I’ve been collecting junk styled pins for awhile now but just recently got a little more serious with my boards.
I finally finished categorizing all my boards with headers such as Crafts: / Decor: / Inspiration etc. so they’d be easier to find for viewers and for me to pin.
So there’s a little tip for you to try if you’ve been getting mixed up like me. Yes it took some time to pull off, but a few min here and there did the trick.
Take a look HERE.
(thank-you for your category idea, Rhonda!)
And as if that wasn’t cool enough, friend Ann emailed me alerting me just today to go check out a link…
Ahhh!! How cool! Looks like Stylelist Home likes with my junky collection as well. 🙂 Thanks Stylelist!
And they love my suitcase board.
Also in hot Pinterest news,
Friend Michael at Inspired By Charm is deemed by Pinterest themselves as one of the most followed Pinterest users! WOW. Congrats, M!
His board is HERE.
Come on over and see my own pretty new boards. You may be in them. 🙂
Are you on Pinterest?
Share your own url in comments if you’d like a few new followers. 🙂
Awesome girl…we know you are worth pinning !…
All recognition is well & totally deserved!
You work hard Donna & give all the time!
You ROCK my friend!! this post of yours sucked me into the vortex of pinterest this afternoon!! I clicked over to see the pinner listing and – WHAT? – saw that I, too, was listed with you guys on the Styleist Home Top Pinner List.. GET OUT!! I’m beyond excited to be with my bloggy buddies in this awesome list!! xo
Ahhh Pinterest, how I love thee! Ha! I use it on my iPhone in the morning and at night. I find it is manageable that way. You have such a unique sense of style, my dear, that it’s no wonder people want to follow you!
I am on Pinterest at http://pinterest.com/akadesigndotca
Congratulations and great work!!! Pinterest is my favorite *vacation* spot. http://pinterest.com/artteachergirl/
How awesome for you! I always love seeing what you’ve been pinning so I’m super happy that you made the list.
Congrats!! So cool!!
congrats Donna – that is fabulous…and a great idea about organizing those boards…I should do that!
Congratulations Miss Pinned!!
Love. Love. Love you stuff! So happy to see you recognized. I am a total geek on the P. From quotes to fashion to crafts to interiors to vegan eats, I got some random stuff to entertain…if I do say so myself. Cheers to you!
So not surprised that you are in the top 5 Donna! Thank you so much for sharing how you changed your Pinterest boards. I really need to do that and will do so soon. Have a great weekend. lin lbprichATbellsouth.net
Thanks for sharing these great ideas! Love many of your pins!
Awesome! Congrats lady!
That is fabulous, Donna!! Congratulations! 🙂
Oh my you have a lot of followers Donna, but well after all you are a rock star in the junking scene! Of course I pin! There’s nothing more inspiring on the net than Pinterest and I’m addicted since last year March and pinned over 7000 beautiful and inspiring photos of home decor crafts gardening and more!
Here’s the link to my boards:
I keep trying to comment, but the comment box keeps going away and taking my comments with it!
I’m gonna follow you! Thanks, Donna.