Finding your Niche
Welcome back!
First of all, join me in celebrating that I finally made a real button! Just goes to show, if you perservere towards your passion, you CAN do it! Thank-you, thank-you very much! Oh please… the applause is killing me. Have a seat and let’s begin! And if you feel like using the beautiful new button (html version located on my right sidebar) on your sidebar while the series runs, that would make me smile BIG!
How to add the button on your sidebar:
copy the info inside the button
open your blog, select customize, select add a gadget
select html option, window opens
paste your info in that window, save
move your new gadget to your desired location
preview, then save! EASY!
Scenario #1
You’re about to run out the door to grab an icecream with the kids. (like that’s typical eh?) In your town you have two options. One is a hole in the wall store where they sell cheap icecream right beside their plumbing section. Fun times!
Your second option is a highly themed environment with nice tables to sit at, complete with those fans that push that incredible waffle cone aroma around. The cones are more $, but so is your experience. Which one would you choose if you wanted your 1 hour out the door as enjoyable and memorable as possible?
That example was pretty easy, like bad coffee from the gas station vs. a high end coffee house brew. So let’s try another angle…
Scenario #2
Let’s say there were two high end icecream stores, however one had an outstanding playground as well as the best coffee in town, complete with decorating mags, (gotcha there) cushy chairs and they didn’t rush you out the door. Which one? You know the answer to that one.
That is called niche marketing. When you provide something special that the other guy does not offer, that is your niche. And you’re bound to get the business. EVEN if you’re more expensive.
Recap –
Week 1 – you’ve defined your interests
Week 2 – removing obstacles keeping you from success
Week 3 – changes necessary to make your dream happen
Week 4 – establishing your niche
Do you need a niche?
Why can’t you just decide to do something and do the best you can and be successful?
Some can get by with that. But just remember, if you do what the other guy does, you embedd yourself in a saturated market leaving you with ALOT of competition. You’ll really have to jump some major hoops to get noticed and be successful. In the world of biz, you may have to lower your prices to remain in the game in order to be successful. But that doesn’t sound very successful after all, does it?
Finding your special niche in your given passion gives your client a reason to come back to YOU.
So, think about it. If you want to be a decorator, what special talent do you possess that will float you in a different directon from the next gal?
Same applies to everything else in the world. Everything.
Ask yourself:
~ What separates me from the masses?
~ What would draw others towards ME?
~ What can I do with abit of a twist so I’m unique?
~ If I don’t have that unique quality, what do I need to strive towards in order to obtain it?
I have a friend that does world class work. There is no one in the world that outputs work quite like his. No one. His stuff is one of a kind and he’s able to demand the right price for it. I’m intensly proud that my friend has reached this status. And the masses come from around the globe for HIS work. Germany may have someone in Germany that does similar work, but instead, my friend in Canada, half way across the world gets the call instead. That says an awful lot, doesn’t it? He’s got his niche well nailed and he’s placed himself in a market of his own.
Ok, now it’s your turn.
Please share below in the comments:
1. Name your passion. Next, name what niches you think you possess to make your passionate choice uniquely yours.
If you can’t think of any you currently have, list ideas you need to strive towards.
2. Updates!
Please share how you feel about your findings to date. Are you implementing/doing anything about your dreams or still stuck in the wishing stages? Is there anything more I could provide in the series differently that could help you? Critique away!
Passion and niches
passion – blogging
– niche: unique material I’ve written, my own designs, good photos, writing skills, design clean and easy to read
passion – decorating
– niche: unique creations not done by others, specialty fabrications, unique ideas not seen elsewhere
BIG!! I approached a new antiques refurbished goods type store that’s opening next week on if they’d like to sell some creations I make. They are interested! From there, I’ll attempt to brochure my pieces with a services brochure.
I’m stocking projects now that I won’t be keeping myself.
I can now start on stuff to sell at the store. No more waiting!
I’m cleaning out my garage in prep for a good workspace.
I’m taking the time daily to self educate myself on blog stuff I don’t know.
In a nutshell, writing this series is keeping me honest. If I write it, I should be doing it to set a good example. And the more I learn and do, the more passionate I get about it! I didn’t think that would happen but it is!
Ok, that’s mine! Next?
Donna, You did it! It’s only been a few days. WAHOO!!! Becca