DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 373

DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 373 - Graffiti kitchen island, crate rope shelf, coke cubbies, rustic clock, spring nest, plus! on

DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 373

Every Friday, 7 PM through Sunday 11 PM Pacific

Hey friends! Happy Friday and welcome back to another junk filled party!

Chippy white barn wood ceiling
My update:

This past week wasn’t a DIY type, but it was most certainly a get out there and scavage type! I hit the bike trails and found this cool find, plus a barn coming down had me dashing down the road to pick up this!

Now I guess I need to get busy… 🙂

Feature Trial:

So… as I was gathering up this weekend’s features from last weekend’s party, I had a little brainstorm.

I tend to want to feature a LOT, which makes for a really large post. Normally I’d visit each post, then upload photos into the blog post with descriptions and links back.

A little trial is in place this week. The features are added to a larger link up, condensing the room they would normally take. I was also able to feature more of you with this format.

So! I’d love your feedback after reading this post…

Do you like this format? Doesn’t matter to you? Miss anything? Are you more or less likely to click the features this way? Please share pros and cons, I’d love to hear!

My take:

1 – This seed themed cubby is SO inspiring! Doesn’t it want to make you go plant a garden?

2 – Old springs have always been a love of mine, but I adore how this idea incorporates nests!

3 – She had me at crates. But add rope, and you have me wanting to make a few of these as shelves for anything! LOVE the look!

4 – Starting your own seeds has never looked more enticing! Vibrant muffin tin inspired!

5 – Rustic wall clocks are happily dominating the DIY world, and this rendition that offers 3D layers is a must try! Love the french wine barrel reference.

6 – Starting out as a simple Coke sign, this shelf unit is a must peek! What would you use it for?

7 – These belt bracelets are not only simple, they have a super cool cuff appearance. I want one!

8 – This graffiti inspired kitchen island brings to meaning to drawing on the walls. This is gorgeous!

9 – A couple of old chairs positively POP with colour, in this gorgeous redo!

10 – A simple frame becomes so much more with this charming front door wreath idea. Imagine the possibilities!

What did you make this past week? Link up below!

Party Highlights on Pinterest from Party Junk.53 PM

~ Blah blah linkup rules ~

1. UpcycledDIY home decor projects only please. Items for sale must be in tutorial form on your blog. NO FOOD NOR NEW CRAFTS please.

2. Linkups must be your own work, not another’s.

3. Only projects new to this link party please. The themed linkup (if applicable) is an exception.

4. By linking up here, you’re cool with me featuring you on my blog,  Pinterest, Twitter, FJI Facebook with a link back to you, or its own new LINK WIDGET with no additional permission required.

5. No need to link back! Pinning the first image would be very appreciated. Thank you! 🙂

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Categories: Junk Drawer, Link parties

16 thoughts on “DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 373

  1. Thanks so much for the feature, Donna! I think whatever makes your life easier and your blog work better/faster is a good idea 🙂 Have a great weekend–

    • LOVE the features format!! I know exactly what you’re talking about…the party I co-host can get a little unruly with all the features and the “this week at so-and-so’s blog” photos and links…so rolling it up into a link-up like you have it is brilliant! (And, of course, thank you for the feature!!)

  2. Donna,
    I like the new format. Easy to see all the features and your comments on each. And if it’s easier for you, go for it!
    Looks like you had a fun week! Always good to have a good stash of junky supplies on hand for when inspiration hits. I wandered into the garage since it was finally warm today and spied all kinds of things I’d like to work on! But I do think you should have taken those doors…you would have figured out something to do with them…;)
    Thanks for being a great hostess!

  3. I did fix the mis-spelled Jarden with a fixed up Garden in my post (after I posted it and my sister emailed to let me know…. etc) this week. You have taught well, its ok to change stuff to make it work. Thanks Donna for being real. Thanks for your DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 373. Have a great weekend. What a great haul of old barn wood. You have good friends.

  4. Donna I think the new format is great. I am grateful that you host this awesome party! It gives me traffic weather I’m featured or not. And it is always fun to see my favorite bloggers being featured. Have a great weekend.

  5. Thanks for the feature Donna. I love this layout! It lets people just click and go directly to the featured post 🙂 Good idea!

  6. Thanks Donna for featuring my project! the new format looks great. Your site is your house decorate it your way and you cant go wrong, cause you’ve got skills lady! And I can’t wait to see you use them on that new barnwood haul, wowzers thats a nice score!

  7. I’m so thrilled to see my MCM Armchairs featured this week, Donna – thank you so much! Wishing you a lovely weekend – it’s raining here in the prairies. I think whatever works best for you is the way to share your featured picks.

  8. Donna, I think that’s a good way to do the features! Very smart. Also so glad you were able to get some awesome wood and rope from that old barn, score!

  9. my heart sings this morning…thank you for featuring my Coca-Cola! It was a fun challenge. I love your format…whatever works for you.

    I still can’t get over that beautiful barn…what a fun day! If you get some barn track and it’s too big…we’ll just cut it 🙂

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