My favorite holiday tradition just started about 2 years ago…. I gave up on trying to hide the wrap that Santa used so what we do is my 2 and 4 year old go to the store with me and we “pick out Santa’s paper”…. Each kiddo gets to pick the wrap they like. Then, about a week before Christmas, we write our Santa letters (or print or cut pictures out for them) and then tie the letters to the wrapping paper. We sit outside on the front porch for just a bit looking at the sky to see if we see anything that might resemble rudolph’s blinking nose then go inside knowing that the elves swing by ahead of time to get the wrap so they can wrap each boy’s toys in the corresponding paper so it makes it both easy for Santa to deliver, and easy for them to recognize which presents are theirs on Christmas morning….. ahhhhhh, I LOVE that night that we sit on the porch! The innocence of a child is a wonderful thing!
One of my favorite traditions is when we all get together to make Tamales early in Dec and then freeze them raw and cook them on Christmas Eve. It’a a great big party with our Gramma Aprons and row of tables and all of us talking at once. it’sgreat fun and everyone I tell about it wants to come and join in, but to me I just love it being all us cousins, aunts & uncles, moms and dads…Love it! Thank you for letting me share our traditions.
My favorite Holiday Tradition is getting together with my daughter and granddaughter in the first part of December to make holiday goodies. Last year we made party mix, Heath toffee bars, lemon cookies, two flavors of rock candy, fudge, and probably some other things I have forgoten. Then we make up some “giveaway” Christmas boxes and send to family and friends. We have lots of fun baking, talking, and laughing. We always end up working til late at night and of course we have to do plenty of sampling the goodies. Fun…fun!!!
Well, one of the traditions that I want to adopt is, instead of a stocking, each family member gets a dinner plate. You put your presents or something on each person’s plate. I heard that it was some kind of Canadian tradition. I don’t exactly know how to do it, so can you help me out? Ann
My favorite Christmas tradition was when we would receive the box of goodies (which always included a huge box of chocolates) that my grandmother would send. Money was scarce…and each year the box was eagerly awaited by my four siblings and me.
Our boys are all grown now, and live on their own…2 are married with lovely (and crazy) wives. Then there are the dogs…5 in all! We all gather (including any friends they may have who could not be with their families)for Christmas morning at the homestead…and unwrap the gifts, one at a time. Then we feast on freshly baked cinnamon rolls and strata. Our newest tradition comes in the shape of the TACKIEST Wine Corkscrew and stopper set I have ever seen. It was a gag gift my husband won. So…the first Christmas, we wrapped it and gave it to our eldest…a sommelier! (That’s wine geek, with credentials.) The next year, he passed it on to the middle brother. This gift has been making the rounds of the “kids” each year…always wrapped in insignificant packaging. It’s always fun to see who gets it each year. Of course, it’s accompanied with a crazy poem or additional accessory. That makes it all the more fun! Our Christmas morning is lively…to say the least! Jane (Artfully graced)
I don’t need to win a subscription because I bought one already. But one of our oldest traditions was that each family member received a Christmas ornament every year. It started with my husband and I giving each other one in 1978 or so. When the kids came, we all got one, usually the Gladys Boalt ornaments that are handmade and so special. After about twenty years we had so many, and we forgot whose were whose. So we tailed off a little. I still buy sock monkey ornaments because I have a sock monkey Christmas tree. Our favorite tradition is the stockings. My husband’s mother knit our two and I knit two for the kids. They are big and they stretch so we stuff them with stupid things and really good presents. We would probably rather just get a stocking and nothing else. Ann
My mom died when I was still in high school but on Christmas Eve she always had these special finger foods for us to eat while opening the presents from each other. I have continued this tradition by having family and friends over on Christmas Eve and serving special finger foods and all kinds of fancy deserts and treats. Then we all open the gifts from each other….makes me feel like my mom is still with us 🙂
I just liked FOLKS on FB now my favorite Christmas tradition goes back to when I was a child. Daddy would take us to town to buy Mommas Christmas gift on Christmas Eve night. When we got home Santa would have always came while we were gone. I remember a particular year that a cat had left tracks in the snow all over the roof of the house and Daddy showed them to us saying the reindeer had left their tracks. I believed every word of it 🙂
Wow…I have several favorite traditions that come to mind. The first is, on Christmas eve, we have the while family over for clam chowder (big pots of both New England and Manhattan) and homemade bread. I’m not sure how it started, but its warm and delightful! Second, we always either purchase or make an ornament every year. It’s always marked with the year and we keep a journal with the details or story behind it.
I have 2 favorite’s. When my children were little, we developed the tradition of driving around looking at all the Christmas lights people decorated the outside of their houses with. Then we would go home and have hot chocolate with marshmallows. It would be the event that we “kicked off” Christmas with at our house. Now, my grandchildren are old enough to carry it on. Also, on Christmas Eve, our church has a candlelight communion service. At the end, everyone lights their candle, the lights are turned off and we sing “Silent Night” I play the piano for the service and looking out over the dark sanctuary of candles glowing in the dark to “Silent Night” is one of my favorite moments all year long.
My favorite Christmas tradition is one that my mother started when I was a kid. We have a grand buffet with all types of Hors d’oeuvres, gather around the Christmas tree, sing and enjoy each others company. It always seemed so magical as a kid and now that our kids are grown we invite friends and neighbors without feeling pressured to cook a big dinner the next day.
We don’t have any Christmas traditions, every year is very different from the last year…but, when I was a child, my mother made homemade yeast sweet rolls with jelly in the middle and we ate them Christmas morning for many, many years…she’s 86 now and doesn’t make them any more…I haven’t learned to make them…nor do I enjoy cooking…lol…alas, that’s my life over at Mel’s Designs from the Cabin…I still haven’t seen “Folk” magazine here…pooh…take care…and MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
PS: I have made Rum Punch for the last 3 years for our family get-to-gether and they enjoy that along with all the food everyone brings for the family party….lol..Keep making good stuff! Mel
Before we open our presents, we sit in a circle near the Christmas tree and tell how the year has blest us. Then we open gifts one by one and share with all the others what we got and who we got it from. Such fun!! Hugging you SueAnn
My daughter has her own Christmas Tree. Every year I place a wrapped ornament under her tree after we put the tree up (and when she isn’t looking). When she finally notices the package under the tree, she gets to open it…as long as mom and dad are around. Every now and then she forgets about the present and it takes her a while to notice it, but as the years pass, she is looking for the present to arrive. Not only is it fun to get an early present, but at the age of 13 she has a tree-ful of ornaments.
Every year we make a huge gingerbread house the weekend after Thanksgiving. Then we torment the kids by not allowing them to eat it until Christmas morning. Christmas morning while we wait for Dad to wake up, I let them at it with a hammer and much hilariousness ensues!!!
Love that cover! The simplicity of it makes quite an impact. I can’t wait to read the whole magazine! My favorite Christmas tradition? Really it is just getting the whole extended family together, eating a big dinner and sharing memories. As we get older and family members pass away, this tradition becomes more meaningful every year.
Christmas traditions??? Wow we have so many but I am going to limit it to two.. ha ha! When we set the nativity out at the beginning of December we hide baby Jesus in the clock (since he wasn’t “born” yet) and the wise men are placed across the room. Each day the wisemen mysteriously make their way a little closer. On Christmas eve after everyone has gone to bed I put baby Jesus in the manger. We also all receive a present from “Santa”, each one of us including myself (our boys are 12 to 17!)
I liked Folk on FB as soon as they made their appearance! I can hardly wait for that first issue to arrive in the mail!! (and for a certain recipe to appear soon!!)
Our “new” family tradition is that my husband dresses up as Santa Claus. We started last year after the birth of our first grandchild and I can hardly wait to see their reactions this year. We, now have TWO grandbabies!
Hey Donna, Just wanted to let you know that I subscribed to the Folk magazine through your site. I really enjoy your blog, especially from a fellow Canadian and would want you to get a comission if you can. I couldn’t get any info, but how many magazine per year? 4-5? Love your blog
It’s new for us but for the past 5 years we spend Christmas in Montana(from Florida). The first thing we do is go out and cut down our Christmas tree. This is big for us!
Our Christmas Family Tradition is, Christmas Eve the girls receive a gift to open… it is a box of Christmas ball ornaments. I write the year on the box and their name these ornaments are to leave with them. They will have their own collection to decorate their first tree away from home. I always find the oldest looking ornaments. Their collection looks very vintage. After they open the box the new ornaments are placed on the tree! Our Christmas Tree is just beautiful! And when they leave home, their first tree will have all the ornaments and memories of receiving them all these years…
I already follow FOLK on FB and you too! All the Best, Christine
Every Christmas Eve we watch It’s a Wonderful Life while eating homemade ice cream. The ice cream recipe has been handed down over the years from my great great great grandmother Catherine.
My favourite holiday tradition happens on Boxing Day when the whole family goes sledding at nighttime. We take toboggans and mats out to a hill outside of town, build a huge bonfire, have the truck stereo cranked and roast marshmallows and smokies. It’s so much fun!!
We decorate and bake sugar cookies and then load up in the car with the cookies and go look at over the top Christmas light displays. Would love to see this mag!
i am big on traditions and we have about a million christmas traditions, but my favorite is probably giving the kids a new ornament each year that represents something we did that year or something they loved!
Our family tradition is coming up with a new theme for our Christmas tree each year. Instead of buying all new ornaments each year we swap with friends and family. Last year my step mom allowed us to use her collection of Disney Ornaments she has been collecting for the last ten years. It was a very special and fun tree. Made you feel like a kids again. Thank you for hosting this contest and I also liked Folk on Facebook.
We make my Grandma Frances’s sugar cookies and decorate them for our friends and family. I did this as a child with my Grandma and now I do it with my kids and husband. We also watch The Christmas Story…it’s tradition!
Our tradition is going to get the tree. We actually get 2 trees. My husband being the manly man that he is likes to cut a tree! I like Frasier Furs but they don’t grow here so we have to buy them pre-cut. This was interesting to figure out our first Christmas!!!
We cook a Norwegian cod called Lutefisk! It’s awful but we all used to eat it for my Grandpa’s sake. Now that he’s gone- we eat it for him still! Then we have a shot of Aklavit (some awful Nordic booze) and then get to the good stuff- Krumkake- which is Norwegian cooked thin waffle-type cones filled with whipped cream and a cherry! I guess we’re all about the Nordic food!!
So many traditions and so hard to pick one! But one that I love to do every year is baking Butter Pecan Rolls on Christmas Eve so that we have them to enjoy while my hubby is making breakfast for all our 5 children (grown). They love them and it has become a tradition in our family that everyone looks forward to every year. Thanks Donna for bringing such sweet (lol) memories back..its not that far away. In fact, last evening my daughter was playing Christmas tunes! Thanks for this great opportunity to win such a lovely magazine.
My favorite thing about Christmas was just getting the whole family together – brothers, sisters, cousins, and good friends that are as close (or closer) than family. It has been a long time since we have had the opportunity.
It’s hard to pick a favorite – isn’t that what traditions are all about? Repeating the activities that bring us such great joy and love? I’m already excited for the holidays knowing that those are coming!! 🙂
Christmas stockings are one of my favorites – a couple years after my big kids had left home, I didn’t make them a stocking. BIG MISTAKE! They would rather go without gifts as long as I make them a stocking…I always put necessities like razors, chapstick, toothbrush, etc in it. Peanuts and tangerines are a must as well! Then I’ll add a little treasure or two. Lastly is a magazine – fashion usually for the girls, hunting/motorcross for the boys. After dinner everyone is laying on the floor reading and enjoying a full tummy. It always makes me smile and remember when they were little and laying on the floor with colorbooks…. sniff sniff… 🙂
My favorite Christmas memory is sitting around with my Mom and sisters blowing eggs and then painting, glittering, trimming and filling them with little figurines for Christmas ornaments. -Paulette
When I was a little girl, we spent every single Christmas day at my grandparent’s house (my mom’s, mom and dad’s). My mom is one of 8 kids, and there were 17 grandkids. Talk about a houseful! My grandmother always cooked a HUGE traditional meal. They always had a real Christmas tree that my grandpa had cut down, and it had those huge Christmas lights on it. And under that tree, was a present for EVERYONE. I don’t know how they did it, but they did. My grandparents have gone home to be with the Lord now, but I would give anything to go back there one more time! Thank you for allowing me to share my memory, which has made me both smile, and cry, but they are happy tears, knowing I will see them again one day!
my favorite tradition is going to our favorite tree farm way out in the country. We cut it down and yell ‘timber!!’ (usually it’s just me anymore…my 10 yr old is starting to think that’s waaay uncool.) then we go home and set it up and I make gingerbread cake with fresh whipped cream. mmmm….. 🙂
My favorite tradition is making the dough and cutting out and baking Christmas sugar cookies. Then our very talented and artistic granddaughters decorate them. They started decorating the cookies as very little girls and now are 20 and 23.
Our favorite tradition is going to a local tree farm and cutting down our own Christmas tree (it’s ok, they are grown for that purpose and buying from them supports a local business). We like big fat trees! My husband and my sons each take turns sawing it down. Can’t wait! Cathy
I would love to win this because you are a part of it. One of our family traditions on Christmas Eve our children opened their presents from us (the ones on Christmas morning were from Santa). They always got a new pair of jammies (gotta look good in Christmas morning pics) and a toy. I am so happy to see my daughter carrying on this same tradition with her children. Jeni
We have so many family traditions that it is hard to pick a favorite, but I guess I love playing the singing the Christmas songs. If we can we love to go hear the Messiah sung. But there isn’t much about Christmas I don’t like…well, maybe the bills!
Love all the comments ,like your page on facebook! My favorite traditon at Christmas is Christmas Eve ,enjoying with family quiet relaxing ,homemade treats ,a few drinks and the smell of the Christmas tree it !
My favorite Christmas tradition is opening the presents from my parents on Christmas Eve, and then waking up Christmas morning to find the presents from Santa Claus spread out, unwrapped all over the living room 🙂
My favorite Christmas tradition with my family is to read part of the Advent stories from Arnold Ytreeide (, each night of Advent with my kids (even now that they are 16, 15, and 13!) The stories are wonderfully written and sectioned to be easily doable each night. The kids take turns (well, they fight over it) lighting the Advent Candle each night, as well. It’s a set aside time to be still and concentrate on what Christmas truly means, but such an exciting story at the same time.
As a child one of my favorite memories was cutting our own Christmas tree. But what made it so special was that we live in South Florida, where no Spruces or Firs grow. We would drive out into the woods and find a short leaf pine (which are not very common here) or even better a Turkey Oak tree that was changing color to some degree. They might not have been as full or grand as some, but they were unique to our family and right from nature.
I love decorating for Christmas. I made my own tradition in my first house. The weekend after Thanksgiving I put my tree up and usually the week of Thanksgiving I put wreaths on my windows. Nothing like extending the season. If the department stores can do it, so can I!
A few years ago I started buying pj’s for one of our presents. My daughter has grown to expect one of the presents to be pj’s and usually wears them Christmas Eve to bed.
I love decorating, but these days it’s all being done by me alone. But, our best tradition is getting together on Christmas Eve for dinner with the whole family.
Our Christmas tradition is I cook and all our kids come and then we eat and watch grandkids open presents. Then we open all of ours. The only Christmas tradition I hate is my daughters make,yes MAKE me go shopping on Black Friday. I always gripe and they say mom you have to go because it is our tradition to start Christmas. Love the new cover to Folk magazine, I can’t wait to get mine. I so am looking forward to Sept.1 because I bought the premier issue.
My favourite tradition is picking out my daughter’s annual Christmas ornament. We started this the year she was born. Each ornament recalls a memory of an event for the year – piano lessons, ballet, first high heels etc. I love searching for just the right ornament and always enjoy decorating the tree with them. My daughter and I remember and talk about each ornament as we hang them up. I am not looking forward to the day she moves out and want to take the ornaments with her!
Baking cookies is our favorite tradition. Each year we do several of our favorites and a few new recipes. Then we give plates of assorted cookies to neighbors and friends as gifts.
Our favorite Christmas tradition is advent dinners. Every sunday of advent we light candles, bring out our fanciest dishes, turn on Christmas music in the background and have lots of finger foods and fun, fancy recipes that we only cook for Christmas:>)
There are sooooo many wonderful family traditions. (And, as a newlywed – is 11 months still new? – we’re creating more with my step-kids, too.
Choose 1? OK. Our family is part Greek. So we started a tradition a few years ago where I make Greek lasagne (pastitsio), spinach pie (spanikopita), and a honey pastry (baklava.) The whole family gets involved since each dish has many easy (and repetitive) steps.
My niece has traditionally had the honor of pouring the scaling hot honey/cinnamon/citrus mixture on the cooled pastry making it sizzle and sputter. We call the honey part the “molten lava of luuuuve.”
My favorite tradition has to be going to pick out the tree. It’s only from the garden center but the kids love to play hide and seek in the rows and rows of “forest”. What can I say, we live in a big city.
My favorite tradition is one that we accidentally started when the kids were little, and it just kept on going. We didn’t want them to wake us up too early on Christmas morning, so we started hanging their stockings on their beds. That way, they could wake up and open their stockings, while we could sleep just a wee bit longer! – – Nicki – –
Favorite tradition begins three days before Christmas. Dad’s b’day is the 23rd, parent’s wedding anniversary is Christmas Eve, Christmas the 25th. It’s a wonderful three day Holiday bonanza!
My Grandpa made jewelery. He would come over on Christmas eve every year and the girls would all get a ring or a necklace from him. When he passed away my dad, as the only surviving child, inherited all of grandpa’s things including the jewelery. Now my dad gets it out Christmas eve and all of us girls get to choose one ring that my grandpa made.I treasure each one.
My family is all about Christmas traditions and we have many….but I would have to say our most favorite new tradition (has been happening for about 5+ years now) is gathering together on Christmas Eve, bringing lots of food and wine and having a White Elephant gift Exchange….my family is so crazy you can end up with anything from an autographed jock strap my cousin was so proudly donated after he ran his first marathon, to beautiful artwork, to cold hard cash an uncle is fond of hiding in family pics….to a cat. Yes, for real, a cat wrapped up in a box…which my then husband unknowingly picked, and we kept it! We look forward to the craziness of family every year…oh, and Santa and an elf ALWAYS visit after white elephant!!
My mom started the tradition of a gingerbread party. We made cookies with all the grandkids and they would mysteriously run away-leaving flour footprints around the house. She gave gifts to everyone like monogrammed aprons and gingerbread ornaments. Now we carry on the tradition in her honor. Love Christmas! And love that magazine cover WOW.
For my dad’s side of the family, there are 6 kids. They each have 2-4 kids themselves. We are all mostly married with kids of our own. Each Christmas, we write a family story about what happened for the entire past year. We all read them aloud after we sing Silent night. Sometimes they are funny, sometimes we cry. We keep them in a binder and anyone can read them again whenever they want.
I have liked FOLK on facebook. My favorite tradition is…after the festivities of the day watching movies….in particular LOVE ACTUALLY! Gets me everytime…smiles and tears, I really love the beginning and end of the move…people greeting loved ones at the airport in England…choke up every time. ~Pam
One of my favorites is going on our towns annual Christmas walk. My girlfriends and I have a small pre walk party with lots of snacks and champagne then we tour 5 homes. We comment on all the decor and styling. some we like others we don’t. WE laugh ALOT! After the tour we do our own house walk spending a little time at each persons house. We have so much fun every year. I think we’ve been doing it for over 15 years. Rain SNOW freezing temps waiting in LONG lines the whole canoli but it’s so worth it. Puts you in the Christmas spirit. K-RO
My favorite Christmas tradition is going to Christmas Eve Service and then inviting a less fortunate family over to our home to have Christmas Eve dinner with us. We have done this for about 1o years and my children, now 18 and 14, look as forward to this as I do.
My favorite tradition is our HUGE family gathering on Christmas Eve. We have a traditional meatless Polish dinner. (Perogies, halupki w. mushrooms, kapusta, fish, etc.) Santa even comes and each person gets one gift and the kids get their photo with Santa. Last year my brother played Santa and it was my son’s first Christmas!
I’d love to win a copy of the magazine. My favorite tradition goes back to when my children were little. They say now that it was their stockings. They would open all their gifts and save them til the end. They always thought it was funny that Santa put change and dollar bills in with the other things.
My favorite Christmas tradition is waking up Christmas morning with my children. Although they are now grown, it’s still a wonderful thing to have my family in the same house on Christmas Day.
My favorite Christmas tradition is Christmas Eve service, followed by an informal family dinner. After all the preparation for the holiday I always feel like I can breath a sigh of relief on Christmas Eve and just enjoy the holiday with my family. Congrats on being a contributor to Folk magazine. I do love that cover! Jane
My favorite Christmas tradition is making gifts for my loved ones. I start as early as I can and finish up at the last minute – that’s the tradition part! Anybody else like this? SuZeQ ~
My favorite Christmas tradition is giving to others. It’s a new tradition for my husband and me, but we do it anonymously and it brings us such joy. I love that God has blessed us so much that we are able to be a blessing to others!
my favorite christmas tradition is our christmas eve dinner with calamari,sauce and pasta followed later by canoli’s (homemade by my mom w/help from whomever is available). my fav filling is the ricotta. yum.
I love the color of the cover of the magazine! One of the traditions that we have around here is new Christmas jammies to wear on Christmas eve.It gets harder as the kids are older but I still try to hold on to it!
Christmas eve, every year, I make homemade lasagna and my daughter makes dessert (Pastry chef). We then open our presents. this year may be different because my grandson is 3 and old enough to understand that Santa is coming. We then take a drive around looking at all the Christmas lights.
My favorite tradition was going to grandmas house and spending the evening with them but she has been gone for a year now I will never forget the memories we shared and all the great food she would have ready when we got home from church!! Miss and love you grandma and grandpa…
I “Liked” FOLK on Facebook. I’m off to work now, but look forward to coming back and checking out your blog. I found you through Romantic Homes. Can’t wait to get back home to read all about you and FOLK. My interest is piqued! 🙂 Have a great day. Oh, and this is my “entry” to win a subscription. That would be truly amazing. Thank you for the opportunity.
It is a perfect cover for fall. Love it. Not to early to be thinking about Christmas projects. One of my favorite tradition when the kids were little was getting out my handmade advent calendar and letting the kids take turns opening a little bag with a surprise in it.
I have so many favorites, but, the first one that came to me is listening to Christmas carols. Many of them bring me back to a time and place of Christmas joy, especially the ones that take me back many years ago to grandma’s house! I’m so blessed to have such good memories! Thank you,
My favourite Christmas tradition is to bake gingerbread boys from my Mom’s recipe. We usually make about 200 to 300 hundred every Christmas to give to family and friends. I treasure the memories it brings.
Can’t wait for the first issue of Folk! I “liked”, there wasn’t a “love” button. Starting this year for Christmas, my sisters and their families are all coming to my moms. Since their families are growing, they are each renting an RV and parking it on the land at moms. We are going to have an RV Christmas tree decorating contest, going to string lights between RV’s, bonfire, hayride and caroling. My sisters are calling it Hillbilly Christmas. I call it a modified version of Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation.
can’t wait to get my hands on the Christmas copy! When we were little we used to have hand-made Pollyanna. I miss it and hope to resurrect it with my own family once the kids are old enough.
Hmmm…. making gingersnaps from my husband’s grandmother’s recipe, making my mom’s jello salad (a MUST with turkey dinner), and the new one: making and decorating sugar cookies (a la your recipe) with our daughter. The cookies were a huge hit last year! 🙂
Sitting in a dark living room with just the tree lights lit. Of course, I have about 6 trees! 1 main tree and several other little trees around the room.
My favorite Christmas tradition involves a little green felt elf. The tradition is to take turns hiding/moving it around the house and you never know where it is going to pop up! Could be in the dishwasher when you go to empty it, inside a juice glass in the cupboard in the morning, on your pillow when you turn back the covers at night, and then it is your turn to move it. We have been doing this since I was a little girl (and now I am 68)!
My favorite Christmas tradition is something I have had to sadly say “goodbye” to since I got married. Growing up, Christmas Eve was such a special sacred evening, starting with candlelight service at church followed by opening our stockings before bedtime. Now that I have a family, I have had to adopt my dear hubby’s Christmas Eve tradition of extended family getting together for good eats and gift sharing.
my favorite tradition is to watch all the cheesy christmas movies, like “chevy chase’s christmas” and “home alone”. that with a big cup of hot chocolate and lots of homemade goodies.
Hi Donna…my favorite Christmas tradition is attending Christmas Eve Candlelight service at church with my real family and my church family. Then, when I get home, I make breakfast casserole to be baked the next morning for my family’s christmas breakfast. My boys love this traditional christmas breakfast!
Hi Donna…my absolute favorite Christmas tradition is watching and listening to my precious parents read from Luke the story of Jesus’ birth…with recent health challenges in their lives this tradition will be even more precious this year!! Love the look of FOLK magazine!! Thanks and Blessings to you.. Becky J
Our favorite Christmas tradition is that we no longer give each other Christmas gifts … we buy gifts for Jesus. Gifts thru Samaritan’s Purse and Mercy ships… things like a flock of chickens, or an emergency shelter for disaster relief, or maybe an eye surgery.
Hi, Our family’s tradition started back when my own dad was born. When we get our Christmas tree, we cut slices off of the bottom (1 for each person)and when they’ve dried out a bit they get holes carefully drilled in them. The place and date are written in permanent marker (like Omaha 1972), along with our name. Then they get strung on (in our case) a really long shoelace from my dad’s army boots. Since we were a military family it’s fun to look back on the rings and see where we were each Christmas. My dad’s goes back to 1927 – the year he was born. The ones during the depression years were very very tiny, and the ones we had when he was in Vietnam were cut off the tree by my mom with a kitchen knife.
One of my children’s favorite traditions from when they were little was the traditional writing of the Santa letter. But what we did is write the letter then put it into the fireplace. The smoke drifts up to the North Pole and Santa (who is magic) knows what they want for Christmas.
I can’t choose just one, but these two are mine: watching White Christmas with my girls and dressing up the house with all of my cherished decorations that I’ve collected over the years! Oh and the Sunday School party at my house! 😉
I look foward to Christmas Day which begins with our big Christmas breakfast together as a family at my oldest daughter’s house, even her in-laws join us for breakfast, anyone is welcome…Come on over; later in the day we all travel to daughter #2 and enjoy a meal and more family time. Our time together is precious and is the highlight for me….
Favorite tradition’ hmm that’s hard. ProbBly making fudge and cookies. We all gather round the table and ice the sugar cookies, I enjoyed it more than the kids, but they still talk about it! Thanks for the opportunity, Nannette
My favorite tradition was born out of Mom and Dad’s desire to sleep past 5 A.M. on Christmas morning. Santa would leave a present on the end of each child’s bed. This present was always something fun to do which kept our children busy while we got an extra couple of hours sleep. Worked like a charm. The kids looked forward to their “end of the bed” present each year.
My favorite Christmas tradition is our neighborhood Christmas parade. We decorate our tree and get visits from all our friends who come to visit us and see our tree. We make spice tea and hot chocolate (home made) enough for everyone and put it in thermoses. When the parade starts, we all wrap up and take our tea and chocolate out into the front yard where all the houses are decorated like sparkly little jewels. We watch the parade and Santa go by…and then we join the parade! The parade ends with Santa visiting with all the children. Each child leaves with a candy cane and a smile ear-to-ear, knowing they got to tell Santa what they want for Christmas. The whole event is magical, even for the adults.
On the weekend after Thanksgiving my granddaughter and I always decorate our ‘snowman’ tree. We play Christmas music to get in the mood! Maggie bitsymom01(at)yahoo(dot)com
Our tradition is to cut our own tree and save a piece from the bottom of the trunk. I use a paddle bit to create a space for a tea light and label the bottom with the year. This year, we are going to start shooting mistletoe out of the trees and deliver them to the neighbors! I can’t wait!
My favorite tradition is putting the first ornament on the tree – it is a tiny teacup ornament that my aunt gave me many, many years ago! It signifies the beginning of the season. There are so many other traditions that our family enjoys, but this is a personal one!
Now that my three children are off with their own families it’s so hard to get them together for the Holidays.. our new traidition started a few years ago…We get those who can not come home on the webcam and we all open our gifts together,,, talk,, laugh and just be as close as we can get.. it works for us! I’d love to have a year of that great mag.. thank you for the giveaway! sandy
Wow! What great traditions people have here! It sure it hard to just pick one. One of my favorites is when we all sit around the tree and my dad reads the Christmas story every Christmas morning from the Bible. Then when he gets to the part where it says, “And Mary brought forth her firstborn son…and laid him in a manger…” my daughter puts the baby Jesus into the manger in the manger scene. We did it as kids, my little sister did it til she grew up and got married (she was 15 years younger than me), and now my daughter has taken over and she is 8. Just a small thing, but kind of special to us. 🙂
My favorite Christmas tradition is drinking eggnog while listening to Cristmas carols as we decorate the tree with the ornaments we’ve collected over the years. Dee in BC
We get together Christmas eve and go to Christmas eve service and then go back to my mom’s for a chilli supper and play bingo. Everyone brings a gift and we play until gift has been open and then we pick gifts and you want to be the last one, not the first one so you get final pick, because of course the next person can take your gift from you.
Ooooh, I would LOVE to win a subscription to FOLK! I have just liked on Facebook. My favourite Christmas tradition is making magic reindeer dust with the kids, and then seeing how excited they are on Christmas Eve when they go outside in jammies, dressing gowns and slippers to sprinkle it in the yard for the reindeer to see! Only one of many traditions, but it truly brings a big smile to my face!
It’s not a new or unusual tradition, although we hae a few of those, too. My FAVORITE tradition is spending the day in the kitchen with my two granddaughters, baking and decorating cut-out cookies. We started when they were 2 and 4 years old, and have continued every year since (they are now 8 and 10.) We bake those cookies in marathon style – you know the ones – highly decorating with colored sugars, gaudy icing, and tons of siler dragees (sp?) The girls think they are beautiful, awesome, wonderful, perfect – and Grandma thinks the same of the day in the kitchen with her angels. We pack them all up and deliver them to the needy (with a few going home to Mommy & Daddy – just to show off.)
Maybe my tradition for myself this year will be a subscription to this awesome new magazine! Thanks for hosting a great giveaway! I look forward to reading the new publication.
My favorite holiday tradition just started about 2 years ago…. I gave up on trying to hide the wrap that Santa used so what we do is my 2 and 4 year old go to the store with me and we “pick out Santa’s paper”…. Each kiddo gets to pick the wrap they like. Then, about a week before Christmas, we write our Santa letters (or print or cut pictures out for them) and then tie the letters to the wrapping paper. We sit outside on the front porch for just a bit looking at the sky to see if we see anything that might resemble rudolph’s blinking nose then go inside knowing that the elves swing by ahead of time to get the wrap so they can wrap each boy’s toys in the corresponding paper so it makes it both easy for Santa to deliver, and easy for them to recognize which presents are theirs on Christmas morning….. ahhhhhh, I LOVE that night that we sit on the porch! The innocence of a child is a wonderful thing!
…and I not only Like, but Love Folk on Facebook!
(I also love the bottle in your coke bottle Christmas photo!!!!)
One of my favorite traditions is when we all get together to make Tamales early in Dec and then freeze them raw and cook them on Christmas Eve.
It’a a great big party with our Gramma Aprons and row of tables and all of us talking at once. it’sgreat fun and everyone I tell about it wants to come and join in, but to me I just love it being all us cousins, aunts & uncles, moms and dads…Love it!
Thank you for letting me share our traditions.
My favorite Holiday Tradition is getting together with my daughter and granddaughter in the first part of December to make holiday goodies. Last year we made party mix, Heath toffee bars, lemon cookies, two flavors of rock candy, fudge, and probably some other things I have forgoten. Then we make up some “giveaway” Christmas boxes and send to family and friends. We have lots of fun baking, talking, and laughing. We always end up working til late at night and of course we have to do plenty of sampling the goodies. Fun…fun!!!
My favorite Christmas tradition is sitting around the tree as a family on Christmas morning and opening up our gifts one at a time…
I already follow you on Facebook….and am anxiously awaiting your first issue!!
I just “liked” FOLK on FB, can’t wait to start following the comments.
…and I “liked” Folk on Facebook!:)
Well, one of the traditions that I want to adopt is, instead of a stocking, each family member gets a dinner plate. You put your presents or something on each person’s plate. I heard that it was some kind of Canadian tradition. I don’t exactly know how to do it, so can you help me out? Ann
My favorite Christmas tradition was when we would receive the box of goodies (which always included a huge box of chocolates) that my grandmother would send. Money was scarce…and each year the box was eagerly awaited by my four siblings and me.
Our boys are all grown now, and live on their own…2 are married with lovely (and crazy) wives. Then there are the dogs…5 in all! We all gather (including any friends they may have who could not be with their families)for Christmas morning at the homestead…and unwrap the gifts, one at a time. Then we feast on freshly baked cinnamon rolls and strata. Our newest tradition comes in the shape of the TACKIEST Wine Corkscrew and stopper set I have ever seen. It was a gag gift my husband won. So…the first Christmas, we wrapped it and gave it to our eldest…a sommelier! (That’s wine geek, with credentials.) The next year, he passed it on to the middle brother. This gift has been making the rounds of the “kids” each year…always wrapped in insignificant packaging. It’s always fun to see who gets it each year. Of course, it’s accompanied with a crazy poem or additional accessory. That makes it all the more fun! Our Christmas morning is lively…to say the least!
Jane (Artfully graced)
I don’t need to win a subscription because I bought one already. But one of our oldest traditions was that each family member received a Christmas ornament every year. It started with my husband and I giving each other one in 1978 or so. When the kids came, we all got one, usually the Gladys Boalt ornaments that are handmade and so special. After about twenty years we had so many, and we forgot whose were whose. So we tailed off a little. I still buy sock monkey ornaments because I have a sock monkey Christmas tree.
Our favorite tradition is the stockings. My husband’s mother knit our two and I knit two for the kids. They are big and they stretch so we stuff them with stupid things and really good presents. We would probably rather just get a stocking and nothing else. Ann
My mom died when I was still in high school but on Christmas Eve she always had these special finger foods for us to eat while opening the presents from each other. I have continued this tradition by having family and friends over on Christmas Eve and serving special finger foods and all kinds of fancy deserts and treats. Then we all open the gifts from each other….makes me feel like my mom is still with us 🙂
I just liked FOLKS on FB
now my favorite Christmas tradition goes back to when I was a child. Daddy would take us to town to buy Mommas Christmas gift on Christmas Eve night. When we got home Santa would have always came while we were gone. I remember a particular year that a cat had left tracks in the snow all over the roof of the house and Daddy showed them to us saying the reindeer had left their tracks. I believed every word of it 🙂
Wow…I have several favorite traditions that come to mind. The first is, on Christmas eve, we have the while family over for clam chowder (big pots of both New England and Manhattan) and homemade bread. I’m not sure how it started, but its warm and delightful! Second, we always either purchase or make an ornament every year. It’s always marked with the year and we keep a journal with the details or story behind it.
I “liked” FOLK a while back on fb. Can’t wait to see the first issue!
I liked FOLK on FB!
I bought the first issue through your site. Thanks Donna!
I have 2 favorite’s. When my children were little, we developed the tradition of driving around looking at all the Christmas lights people decorated the outside of their houses with. Then we would go home and have hot chocolate with marshmallows. It would be the event that we “kicked off” Christmas with at our house. Now, my grandchildren are old enough to carry it on. Also, on Christmas Eve, our church has a candlelight communion service. At the end, everyone lights their candle, the lights are turned off and we sing “Silent Night” I play the piano for the service and looking out over the dark sanctuary of candles glowing in the dark to “Silent Night” is one of my favorite moments all year long.
My favorite is riding around on xmas eve looking at the light.
My favorite Christmas tradition is one that my mother started when I was a kid. We have a grand buffet with all types of Hors d’oeuvres, gather around the Christmas tree, sing and enjoy each others company. It always seemed so magical as a kid and now that our kids are grown we invite friends and neighbors without feeling pressured to cook a big dinner the next day.
I was 2702 on ‘Likes’ The Folk folks should make 3000 soon.
We don’t have any Christmas traditions, every year is very different from the last year…but, when I was a child, my mother made homemade yeast sweet rolls with jelly in the middle and we ate them Christmas morning for many, many years…she’s 86 now and doesn’t make them any more…I haven’t learned to make them…nor do I enjoy cooking…lol…alas, that’s my life over at Mel’s Designs from the Cabin…I still haven’t seen “Folk” magazine here…pooh…take care…and MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
PS: I have made Rum Punch for the last 3 years for our family get-to-gether and they enjoy that along with all the food everyone brings for the family party….lol..Keep making good stuff! Mel
Before we open our presents, we sit in a circle near the Christmas tree and tell how the year has blest us. Then we open gifts one by one and share with all the others what we got and who we got it from. Such fun!!
Hugging you
My daughter has her own Christmas Tree. Every year I place a wrapped ornament under her tree after we put the tree up (and when she isn’t looking). When she finally notices the package under the tree, she gets to open it…as long as mom and dad are around. Every now and then she forgets about the present and it takes her a while to notice it, but as the years pass, she is looking for the present to arrive. Not only is it fun to get an early present, but at the age of 13 she has a tree-ful of ornaments.
My Favorite tradition is dinner at Grandmas!
Every year we make a huge gingerbread house the weekend after Thanksgiving. Then we torment the kids by not allowing them to eat it until Christmas morning. Christmas morning while we wait for Dad to wake up, I let them at it with a hammer and much hilariousness ensues!!!
Oh, and I “liked” the magazine over on FB, too!
Love that cover! The simplicity of it makes quite an impact. I can’t wait to read the whole magazine! My favorite Christmas tradition? Really it is just getting the whole extended family together, eating a big dinner and sharing memories. As we get older and family members pass away, this tradition becomes more meaningful every year.
Every year we buy two French Silk Pies and save one for Christmas dinner. We eat the other one while watching “The Sound of Music.”
Christmas traditions??? Wow we have so many but I am going to limit it to two.. ha ha! When we set the nativity out at the beginning of December we hide baby Jesus in the clock (since he wasn’t “born” yet) and the wise men are placed across the room. Each day the wisemen mysteriously make their way a little closer. On Christmas eve after everyone has gone to bed I put baby Jesus in the manger. We also all receive a present from “Santa”, each one of us including myself (our boys are 12 to 17!)
I liked Folk on FB as soon as they made their appearance! I can hardly wait for that first issue to arrive in the mail!! (and for a certain recipe to appear soon!!)
Our “new” family tradition is that my husband dresses up as Santa Claus. We started last year after the birth of our first grandchild and I can hardly wait to see their reactions this year. We, now have TWO grandbabies!
My favorite Christmas tradition is watching my dad who is now 81 read the Twas the Night Before Christmas to all the grandkids.
Shanna Pagliuca
Hey Donna,
Just wanted to let you know that I subscribed to the Folk magazine through your site. I really enjoy your blog, especially from a fellow Canadian and would want you to get a comission if you can. I couldn’t get any info, but how many magazine per year? 4-5?
Love your blog
It’s new for us but for the past 5 years we spend Christmas in Montana(from Florida). The first thing we do is go out and cut down our Christmas tree. This is big for us!
ps..blogger always wins.
Hi Donna,
Our Christmas Family Tradition is, Christmas Eve the girls receive a gift to open… it is a box of Christmas ball ornaments. I write the year on the box and their name these ornaments are to leave with them. They will have their own collection to decorate their first tree away from home. I always find the oldest looking ornaments. Their collection looks very vintage. After they open the box the new ornaments are placed on the tree! Our Christmas Tree is just beautiful! And when they leave home, their first tree will have all the ornaments and memories of receiving them all these years…
I already follow FOLK on FB and you too!
All the Best,
Every Christmas Eve we watch It’s a Wonderful Life while eating homemade ice cream. The ice cream recipe has been handed down over the years from my great great great grandmother Catherine.
I liked FOLK on Facebook.
Since I’ve already won a subscription, this doesn’t count, but I wanted to say that judging by the cover,I’m really excited to get mine!!
My favourite holiday tradition happens on Boxing Day when the whole family goes sledding at nighttime. We take toboggans and mats out to a hill outside of town, build a huge bonfire, have the truck stereo cranked and roast marshmallows and smokies. It’s so much fun!!
& I like Folk on Facebook, too.
Liked on Facebook!
Ordered a single issue to check it out!
We decorate and bake sugar cookies and then load up in the car with the cookies and go look at over the top Christmas light displays. Would love to see this mag!
thanks for the chance to win!
i am big on traditions and we have about a million christmas traditions, but my favorite is probably giving the kids a new ornament each year that represents something we did that year or something they loved!
Our family tradition is coming up with a new theme for our Christmas tree each year. Instead of buying all new ornaments each year we swap with friends and family. Last year my step mom allowed us to use her collection of Disney Ornaments she has been collecting for the last ten years. It was a very special and fun tree. Made you feel like a kids again. Thank you for hosting this contest and I also liked Folk on Facebook.
Homemade Christmas candy! LOTS of it.
We make my Grandma Frances’s sugar cookies and decorate them for our friends and family. I did this as a child with my Grandma and now I do it with my kids and husband. We also watch The Christmas Story…it’s tradition!
I also liked Folk on FB.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Our tradition is going to get the tree. We actually get 2 trees. My husband being the manly man that he is likes to cut a tree! I like Frasier Furs but they don’t grow here so we have to buy them pre-cut. This was interesting to figure out our first Christmas!!!
We cook a Norwegian cod called Lutefisk! It’s awful but we all used to eat it for my Grandpa’s sake. Now that he’s gone- we eat it for him still! Then we have a shot of Aklavit (some awful Nordic booze) and then get to the good stuff- Krumkake- which is Norwegian cooked thin waffle-type cones filled with whipped cream and a cherry! I guess we’re all about the Nordic food!!
So many traditions and so hard to pick one!
But one that I love to do every year is baking Butter Pecan Rolls on Christmas Eve so that we have them to enjoy while my hubby is making breakfast for all our 5 children (grown).
They love them and it has become a tradition in our family that everyone looks forward to every year.
Thanks Donna for bringing such sweet (lol) memories back..its not that far away. In fact, last evening my daughter was playing Christmas tunes!
Thanks for this great opportunity to win such a lovely magazine.
Deborah xoxo
I “liked” Folk on facebook too!
Deborah xo
My favorite thing about Christmas was just getting the whole family together – brothers, sisters, cousins, and good friends that are as close (or closer) than family.
It has been a long time since we have had the opportunity.
I am a FOLK fan on FB
It’s hard to pick a favorite – isn’t that what traditions are all about? Repeating the activities that bring us such great joy and love? I’m already excited for the holidays knowing that those are coming!! 🙂
Christmas stockings are one of my favorites – a couple years after my big kids had left home, I didn’t make them a stocking. BIG MISTAKE! They would rather go without gifts as long as I make them a stocking…I always put necessities like razors, chapstick, toothbrush, etc in it. Peanuts and tangerines are a must as well! Then I’ll add a little treasure or two. Lastly is a magazine – fashion usually for the girls, hunting/motorcross for the boys. After dinner everyone is laying on the floor reading and enjoying a full tummy. It always makes me smile and remember when they were little and laying on the floor with colorbooks…. sniff sniff… 🙂
Of course I am sharing FOLK with my Fb friends. several have already joined me on Folk’s FB page.
My favorite Christmas memory is sitting around with my Mom and sisters blowing eggs and then painting, glittering, trimming and filling them with little figurines for Christmas ornaments.
I’ve “Liked” Folk’s fan page.
Shared Folk’s page on my FB.
When I was a little girl, we spent every single Christmas day at my grandparent’s house (my mom’s, mom and dad’s). My mom is one of 8 kids, and there were 17 grandkids. Talk about a houseful! My grandmother always cooked a HUGE traditional meal. They always had a real Christmas tree that my grandpa had cut down, and it had those huge Christmas lights on it. And under that tree, was a present for EVERYONE. I don’t know how they did it, but they did. My grandparents have gone home to be with the Lord now, but I would give anything to go back there one more time! Thank you for allowing me to share my memory, which has made me both smile, and cry, but they are happy tears, knowing I will see them again one day!
favorite holiday tradition is watching It’s A Wonderful Life on Christmas Day in my pj’s
liked folk on facebook
And, I “liked” folk on Facebook :0!
my favorite tradition is going to our favorite tree farm way out in the country. We cut it down and yell ‘timber!!’ (usually it’s just me anymore…my 10 yr old is starting to think that’s waaay uncool.) then we go home and set it up and I make gingerbread cake with fresh whipped cream. mmmm….. 🙂
My favorite tradition is making the dough and cutting out and baking Christmas sugar cookies. Then our very talented and artistic granddaughters decorate them. They started decorating the cookies as very little girls and now are 20 and 23.
I’ve also liked Folk on facebook.
Our favorite tradition is going to a local tree farm and cutting down our own Christmas tree (it’s ok, they are grown for that purpose and buying from them supports a local business). We like big fat trees! My husband and my sons each take turns sawing it down. Can’t wait!
I would love to win this because you are a part of it. One of our family traditions on Christmas Eve our children opened their presents from us (the ones on Christmas morning were from Santa). They always got a new pair of jammies (gotta look good in Christmas morning pics) and a toy. I am so happy to see my daughter carrying on this same tradition with her children. Jeni
jfoor at
I just liked them on FB!
…and posted it on my facebook page!
We have so many family traditions that it is hard to pick a favorite, but I guess I love playing the singing the Christmas songs. If we can we love to go hear the Messiah sung. But there isn’t much about Christmas I don’t like…well, maybe the bills!
I liked on Facebook!
Love all the comments ,like your page on facebook!
My favorite traditon at Christmas is Christmas Eve ,enjoying with family quiet relaxing ,homemade treats ,a few drinks and the smell of the Christmas tree it !
Fave tradition = Cookie Baking Day at my MIL’s place with all my nieces, nephews and sons 🙂
My favorite Christmas tradition is opening the presents from my parents on Christmas Eve, and then waking up Christmas morning to find the presents from Santa Claus spread out, unwrapped all over the living room 🙂
My favorite Christmas tradition with my family is to read part of the Advent stories from Arnold Ytreeide (, each night of Advent with my kids (even now that they are 16, 15, and 13!) The stories are wonderfully written and sectioned to be easily doable each night. The kids take turns (well, they fight over it) lighting the Advent Candle each night, as well. It’s a set aside time to be still and concentrate on what Christmas truly means, but such an exciting story at the same time.
As a child one of my favorite memories was cutting our own Christmas tree. But what made it so special was that we live in South Florida, where no Spruces or Firs grow. We would drive out into the woods and find a short leaf pine (which are not very common here) or even better a Turkey Oak tree that was changing color to some degree. They might not have been as full or grand as some, but they were unique to our family and right from nature.
Thanks for a chance to win a copy of FOLK!
I love decorating for Christmas. I made my own tradition in my first house. The weekend after Thanksgiving I put my tree up and usually the week of Thanksgiving I put wreaths on my windows. Nothing like extending the season. If the department stores can do it, so can I!
A few years ago I started buying pj’s for one of our presents. My daughter has grown to expect one of the presents to be pj’s and usually wears them Christmas Eve to bed.
I think Christmas Eve service at church and making Christmas cookies together are my favorite traditions. Thanks for the opportunity to win “Folk”.
I love decorating, but these days it’s all being done by me alone. But, our best tradition is getting together on Christmas Eve for dinner with the whole family.
Our Christmas tradition is I cook and all our kids come and then we eat and watch grandkids
open presents. Then we open all of ours. The
only Christmas tradition I hate is my daughters
make,yes MAKE me go shopping on Black Friday.
I always gripe and they say mom you have to go
because it is our tradition to start Christmas.
Love the new cover to Folk magazine, I can’t wait to get mine. I so am looking forward to
Sept.1 because I bought the premier issue.
I love the candlelight Christmas Eve service with my family. Also the decorating, baking, gift buying… 🙂
I liked folk on facebook.
My favourite tradition is picking out my daughter’s annual Christmas ornament. We started this the year she was born. Each ornament recalls a memory of an event for the year – piano lessons, ballet, first high heels etc. I love searching for just the right ornament and always enjoy decorating the tree with them. My daughter and I remember and talk about each ornament as we hang them up. I am not looking forward to the day she moves out and want to take the ornaments with her!
Baking cookies is our favorite tradition. Each year we do several of our favorites and a few new recipes. Then we give plates of assorted cookies to neighbors and friends as gifts.
Our favorite Christmas tradition is advent dinners. Every sunday of advent we light candles, bring out our fanciest dishes, turn on Christmas music in the background and have lots of finger foods and fun, fancy recipes that we only cook for Christmas:>)
There are sooooo many wonderful family traditions. (And, as a newlywed – is 11 months still new? – we’re creating more with my step-kids, too.
Choose 1? OK. Our family is part Greek. So we started a tradition a few years ago where I make Greek lasagne (pastitsio), spinach pie (spanikopita), and a honey pastry (baklava.) The whole family gets involved since each dish has many easy (and repetitive) steps.
My niece has traditionally had the honor of pouring the scaling hot honey/cinnamon/citrus mixture on the cooled pastry making it sizzle and sputter. We call the honey part the “molten lava of luuuuve.”
Good times.
I like Folk on FB…and been promoting them trying to help with the 3000. 😉
I have already ordered a single copy via your blog. (And, hope at some point to be able to swing a full subscription. We’ll see.)
My favorite tradition has to be going to pick out the tree. It’s only from the garden center but the kids love to play hide and seek in the rows and rows of “forest”. What can I say, we live in a big city.
My favorite tradition is one that we accidentally started when the kids were little, and it just kept on going. We didn’t want them to wake us up too early on Christmas morning, so we started hanging their stockings on their beds. That way, they could wake up and open their stockings, while we could sleep just a wee bit longer!
– – Nicki – –
I liked FOLK on Facebook!
Going to church on Christmas eve.
Going to church on Christmas eve, then coming home and enjoying a Christmas toast in front of the fire.
Favorite tradition begins three days before Christmas. Dad’s b’day is the 23rd, parent’s wedding anniversary is Christmas Eve, Christmas the 25th. It’s a wonderful three day Holiday bonanza!
I liked Folk on FB.
My Grandpa made jewelery. He would come over on Christmas eve every year and the girls would all get a ring or a necklace from him. When he passed away my dad, as the only surviving child, inherited all of grandpa’s things including the jewelery. Now my dad gets it out Christmas eve and all of us girls get to choose one ring that my grandpa made.I treasure each one.
My family is all about Christmas traditions and we have many….but I would have to say our most favorite new tradition (has been happening for about 5+ years now) is gathering together on Christmas Eve, bringing lots of food and wine and having a White Elephant gift Exchange….my family is so crazy you can end up with anything from an autographed jock strap my cousin was so proudly donated after he ran his first marathon, to beautiful artwork, to cold hard cash an uncle is fond of hiding in family pics….to a cat. Yes, for real, a cat wrapped up in a box…which my then husband unknowingly picked, and we kept it! We look forward to the craziness of family every year…oh, and Santa and an elf ALWAYS visit after white elephant!!
Oh, also liked Folk on FB!!
My mom started the tradition of a gingerbread party. We made cookies with all the grandkids and they would mysteriously run away-leaving flour footprints around the house. She gave gifts to everyone like monogrammed aprons and gingerbread ornaments. Now we carry on the tradition in her honor. Love Christmas!
And love that magazine cover WOW.
For my dad’s side of the family, there are 6 kids. They each have 2-4 kids themselves. We are all mostly married with kids of our own. Each Christmas, we write a family story about what happened for the entire past year. We all read them aloud after we sing Silent night. Sometimes they are funny, sometimes we cry. We keep them in a binder and anyone can read them again whenever they want.
I have liked FOLK on facebook. My favorite tradition is…after the festivities of the day watching movies….in particular LOVE ACTUALLY! Gets me everytime…smiles and tears, I really love the beginning and end of the move…people greeting loved ones at the airport in England…choke up every time.
One of my favorites is going on our towns annual Christmas walk. My girlfriends and I have a small pre walk party with lots of snacks and champagne then we tour 5 homes. We comment on all the decor and styling. some we like others we don’t. WE laugh ALOT! After the tour we do our own house walk spending a little time at each persons house. We have so much fun every year. I think we’ve been doing it for over 15 years. Rain SNOW freezing temps waiting in LONG lines the whole canoli but it’s so worth it. Puts you in the Christmas spirit.
Recommended Folk to my fb friends
My favorite Christmas tradition is going to Christmas Eve Service and then inviting a less fortunate family over to our home to have Christmas Eve dinner with us. We have done this for about 1o years and my children, now 18 and 14, look as forward to this as I do.
When my kids were small we started the tradition of having a birthday cake for Jesus. They do that now with their families.
Forgot to say I liked Folk on Facebook.
My favorite tradition is our HUGE family gathering on Christmas Eve. We have a traditional meatless Polish dinner. (Perogies, halupki w. mushrooms, kapusta, fish, etc.) Santa even comes and each person gets one gift and the kids get their photo with Santa. Last year my brother played Santa and it was my son’s first Christmas!
Discovered you through Sadie Olive and am thrilled to like you on Facebook!
our favorite tradition is reading about the birth of Jesus Christmas Eve.
thanx for the chance.
I liked Folk on FB
My favorite tradition started when my mom married my stepdad. Every year we would get 1 new Christmas ornament. It just always stuck with me.
I like FOLK on Facebook (Kari Howell).
I’d love to win a copy of the magazine.
My favorite tradition goes back to when my children were little. They say now that it was their stockings. They would open all their gifts and save them til the end. They always thought it was funny that Santa put change and dollar bills in with the other things.
My favorite Christmas tradition is waking up Christmas morning with my children. Although they are now grown, it’s still a wonderful thing to have my family in the same house on Christmas Day.
My favorite Christmas tradition is Christmas Eve service, followed by an informal family dinner. After all the preparation for the holiday I always feel like I can breath a sigh of relief on Christmas Eve and just enjoy the holiday with my family.
Congrats on being a contributor to Folk magazine. I do love that cover!
My favorite Christmas tradition is making gifts for my loved ones. I start as early as I can and finish up at the last minute – that’s the tradition part! Anybody else like this?
SuZeQ ~
My favorite Christmas tradition is giving to others. It’s a new tradition for my husband and me, but we do it anonymously and it brings us such joy. I love that God has blessed us so much that we are able to be a blessing to others!
my favorite christmas tradition is our christmas eve dinner with calamari,sauce and pasta followed later by canoli’s (homemade by my mom w/help from whomever is available). my fav filling is the ricotta. yum.
I love the color of the cover of the magazine! One of the traditions that we have around here is new Christmas jammies to wear on Christmas eve.It gets harder as the kids are older but I still try to hold on to it!
I liked Folk on FB!
Christmas eve, every year, I make homemade lasagna and my daughter makes dessert (Pastry chef). We then open our presents. this year may be different because my grandson is 3 and old enough to understand that Santa is coming. We then take a drive around looking at all the Christmas lights.
I liked Folk on facebook! My favorite Christmas tradition is makeing gingerbread houses every year with my sister and my three nieces.
My favorite tradition was going to grandmas house and spending the evening with them but she has been gone for a year now I will never forget the memories we shared and all the great food she would have ready when we got home from church!!
Miss and love you grandma and grandpa…
I “Liked” FOLK on Facebook. I’m off to work now, but look forward to coming back and checking out your blog. I found you through Romantic Homes. Can’t wait to get back home to read all about you and FOLK. My interest is piqued! 🙂 Have a great day. Oh, and this is my “entry” to win a subscription. That would be truly amazing. Thank you for the opportunity.
Hugs, Penny Sue
It is a perfect cover for fall. Love it. Not to early to be thinking about Christmas projects.
One of my favorite tradition when the kids were little was getting out my handmade advent calendar and letting the kids take turns opening a little bag with a surprise in it.
I have so many favorites, but, the first one that came to me is listening to Christmas carols. Many of them bring me back to a time and place of Christmas joy, especially the ones that take me back many years ago to grandma’s house! I’m so blessed to have such good memories!
Thank you,
My favourite Christmas tradition is to bake gingerbread boys from my Mom’s recipe. We usually make about 200 to 300 hundred every Christmas to give to family and friends. I treasure the memories it brings.
Can’t wait for the first issue of Folk! I “liked”, there wasn’t a “love” button. Starting this year for Christmas, my sisters and their families are all coming to my moms. Since their families are growing, they are each renting an RV and parking it on the land at moms. We are going to have an RV Christmas tree decorating contest, going to string lights between RV’s, bonfire, hayride and caroling. My sisters are calling it Hillbilly Christmas. I call it a modified version of Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation.
can’t wait to get my hands on the Christmas copy! When we were little we used to have hand-made Pollyanna. I miss it and hope to resurrect it with my own family once the kids are old enough.
Hmmm…. making gingersnaps from my husband’s grandmother’s recipe, making my mom’s jello salad (a MUST with turkey dinner), and the new one: making and decorating sugar cookies (a la your recipe) with our daughter. The cookies were a huge hit last year! 🙂
Sitting in a dark living room with just the tree lights lit. Of course, I have about 6 trees! 1 main tree and several other little trees around the room.
I also “like” FOLK on FB.
My favorite Christmas tradition involves a little green felt elf. The tradition is to take turns hiding/moving it around the house and you never know where it is going to pop up! Could be in the dishwasher when you go to empty it, inside a juice glass in the cupboard in the morning, on your pillow when you turn back the covers at night, and then it is your turn to move it. We have been doing this since I was a little girl (and now I am 68)!
My favorite Christmas tradition is something I have had to sadly say “goodbye” to since I got married. Growing up, Christmas Eve was such a special sacred evening, starting with candlelight service at church followed by opening our stockings before bedtime. Now that I have a family, I have had to adopt my dear hubby’s Christmas Eve tradition of extended family getting together for good eats and gift sharing.
I just ordered the premier issue. Thought it was about time since I can’t find it anywhere in SC. Thanks!
I love mince pies and Christmas pudding!!!
my favorite tradition is to watch all the cheesy christmas movies, like “chevy chase’s christmas” and “home alone”. that with a big cup of hot chocolate and lots of homemade goodies.
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I “like” Folk on FaceBook!
Our favorite Christmas Family tradition is to drive around the neighborhood to look at Christmas lights…
I bought the first issue through you! Can’t wait to get it!
Without question it would have to be putting up and decking out the tree Thanksgiving weekend!
Hi Donna…my favorite Christmas tradition is attending Christmas Eve Candlelight service at church with my real family and my church family. Then, when I get home, I make breakfast casserole to be baked the next morning for my family’s christmas breakfast. My boys love this traditional christmas breakfast!
Hi Donna…my absolute favorite Christmas tradition is watching and listening to my precious parents read from Luke the story of Jesus’ birth…with recent health challenges in their lives this tradition will be even more precious this year!! Love the look of FOLK magazine!! Thanks and Blessings to you.. Becky J
Our favorite Christmas tradition is that we no longer give each other Christmas gifts … we buy gifts for Jesus. Gifts thru Samaritan’s Purse and Mercy ships… things like a flock of chickens, or an emergency shelter for disaster relief, or maybe an eye surgery.
Our family’s tradition started back when my own dad was born. When we get our Christmas tree, we cut slices off of the bottom (1 for each person)and when they’ve dried out a bit they get holes carefully drilled in them. The place and date are written in permanent marker (like Omaha 1972), along with our name. Then they get strung on (in our case) a really long shoelace from my dad’s army boots. Since we were a military family it’s fun to look back on the rings and see where we were each Christmas. My dad’s goes back to 1927 – the year he was born. The ones during the depression years were very very tiny, and the ones we had when he was in Vietnam were cut off the tree by my mom with a kitchen knife.
Putting an orange in everyone’s stocking for good health in the coming year
One of my children’s favorite traditions from when they were little was the traditional writing of the Santa letter. But what we did is write the letter then put it into the fireplace. The smoke drifts up to the North Pole and Santa (who is magic) knows what they want for Christmas.
I can’t choose just one, but these two are mine: watching White Christmas with my girls and dressing up the house with all of my cherished decorations that I’ve collected over the years! Oh and the Sunday School party at my house! 😉
And Yes I did LIKE Folk on FB too! Thanks for such a sweet giveaway!
My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the tree with my daughter…She is 23 now and we still do it together !!!
PS I wish I had your talent with wood…( I have friends with a sawmill)
I look foward to Christmas Day which begins with our big Christmas breakfast together as a family at my oldest daughter’s house, even her in-laws join us for breakfast, anyone is welcome…Come on over; later in the day we all travel to daughter #2 and enjoy a meal and more family time. Our time together is precious and is the highlight for me….
Favorite tradition’ hmm that’s hard. ProbBly making fudge and cookies. We all gather round the table and ice the sugar cookies, I enjoyed it more than the kids, but they still talk about it! Thanks for the opportunity, Nannette
My favorite tradition was born out of Mom and Dad’s desire to sleep past 5 A.M. on Christmas morning. Santa would leave a present on the end of each child’s bed. This present was always something fun to do which kept our children busy while we got an extra couple of hours sleep. Worked like a charm. The kids looked forward to their “end of the bed” present each year.
I liked Folk on Facebook.
I ‘like’ Folk on FB! Can’t wait to see the first issue!
(For some reason Google won’t let me comment on here!)
My favorite Christmas tradition is our neighborhood Christmas parade. We decorate our tree and get visits from all our friends who come to visit us and see our tree. We make spice tea and hot chocolate (home made) enough for everyone and put it in thermoses. When the parade starts, we all wrap up and take our tea and chocolate out into the front yard where all the houses are decorated like sparkly little jewels. We watch the parade and Santa go by…and then we join the parade! The parade ends with Santa visiting with all the children. Each child leaves with a candy cane and a smile ear-to-ear, knowing they got to tell Santa what they want for Christmas. The whole event is magical, even for the adults.
On the weekend after Thanksgiving my granddaughter and I always decorate our ‘snowman’ tree. We play Christmas music to get in the mood!
I liked ya on Facebook and added the mag to my sites favorites!!! Can’t wait for the first copy to come out!!!
Our tradition is to cut our own tree and save a piece from the bottom of the trunk. I use a paddle bit to create a space for a tea light and label the bottom with the year. This year, we are going to start shooting mistletoe out of the trees and deliver them to the neighbors! I can’t wait!
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I liked on FB
My favorite tradition is putting the first ornament on the tree – it is a tiny teacup ornament that my aunt gave me many, many years ago! It signifies the beginning of the season. There are so many other traditions that our family enjoys, but this is a personal one!
Now that my three children are off with their own families it’s so hard to get them together for the Holidays.. our new traidition started a few years ago…We get those who can not come home on the webcam and we all open our gifts together,,, talk,, laugh and just be as close as we can get.. it works for us!
I’d love to have a year of that great mag.. thank you for the giveaway!
Wow! What great traditions people have here! It sure it hard to just pick one. One of my favorites is when we all sit around the tree and my dad reads the Christmas story every Christmas morning from the Bible. Then when he gets to the part where it says, “And Mary brought forth her firstborn son…and laid him in a manger…” my daughter puts the baby Jesus into the manger in the manger scene. We did it as kids, my little sister did it til she grew up and got married (she was 15 years younger than me), and now my daughter has taken over and she is 8. Just a small thing, but kind of special to us. 🙂
I liked Folk on Facebook!
My favorite Christmas tradition is drinking eggnog while listening to Cristmas carols as we decorate the tree with the ornaments we’ve collected over the years. Dee in BC
We get together Christmas eve and go to Christmas eve service and then go back to my mom’s for a chilli supper and play bingo. Everyone brings a gift and we play until gift has been open and then we pick gifts and you want to be the last one, not the first one so you get final pick, because of course the next person can take your gift from you.
FB fan for awhile now!! LOVE IT!! Keep posting the fantastic information/pictures! I look forward to all the comments!!
Looks like an excellent read! If I don’t win, I will definitely be ordering!
Ooooh, I would LOVE to win a subscription to FOLK! I have just liked on Facebook. My favourite Christmas tradition is making magic reindeer dust with the kids, and then seeing how excited they are on Christmas Eve when they go outside in jammies, dressing gowns and slippers to sprinkle it in the yard for the reindeer to see! Only one of many traditions, but it truly brings a big smile to my face!
It’s not a new or unusual tradition, although we hae a few of those, too. My FAVORITE tradition is spending the day in the kitchen with my two granddaughters, baking and decorating cut-out cookies. We started when they were 2 and 4 years old, and have continued every year since (they are now 8 and 10.) We bake those cookies in marathon style – you know the ones – highly decorating with colored sugars, gaudy icing, and tons of siler dragees (sp?) The girls think they are beautiful, awesome, wonderful, perfect – and Grandma thinks the same of the day in the kitchen with her angels. We pack them all up and deliver them to the needy (with a few going home to Mommy & Daddy – just to show off.)
Maybe my tradition for myself this year will be a subscription to this awesome new magazine! Thanks for hosting a great giveaway! I look forward to reading the new publication.
Sally Van Nuys
This giveaway event is now closed. Thank you so much for entering! A winner will be announced shortly!
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