice company in my town. I made the change, with a leap of faith, and it led to a wonderful 12 1/2 year career of opportunities to meet so many special people I would have never known otherwise. I have had several other instances in my life where I was scared to make a move, but when I went ahead and did it anyway, it turned out to be the right move. And each time it was for the better.
    I so enjoy your blog. I am here in your audience cheering you along on your path. And enjoying the beautiful projects you make. I am also a cat lover. I have 4 babies and I love them dearly. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us.

  6. Thanks for the reply, Donna and Chris. I was “thrown off” by the phrase “pretending you are someone else…” I’m thankful for the correction.

    One Perfect Love

  7. You are so right Ms FJI Donna….your heart must always be your compass. And besides – being who you are and embracing where you are in life -is a joyful state HAPPY WEEKEND

  8. Thanks Donna. I am enjoying four – two dogs and two cats that I love so very, very much. Thanks for sharing the pictures of your two little kitties. Any chance of seeing a picture of the puppy or am I asking for too much?

  9. You have the courage that most of us long for! It is always fear that inhibits me to step out and change. I long to do more of what I love but am tied to the mundane to bring in the money you can see right away. I know that we are created each to do things only we can do, but it isn’t always an easy step! Thank you for being ‘real’, stepping up with faith, and showing us your reality. The hard things are the best. You are an amazing woman and mother!

  10. You are the real deal Donna….you cannot go wrong when you follow your heart…and when you do…your loved ones, whether of the 2-legged or 4-legged kind…will follow you to the stars and back…One of my favorite Emerson quotes, “Hitch your wagon to a star”… I believe you have done so…and you made your own wagon on top of it all !!!…Love that pic of you…so very insightful !!!…Have a great weekend!

  11. Oh you are so right! I know exactly how that couple with the puppy feels. We always adopted the senior dogs and cats that no one wanted. It wasn’t until last month, when we had to put down the last of our brood that we as a family said we couldn’t take any more heartache. Well, last Saturday we picked up our rescue puppy! She’s lab/border collie and only 4 months old, and really a handful. After only a week, we don’t know what we would have done without her. Our true selves is that we recognized that it’s nice to dream about traveling without a pet and not having those responsibilities; however, we are and always will be animal lovers and must have one in our lives.

  12. I so want to be your friend. 🙂

    I was in residential and commercial cleaning for almost 20 years because I had to work, had to pay the bills, was a one income family with a child to raise, etc. etc. I was good…no I was great at it. I mentored folks in my industry, I traveled and was a convention speaker, I made a boatload of money with my initial $1000 investment in cleaning supplies all those years ago. But it never completely fit, it just “got me by”.

    I sold the company almost a year ago, went into estate liquidation and “junkin'” and I can tell you this person who rarely tears up does almost every day I head to my shop that is full of treasures and fun stuff because I know it is where I truly belong. I have no idea how I am going to make it…but it will happen. I have faith….and more than enough years of doing the ‘”wrong thing” for the “right reasons” to turn back now. 🙂

    • This is one of the best stories I’ve ever read. Rhonda, if you believe in yourself, you will find a way!

      And I know exactly what you mean. Every day is just a REALLY good day! No matter what. HIGH FIVE.

      • How does it feel to inspire so many people? I hope you stop every now and then and feel really good about yourself and what you do for complete strangers. The world is a better place with you in it.

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