The above shows the footwear I was wearing yesterday. We’ve been digging in the garden, but not in the way you may think. Seems our septic tank needed some attention. More to come on that…
Although we were ‘forced’ outdoors, it was a pleasure to be out there. I truly think the sun gives me happy medicine. And it makes me think of all the prettiness to come.
Not all DIY is about indoors. I love the outdoors and love a good excuse to just get out there! So… I want you to do the same, with a challenge in mind. Read on….
It’s time to do a little dreaming. Some realistically possible, some pure dream mode. How could you twist these dreams into a possible reality in your own yard?
(the following pictures are linked to their source)
I could easily modify this to work in my vegetable garden…
I want to find ‘just the right dresser’ to try this!
What a clever simple idea….
What a sweet little building! I already have the birdbath…. well, the house in a way too…
Me? Pink?!? I do believe I could be easily converted if I was offered this sweet place.
But I know the crate experience is still near and dear to my heart when I see this.
Seriously stunning backyard. The massive picnic table under the lantern-ed tree awaits… add a fire pit and I’m there!
Yes please. I had that vine on my last home front porch. May have to investigate a new one….
Got the boots, now I just need the rest. Check out that floor!
Simply lovely.
Like a ray of sunshine.
How fabulously junky!
I do believe I’ve just fallen in love with tea pots.
And succulents alongside old typewriters.
Is it possible to be inspired and depressed at the same time? 🙂
Here’s a challenge. I want you to think of one dream plan for your yard this summer. Then go about creating it. We’ll do a ‘dream yard’ link party mid summer with your inspiration. Sound good?
I found an arbor created from branches in a magazine I’d like to emulate. So I’m going to be on the lookout for the right stuff to make it happen.
Here are a few images from my own 2010 yard to prove it’s do-able.
More FJI outdoor ideas are HERE.
So…. what’s your DIY backyard dream plan?
Big helping of nostalgia and romance in those images. Sweet teapots, the bulbs in the card catalog drawers, hand picked wild flowers in a pail. Reminds me of summers at grandma’s house.
My goal for the summer is to grow zinnias and herbs. The zinnias remind me of my mom and the herbs are just because I want them without having to go to the store. My seedlings are sprouting, so hopefully I can keep them alive!
WOW WOW WOW!!!lOVE your images today. I really needed a bit of Spring:) IT IS SNOWING AGAIN!!!!!And isn’t supposed to stop until tomorrow. I have a few ideas for my yard this year. When I get them together I will blog about them. I love your idea dream yard link party idea:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
Oh my gosh….great pictures!! I want it all!! 🙂 I love the drawers…the pink one is to die for!! 🙂 And the teapots….so cute! Thanks for sharing you made me smile!!
Completely smitten with the gardens, wish that most of my yard was NOT a 40 degree slope that I have no clue what to do with (yes its been 6 years and I am still wondering)
Inspired I am makeing a bench for my garden out of……..pallets. hmmm wonder where I got that idea?
Well, I guess I’d better get dreaming after seeing these inspiring pictures (love the teapots!) My neighbour actually has an old iron bed garden, an outhouse style garden shed and an old iron footed bathtub filled with flowers! Great stuff!! Now…what will I dream about…oh yeah, I’d really like a gazebo or a proper stone wall around my rock garden…I’ll let you know mid-summer if it happens ok? Blessings, Pamela
Love the teapot idea,however do not have the stairway but I do have an old door,an old wheelbarrow and the ideas are hopping.Hope I can get it done…
I want all of these to be mine!
I can’t pick a favorite. Thanks for sharing these pics really gave me spring fever (more than I have already).
Uhh, YES PLEASE… to all of the above. I’m dying to spruce up our home’s exterior and add something whimsical like what you’ve shown here. Thanks for the inspiration!
I love your boots with the flowers…I would just like to frame that picture and hang it in my mudroom..What a cute idea for a linky party…I’ll be thinky
Oh my….. I’m in heaven thinking about spring!! (A it STILL continues to snow). Sigh. Thanks for the gorgeous inspiration and hope!! 🙂
i want them all-thanks! We are actually in the process of doing our yard! The challege “funky chic in a suburban setting”-eeks~
Luv the teapots…I have enough of them…I could do that…..We R well into spring here in the southwest USA and everything is growing, blooming, along with birds singing their hearts out. I’m outside as often as I can be. Sorry to hear about UR septic problem but I’m confident U’ll get it taken care of. Have a great day.
I am really loving those teapots planted and hung. I’ve been collecting garden inspiration photos for the past month. I have so many ideas in my head of things I want to create in my own yard. I’m definitely in on this challenge. Now let’s see how many of them I can get implemented. All I need is money and time.
I love THAT BED!!
And the dresser!
I have an old metal head board in my flower garden I found at salvage yard!
I love all the pictures…..the one on the pond……..I could so see me there!!
Oh my – the teapots! LOVE!
OH Donna just wait until you see my yard… It’s not quite time here Just got done cleaning up all the crap form winter and soon will be able To do what I do best.. say tune….have a great day
The Shabby Chick
thanks for the inspiration Donna… March in New England is so UGLY… but on the bright side it makes all the dreams even prettier. 😉
We are hoping to get the front garden all done with perennials. I have some but keep buying annuals and want it all cottage perennials.
We also – REALLY want an outdoor fireplace so that is out there but might wait till the next year for it.
So, make gardens more lush is my goal.
Don’t you just love Pinterest?
I re-pinned a few of those shots!
You know that hammock pic?
I just melted.
And, my heart missed my honey.
We have completely neglected decorating our bedroom in our new place. We’re busy trying to find the time finish the kitchen and repair what needs repairing. For the bedroom, I think perhaps even before we paint over the existing strawberry (ack!) I should try to make it a little more romantic and less functional.
But, that strawberry…should go…Soon!
Psst – There’s still time to enter our giveaway.
Go ahead and treat yourself!
I am squealing with delight over these cutest of pictures!!! Really I am! I LOVE this challenge! I want to do it…I started the yard last year with your gitter done challenge, now I can do something cool and fun like these inspiring pics. You = Genius ideas.
Oh, I think that you just gave me to shove that I needed. I want to make some patio furniture, finish our fence, get some new flowerbeds going, do some paths, rip down the privacy fence…. the list is just too long. I do think knowing this partay is going to be coming might just do the trick! Love all the inspiration photos!
Oh, my goodness! I-N-S-P-I-R-A-T-I-O-N-A-L!!! I absolutely love these ideas. I love the flower BED, the flowers in the typewriter, and the teapots to boot – and everything else, too. Love the backyard dream plan.
Going ga-ga over the sweet little woodsy shack? would you call it that? Love the awesome rusted heart hanging from the front porch eve.
Since DD is graduating in June, masses of family converging on our home…I have the motivation, now I just need some inspiration. Every where I go, I’m scoping out new ideas.
Thank you for the gentle nudge 🙂
think hubs would mind if I snagged his waders for vases?
Oh boy, I better get my husband busy with my dream! I had something in mind mid winter, now I forgot…this will be fun!
I have no ideas (as yet) for my summer garden but I love the idea of that dresser!!!
Oh Donna…you just got the happy juice flowing for me! I LOVE those photos so much! I want to cry! We have snow…tons of it…just today…coming down like crazy as I type this…we haven’t had sun in days/weeks. So I think I’m gonna just stay here and DREAM and then cry some more!!! And maybe smile or burst out laughing at how l -o – n – g this winter has been here in NY…it must be some kind of joke!
But at some point I will be outdoors in the sunshine…planting and digging and feeling happy!
*hand raised* depressed and happy!
Oh and as far as the garden challenge…your photos have inspired me so much!
Mr. Sun, could you please come out and play and stay for 6 months or so? Thank you. Love, Kolein
Wow thanks for sharing those super ideas!
Oh am I ever ready for spring too! Love all of these images 🙂
I have an old dresser that I used as a planter (like the one you have shown). I literally found it on the side of the road! It is a mint green and white and all chippy – gorgeous 🙂 I change out the plants seasonally – I get compliments on it all the time when people come up to my front door (its on my front porch).
Those teacups are adorable! I might have to steal that idea 🙂
The teapot thing lovely and I love your new term fabulously junky!
All these images have just blown me away. Thanks so much for sharing.
Anne xx
You certainly found some dreamy goodness. I’m sorry – but the dresser in the yard doesn’t do anything for me. But most everything else – oh yeah!
I have an old dresser that took some abuse this winter, it did not get off of the porch and I was just thinking this week that I needed to do something with it… it is going to be like that pink one now!!! Thank you! I love the idea of a yard party, so after this ice melts, I will head outside! xoxo
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm… dream garden? Lush green grass-NO STICKERS.
Love all the pictures- they cause me to be inspired!
Still love that character building!
OH MY! The typewriter and the hammock did me in.
Thanks for reminding me what Spring is like…I have so missed it!
*sigh*… what gorgeous gorgeous images… and so many inspirations.. I totally love that hanging tea pot idea.. and might have to incorporate that.. I dont have a back yard.. big enough to talk about… 🙁
Oh all the images are so beautiful and inspiring. I love the typewriter what a classic vintage piece using in such a unique way.
Uh…my dream would be just to HAVE a backyard…or any yard for that matter…ok, a plant would even be good!;}
m ^..^
OMG, it’s all so beautiful, but it almost made me sneeze just looking at the photos. I have such horrible allergies. It’s sad too because I love to grow flowers. I’m miserable after ANY amount of time spent outside though. I do it anyway, but what a hassle it is! We live in a stairwell building and usually I take care of all the planting outside, but with being 35w pregnant, that’s not going to happen this year. I was so happy when all the bulbs I planted last year started blooming though! I love spring bulbs!
That little pink house makes me want to swoon!
BTW, the hanging bottles with a flower or two in them are HUGELY popular in Germany and have been for years.
These are amazing and absolutely creative! I loved the bird!
Everything is so inspiring!
Im wanting to do something on my porch which leads into our backyard, but I have to be careful about whats on floor level because I have 3 male dogs and we all know what that means! Pssssssssss
I think Ill have to stick with things that wont matter too much if they get a little wet, and try to decorate on the siding and fence more!
Thanks for these images and ideas!
You are so sweet Donna..xo
Deborah xoxo
I just love all the images and ideas you have put up – they’re so fabulous and wonderful. We’re in the middle of getting more snow right now so it’s a bit depressing right now. I think I might like to try the teapot idea and I do adore th iron head board as trellis for climbing plants.
Wow! Everything looks fabulous! Love the dresser with the flowers in it. I have an old door I am going to use and I am still thinking about the rest of it.
So far I am gathering still!!
These ideas ROCK! Thanks for sharing Donna! I am in major dreaming and scheming mode over here.. even as the snow depressingly keeps piling up. Oh well maybe in the meantime I can pile up some money and ideas to make my dreams reality 😉
I would LOVE to hear anyone’s landscaping ideas if they are so inclined to share. Here are some photos of what I’ve got to work with here-!/album.php?fbid=163121650409452&id=101973393190945&aid=44733
Mooch-o thanks Donna!
Heather 🙂
These are wonderfully inspiring. I’ve spent so much time working on the inside of our new home, it only recently occurred to me that the outside of our home could be really special. Time to roll up my shirt sleeves and get to work…
Fun fun fun!! That ‘flower bed’ and the pink cottage are especially scrumptious! Actually, I did a flower ‘desk’ last year and posted about it at Gardenwright… sadly, the snow did it in, but it was fun while it lasted!
I’ve been ooohing and ahhhhing over ALL the pics you posted. Gears are a-turning! I’ve been just aching to start on my outside stuff, but it’s too early here to even do much garden cleaning for below freezing overnight temps all this week.
My hubby made me a planter bench made from a bed I bought for $2 a couple of years ago. We did some curb shopping the other day for another cute headboard! I have a curb chair on my garden shed porch just waiting for something wonderful to happen to it too. LOL!!
thanks for the pics – very inspiring!!! i especially love the ideas with furniture in the garden 🙂
Donna! I think we are living with the same thoughts lately! I am the “market” sign girl, which I would be honored if you did copy me, not that I’m saying you did, but if you did it would be a HUGE wowzah for me ;). Anywhooo, if you check out my blog, I just posted our new garden plan. Funny how our thoughts seem to be blending! Love it! Great pics!Alyssa of Boston Bee
gorgeous photos!!!! I love all of them and would love to make our backyard an amazing and relaxing space.
Right after I saw the first dresser picture above with the plants, I was going to tell you about an awesome multidrawer cabinet I saw on Pinterest, and then I saw that you had a picture of it farther down! I tried to find the source of that to no avail, I was going to feature it on CG. :-/ Wish I knew where it came from!
I also LOVE those teapots, what an awesome display! And that pink cottage! Sweet!
I just posted about having a dreamy cottage garden myself.We are starting from the beginning around here. Long way to go.
Loved those teapots, how cute. Can’t wait to get planting!
This is a great idea. I always have plans, but this year we are tackling a little tool shed in the garden, and a tall fence (trellis really) about fifteen feet long for vines and climbing roses.
your garden is beautiful Donna.
Not much of a green thumb over here. I have a sad looking garden to prove it.
I do love the little glass bottles with the white daisies. Now THAT I can take on. :•)
Beautiful images dear! Good clicks!
Right now I’m just
dreaming of a ground
with no snow on it,
but beyond that, I
want to put new screen
doors on our deck and
an awning in order to
maximize our time out
there in the hot afternoons.
I’d also LOVE to make
a loooong table like the
one you show to put under
the trees for feasts,
fairy lights or candles
hanging in jars a MUST.
Beautiful inspiration.
xx Suzanne
You’re killing me with all those pictures! What great inspirations, and thank you for sharing. We’re currently trying (really, REALLY trying) to close on a house, and I’ve already said I’m going with xeriscaping. Florida dry seasons are just horrible to our plants, so it’s usually best to go with native/drought resistant beauties. I’ve looked at all kinds of ideas. Can’t wait to get started!
I was just out in my garden, cleaning up and checking out the progress of all my little babies…nice to be able to come back in and see what lies in store! I love your chair by, is that honeysuckle? and of course your little house…how magical. Speaking of magical…that pink house?! elo!
I so love love love all of these pictures!!!! It makes me smiles that spring is in the air 🙂 Have a fun fun weekend……….
Oh wow ! Great choices of pictures. I am renting but i planted tulips and plan on making the front beautiful because even a rental should feel like home 🙂
I will have the pic ready for your party. Great idea !
I love all those pic! Your little potting shed is so sweet!
Oh! Those teapots! Delightful, all.
You aren’t going to believe this but I scored an antique bed springs last weekend. I brought it home and my husband just looked at me like I was crazy and I replied…. it’s either going to be wall art or a flower bed! For now it’s in the yard. Beautiful pics!
Ooooh! So many pretty pictures. I love them all! For now my dream backyard consists only of getting rid of the 3 feet of snow we still have here~
You still are my go to for inspiration. I am smitten with quite a few of your photos and pray that they will give me the nudge I need to get out there and get my beds cleaned up! I always have good intentions, but then the back makes me face reality. I am concentrating on moving all my favorites to the small area outside my back door which will be much more manageable.
Honestly, I could never plant succulents in my antique typewriter. Nope, not possible. 🙂
Awesome inspiration! Shared the teapot planters pic on my blog with a link back. Cheers!
Sounds fun! Love the photos of your yard. And am even more in love with your hydrangea! Had a beautiful one at our old house and have tried for 5 years now at our new home. They are always so scrawny and sad. This is the first spring they actually look healthy and may have a chance! Fingers crossed! I hope to link up to your challenge!
I wanna try planting in a teapot. I have some beautiful ones that I don’t use but love to look at and why not let them be of use?
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