Favorite things for $30 or less

 I would wither and die if I didn’t have some of these favourite consumable things for under $30.

If you’re a Keurig coffee fan, try the Mexico variety. LOVE it. (Black Silk is nice too) Add less water for more kick and you have one kickin’ homebrew to start your morning off right.

But then again, ya gotta have a fav when out and about. Some love it, others hate it, but I need it. Starbucks pumpkin spiced latte is my method of madness. Grande, 3 pumps instead of 4. It just makes me HAPPY!

If you’ll note on my blog sidebar, I don’t have a Shaklee sponsor so I’m not pumping this just because. But I USE to and she got me absolutely hooked on these products. I no longer buy the average bear out there, I must have these three at the very least. At all times. Or I’m unhappy.

#1. Get Clean Nature Bright – laundry whitener. I can’t STAND the smell of bleach and this is just… clean. No fragrance. LOVE. And it works.

#2. Get Clean Dish Wash – there is no other dish washing soap that works this well nor stays this sudsy that I know of. No scummy residue on my counters. It’s perfection and I’m emotionally upset when I run out.

#3. Get Clean Fresh Laundry – unscented. I detest scented laundry products. DETEST. Even the stuff that says it’s unscented  IS scented. Well, this isn’t. I want fresh and clean. This is it. No scent and it works.

If you ever land Brookside dark chocolate covered cranberries, don’t hesitate. Not even for a moment. Perfection! I’ll take this over higher quality chocolates any day.

Have one of these? It’s a garage door keypad. You can purchase them at any big box stores. You jive it in with your auto garage door opener and you’re in business! They generally come with a remote that fits on your keychain too. INVALUABLE. I’m able to leave the code with neighbours if they need something and I’m not home. Saves loads of trekking through the house.

I’m not sure if these are under $30 or not, but if they’re more, chalk it up to TWO things I love then. Just get one.

Olpha stainless steel knives

Granted, I use these for my work. But I’d buy them even if I didn’t. The stainless blades are tricky to find, but if you do, you’ll never go back to non stainless again. The blades just stay sharper longer. Not o mention, these are a nice slim fit for a hand, which offers you more accurate cutting for small things. I draw with these things on vinyl. Would you rather cut with a pen or a block of wood? That’s why I love these.

I don’t have this brand, but the real point is, a real lens cleaner in a cute little pump bottle far outweighs any alternative when trying to quickly clean your glasses. I keep mine by the kitchen sink.

Scentsy Mochadoodle

If you like your house smelling pretty but are hesitant on real flames, this is the answer. And the Mochadoodle scent is my alltime fav.

Swiffer, oh how I love thee! Nothing picks up pet hair on hardwood floors like this. I’m not really happy with having to replace the swiffer pads though, but I use them a few times before I do. If you sweep first, then use this, you can prolong the agony of making more landfill and having to buy them so often.  Then again I don’t have a Dyson animal yet do I… but it’s over $30 so this is it for now.

That was fun! I needed to write something fluffy this AM and now I did. I’m all better. 🙂 (I’ll be adding more as I think of them)

What are some of your purchased fav things for under $30?

Share in comments! I’d love to see what I’m missing out on.

Nester is having an impromptu $30 or less favorite things link party. Come join!

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33 thoughts on “Favorite things for $30 or less

  1. Oooh, keeping glasses cleaner in the kitchen – brillant! (I hate wiping the bacon grease off my glasses…only to find I just used the short I was using when i was COOKING the bacon. D’oh!)

    I have done 2 posts about favorites.
    Everyday – http://www.cookingatcafed.com/2008/11/danas-10-favorite-things.html

    Kitchen version – http://www.cookingatcafed.com/2010/03/10-of-my-favorite-things-kitchen.html

    I think Dawn direct foam is pretty much my top recommendation. Love the stuff.

  2. I love trying new Kuerig coffees! Hubby likes the breakfast blends but I like the ones with a little kick! I alos have to try out the Shaklee dishsoap, I like to soak things and I need something that lasts! Thanks so much for the tips!


  3. The Zebra F-301 BP pen. Not sure why I like these so much but go crazy if my pens run out of ink and I can’t find them. They just fit in my hand and are very comfortable. I think they come 3 to a pack for about $4.99 if they aren’t on sale. I even buy them to use at work! LOL

  4. Donna, go to flylady.net and check out their broom/mop that uses washable pads. Their stuff is very good quality. While you are there buy at least one rubba scrubba. You will not regret it (but you may regret not buying more than one).

  5. Thank you! I need some cleaning products! Despise scents too! You may have sold me on the Swiffer now!

    Choco covered berries of any kind I simply adore!!!!

    Fun post! Hope you’re having a great day!


  6. Stainless Steel Magic is the best for cleaning anything stainless steel (duh!), even my grungy tea kettle. Also, I love the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. That stuff works when nothing else works. These 2 things make my life easier and that’s what counts 🙂

  7. I too love Swiffer mop, but unfortunately, I’m a clean freak, and I would be going thru two sheets a day, so , don’t have one. I may try the Shaklee products, just wish I could find them in stores. Agree on the starbucks too 😉 One product I constantly have to have is a Slakin and Co. candle in Kitchen Spice from the bath and body works….best candles ever!!!

  8. I might try the laundry whitener! Thanks for sharing these! And on the topic of swiffers, I finally replaced mine with a microfiber dust mop by Real Simple with a washable cover that I absolutely LOVE. L.O.V.E. Love! And I run it over my walls too, to get all the stray dog hairs and dust. I was going broke buying swiffers before! lol. I need to do a favorite things post, with Christmas coming up – thanks for the inspiration!

  9. I love Keurig and the Italian Roast k-cups (strong and yum-o!)
    I cant live without my little George forman grill…it cooks any kind of meats but its also great for grilled sandwiches! Much less expensive than a panini maker…perfect for grilled chesse with tomato soup on a cold day 🙂 Thanks for your $30 ideas!! Really great!!

  10. Sounds like a fun and very informational party, more towards my price range. I will have to spend some time checking it out.
    Of course now you know I’ll be making a mental list of lower cost must-haves…
    One thing I can name immediately – my dollar store READER glasses!

  11. Have to add – my LIBRARY card! (new music as often as I choose, old tv shows on CD with no commercials, magazines to browse and return, and so much more)

  12. “Flying Fox” Shower Gel from “Lush” (A British Columbia Company that makes all things natural for body care) The smell is heady, beautiful and you can wash your hair with it too! (Great for water softening system users). Once you try it..you’ll be hooked! xo

  13. How have I not tried chocolate covered cranberries? I will have to hunt them down. I too used a swifter but got tired of buying the pad so I have a microfiber mop. I love it, can use it wet or dry. I vacuum it clean and then throw it in the machine.

  14. With the Swiffer I have a pile of clean rags that I cut just to fit the Swiffer. They can be washed and reused over and over. I use old tee shirts instead of old bath towels to avoid lint.

  15. Thanks for sharing, some things are not availible in my area. I will check for
    the Brookside chocolates, I have never
    seen them. They sure do look good Donna.

  16. Awww….Ya had me at Starbucks- My home away from home. I am a Triple Venti Sugar Free Vanilla Latte-No Foam kinda gal!;>)

    Hope you had a “fluffed up” day! xo Diana

  17. I love Shaklee! It’s the best cleaning products around without the icky chemicals. I love it so much that I’m even a Shaklee Distributor. 🙂
    And you got me curious about chocolate covered cranberries! I’ve never had them but they sound yummy!

  18. May I suggest using microfiber cloths from the dollar=store as reusable swiffer pads? They grab the dirt GREAT, cheap, and no prep required.

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