Getting spoiled with catfish, friends and fun in NashVegas

 Getting spoiled in Nashville with food, friends and fun! via Funky Junk InteriorsI don’t know if Nashville just knew I was coming or not, but man is there ever alotta cool junk around these parts!

(photo heavy post)
I’m getting spoiled. Bella Rustica’s founder Linda graciously put me up in her own home for a couple nights and  my oh my that’s a post in itself.  You just wait and see what this girl can do with her junk! Coming soon.

Getting spoiled in Nashville with food, friends and fun! via Funky Junk Interiors

The first stop today was stopping in at Agape’s headquarters where Linda works.  They took me out for lunch at this very cool rustic place.

BBQ in Nashville

I actually had soup and cornbread and my newest addiction sweet tea, but were all the lunches amazing.

Next stop? Dear driver Linda, please take me to my buddy’s place.

We drove out to  Hello Boys and finally meet Gavin! I was so bummed that Jeremy wasn’t in the house darn it darn it darn it!

I got to know these amazing fellas through Folk magazine and have been amazed at their talents. They just opened up a men’s vintage clothing store and I HAD to see it for myself. And them!

Hello Boys meets Funky Junk in Nashville

Helloooo GAVIN!!!

I tried to hide behind big fat hollywood sunglasses and a cowboy hat walking in, but bust up when I couldn’t swing a decent southern accent.

Hello Boys in Nashville

I love their up cycled fixtures for this and that. It’s a fabulous store right in the heart of Nashville.

Hello Boy's Gavin in Nashville

And yeah, Gavin was as sweet and good lookin’ as the picture tells you.

unique pumpkins in a Nashville farmer's market

But it was onto a market stop next. We filled up the vehicle with amazing and unusual pumpkins for Bella. Here they stack them and use a spray sealer for show. I have never seen so many different pumpkin varieties before. The really crumply one is called a peanut pumpkin. They were so cool.

downtown Nashville via Funky Junk Interiors

And then it was a drive through NashVegas as they call it. So fun!

downtown Nashville via Funky Junk Interiors

downtown Nashville via Funky Junk Interiors

No time to stop, so I just kicked up the shutter on the camera and clicked a few while we whizzed by. Beautiful architecture and fabulously fun signs!

We had to really move because we needed to load up with some junk for my workshops from Three French Hens. Whooohooo was this fun! Amazing picking to be had at this hen house!

But two junkers’ gotta eat. So we stopped in at…

Uncle Bud's Catfish Shack in Nashville

Uncle Bud’s Catfish Shack. Oh my was all this delish!

Uncle Bud's Catfish Shack in Nashville

And more junk!

Uncle Bud's Catfish Shack in Nashville

This here girl is taking good care of me. Thank-you for the amazing day, Linda!

Next? We’re heading to the country to the Bella barn tomorrow to break out the hay. Literally. Stay tuned! Cross your fingers the wifi will work…

All Bella updates can be found HERE.

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Categories: Junk Drawer

25 thoughts on “Getting spoiled with catfish, friends and fun in NashVegas

  1. Ack!! So exciting to see you in places I know and love!! 🙂 Especially Three French Hens (love those ladies!!)!! And mmmmm, I love Uncle Buds hush puppies! Sometimes that’s all I order! Hehe! Can’t wait til Friday!!!

  2. If you’re ever in California….I make great chicken fried steak and southern gravy!….I know, I’m in California but I was raised by southern women…

    Just wanted to say thank you for all the inspiration. I’m new at this blog thing and luckily found your blog through JunkMarket Style…I’m CleverJunk there. Anyhoo, when I found your blog and all the blog tips, it really helped me to get started. So a big thank you! I’m loving this and having so much fun. I don’t know how you do it all, but you do it well!

  3. Donna–sounds like Linda set you up GOOD ! Sorry us HENS missed ya at the shop-glad you enjoyed our little haven of junk ! Was a bit of a mess (sorry) out there but we have been a little pre-occupied getting ready for a “SALE” haha to keep it organized and hey…what junker does not love to dig?! Hoping you come back again sometime when Debbie and I are there.
    Just can’t wait to meet in person-Debbie and I both are so dang excited ! You are gonna L O V E the barn and Milky Way Farm–simply breathtaking. Sure she will show you the little town of Lynnville–get that camera ready.
    Am I ever blessed to call Tennessee home my entire life…so so beautiful !

    It’s about BELLA TIME ! YIPPY !!!

  4. I’m so glad you’re enjoying my town! You fit right in 🙂 While you’re here you should definitely stop at our newest non-profit, feel-good, coffeeshop! The Well Coffeehouse ( is in green hills, gives all its profits away, and I just happened to design it- mostly renovated with barn wood and tin. You would LOVE it. Cool fair trade merchandise too from Mission Lazarus. Just say’n. See you at Bella Rustica Saturday!

    • I live in Kentucky, and have always been between 45mins-2 hours away from Nashville, it’s my favorite place to go for a little weekend get away or just to go out! I was there this last weekend too, the Beer Feast at The Flying Saucer, and breakfast at Loveless Cafe! I love Nashville!

  5. It sure is fun isn’t it? Like a different world. The accent is different also. And sweet tea? Makes me drool just thinking of it.
    We used to live north of Bowling Green, KY and I miss so much the great goodies I always found in KY, TN, other close areas.
    That’s one great thing about KY, you can be in other states in a matter of hour or so. I get frustrated living west of Grand Junction, CO, no antique shows, no sales like Bella, no goodies like the Midwest and south. Mt was better than G.J. Have fun at the show. Wish I could be there.

  6. Donna, I will be a vendor there and can’t wait to meet you!! I (kinda) set up my booth to day, and the Barn… AMAZING!!
    be sure to tell every one about the wifi (not so good) So Bring your Cash! Checks! because I got a sneek peek at some of the “stuff” coming off the trucks. You won’t be disappointed 😉
    Hope to meet you soon

  7. Donna, I just found your site today and it is love at first site! Love your designs and creativity! Had to share on my site, Living Life Wright because I have been “giddy” all day after browsing around your site!

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